In the lib/measurements.js file I added an error catcher for adapter errors
Added a lib/request.js file that holds a flexible client wrapper for got, see the defra adapter for its use. More could be done here, for example, by fine tuning the retries.
Tweaked the deployment scheduler to deal with the fact that it would not run a deployment of once source. This was because of the two different filtering methods we were using and so I removed the old one.
Cleaned up the testing script (index.js) to allow for better local runs of both the fetcher and the scheduler. I added a deployments argument that forces the testing through the deployments path and a nofetch argument that skips the actual fetching part. This lets us isolate the scheduler a bit better for local testing and development.
Changed the default timeout to 15sec instead of 60. Not sure if you want to keep that or not.
A few different things to review here