openapi-processor / openapi-parser

OpenAPI 3.0/3.1 Parser & JSON Schema Validator, Java
Apache License 2.0
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openapi validation question #95

Open matteo-rama opened 1 month ago

matteo-rama commented 1 month ago

hi i am trying to validate an openapi 3 file, json format,

using other tools i got {"errors":[{"code":400,"message":"Malformed OAS3 document: attribute components.schemas.Schema name ResponsePayloadByte[] doesn't adhere to regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$"}

and also this stuff return some validation error.

if i try using openapi-parser lib inside a java app, i don't get any validation error, the file is correctly parsed and it work fine.

am i missing anything? shouldn't it fail?

i am attaching file that give error



hauner commented 1 month ago

Yes, I think it should report that error. I will look at it.

hauner commented 1 month ago

For me validating your file I get

should conform to rfc3968 at instance /paths/~1pdf~1documents~1{imageId}/get/responses/200/content/*~1*/schema/$ref (schema #/definitions/Reference/patternProperties/^\$ref$/format)

It complains about this invalid ref: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResponsePayloadByte[]".

This corresponds to the error you expect. I guess the other tools inlines ResponsePayloadByte[] and then complains about its name.

it reports a few more errors but they are all related to the error above. I should probably filter out the other errors.

Here is the code I'm using (it is kotlin test code but hopefully easy enough to understand)

import io.openapiprocessor.jackson.JacksonConverter
import io.openapiprocessor.jsonschema.reader.UriReader
import io.openapiprocessor.jsonschema.schema.DocumentLoader
import io.openapiprocessor.jsonschema.schema.DocumentStore
import io.openapiprocessor.jsonschema.schema.SchemaStore
import io.openapiprocessor.jsonschema.validator.Validator
import io.openapiprocessor.jsonschema.validator.ValidatorSettings

class ValidateSpec: StringSpec({

    "validate openapi" {
        val documents = DocumentStore()
        val loader = DocumentLoader(

        val parser = OpenApiParser(documents, loader)
        val result = parser.parse("/v30/openapi-95.json")

        val store = SchemaStore(loader)

        val validator = Validator()
        val valid = result.validate(validator, store)

        val errors = result.validationErrors
        val builder = ValidationErrorTextBuilder()

        for (error in errors) {
matteo-rama commented 1 month ago

what happen if you don't use "registerDraft4"? if i don't use "registerdraft4" i see no error, still it shouldn't validate if i understand correctly?

        OpenApiParser parser = new OpenApiParser(new DocumentStore(), loader);

        OpenApiResult result = parser.parse(swaggerFile.toUri());

        SchemaStore store = new SchemaStore(loader);

        ValidatorSettings settings = new ValidatorSettings();
        Validator validator = new Validator(settings);
        boolean valid = result.validate(validator, store);
hauner commented 1 month ago

Yes. The register just avoids a network call.

It adds the draft-4 json schema from the jar resources. Without the register it will download the json schema.

matteo-rama commented 1 month ago

i am sorry to bother you again...

but if the enable draf4 just avoid network calls, then, why this snippet validate?

        DocumentLoader loader = new DocumentLoader(new io.openapiprocessor.jsonschema.reader.UriReader(), s -> {
            try {
                if (swaggerFile.endsWith(".json"))
                    return json.readValue(s, Object.class);
                    return yml.readValue(s, Object.class);
            } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        OpenApiParser parser = new OpenApiParser(new DocumentStore(), loader);

        OpenApiResult result = parser.parse(swaggerFile.toUri());

        SchemaStore store = new SchemaStore(loader);
       // store.registerDraft4();

        ValidatorSettings settings = new ValidatorSettings();
        Validator validator = new Validator(settings);
        boolean valid = result.validate(validator, store);

        if (!valid)
            throw new JobFailure("invalid openapi file for", KO_VAR, swaggerFile);

strangely if i remove the comment // store.registerDraft4 i got the exception

hauner commented 1 month ago

Yes, strange indeed. Using your code works for me. With or without the register using your example api.

One difference is that I'm using JacksonConverter() as I don't know what json and yml is in your snippet. But I would expect an exception if something goes wrong there.

If you can create a minimal working project that reproduces the issue I could check what is going.