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Case Owner name is not getting updated in the pdf generated for the letters even if the user edit the name. #747

Open AG78396 opened 3 years ago

AG78396 commented 3 years ago

Scenario 1 : Case Owner name is not getting updated in the pdf generated for the letters even if the user edit the name.

Issue can be seen in various letters in AR, NC and TN market.

  1. AR/NC unable to contact letter
  2. AR/NC welcome letter
  3. AR/NC change in care coordinator letter
  4. TN SCP letter

Scenario 2 : When the letter is changed from NC UTC letter to NC welcome Care coordinator, some fields are displayed as blank

SIT-3 & NC/728039851

Steps Followed :

  1. Navigate to NC market.
  2. Search for a member and navigate to correspondence screen.
  3. Click on Generate Outbound correspondence.
  4. Click on NC UTC letter.
  5. Now click on the drop down and select NC welcome to care coordinator letter
  6. Check whether fields are prepopulated with values or not.

Actual Result : Fields are displayed as blank.

Expected Result : Fields should be prepopulated.

NOTE : Same issue for exist for change in care coordinator letter.

Scenario 3 : AR : OBC : Previous stored values for Case Manager field are displayed for generated letters

SIT3/feature/AR-12-04-release-6 & AR/726960007

Steps followed :

  1. Select "AR Welcome Letter" for 3 delivery type [Fax, Email and Mail] one after another.
  2. Change editable default Case Supervisor Name "Prithiviraj Arunachalam" for Email and Mail [For Ex : "Prithviraj" for Email and "Purushotham"]
  3. Generate the letters and observe

Actual Result : Previously stored values/names are displayed in new generated letters for Email and Mail. i.e. for example instead of "Prithviraj" for Email and "Purushotham" for mail, "Prithiviraj Arunachalam" is displayed in the generated PDF.

jayantchaudhuri commented 3 years ago

The issue talks about the application functionality related to letters. Letters is not a framework component. Please be specific about what the framework issue is and provide a junit test case replicating the issue.