When defining multiple security schemes, the package fails to parse the spec, as it expects all security schemes to be defined in the security section.
Conversion of type '{ openapi: string; info: { title: string; version: string; }; servers: { url: string; }[]; security: ({ sessionCookie: never[]; sessionToken?: undefined; } | { sessionToken: never[]; sessionC@dctr/api-spec:watch: ]; components: { ...; }; paths: { ...; }; }' to type 'Document' may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first.
Types of property 'security' are incompatible.
Type '({ sessionCookie: never[]; sessionToken?: undefined; } | { sessionToken: never[]; sessionCookie?: undefined; })[]' is not comparable to type 'SecurityRequirementObject[]'.
Type '{ sessionCookie: never[]; sessionToken?: undefined; } | { sessionToken: never[]; sessionCookie?: undefined; }' is not comparable to type 'SecurityRequirementObject'.
Type '{ sessionToken: never[]; sessionCookie?: undefined; }' is not comparable to type 'SecurityRequirementObject'.
Property '"sessionCookie"' is incompatible with index signature.
Type 'undefined' is not comparable to type 'string[]'.
31 apiSpec: spec as OpenAPIV3.Document,
When defining multiple security schemes, the package fails to parse the spec, as it expects all security schemes to be defined in the security section.
According to the OpenAPI 3.0 spec, however, this is not required: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/ .
Define this
components:And set:
The intended behavior is that clients can use either security scheme.
Expected result
For the spec to successfully be typed.
npx @redocly/cli@latest lint