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Channels list add-ins #3336

Open Insprion80 opened 1 month ago

Insprion80 commented 1 month ago


I am not sure if my request is easy or not, but I will share it anyway.

  1. Is it possible to add SD, HD, UHD.... etc symbols beside each channel in channels list?

  2. Is it possible to add color to channels opened by card, server.... etc, for example HBO open by sharing server the channel name turn to green as example which make user easily recognized.

  3. Is it possible to add additional way to swap the epg Lang for spacific channel by press a spacific key, for example a channel has epg in 3 Lang so I can swap between them away from the general settings?


jbleyel commented 1 month ago
  1. Is it possible to add SD, HD, UHD.... etc symbols beside each channel in channels list?

This will be possible in the new servicelist BUT only based on the sref data because you cannot show the video type of non active running channels. And this needs to be done by the skinner.

  1. Is it possible to add color to channels opened by card, server.... etc, for example HBO open by sharing server the channel name turn to green as example which make user easily recognized.

That's not possible because you cannot get this if on non active channels. Caching of this info is probably a massive overhead.

  1. Is it possible to add additional way to swap the epg Lang for spacific channel by press a spacific key, for example a channel has epg in 3 Lang so I can swap between them away from the general settings?

How do you get multiple EPG data from a channel? I have never seen that.

Insprion80 commented 1 month ago

How do you get multiple EPG data from a channel? I have never seen that.

Amos 4.0 w and Nilesat 7.0 w plus more offer their epg in Arabic, English and Hebrew, you can set a global priorities in your settings but the point is direct switch per channel

The epg source is the normal source come with epgimport plugin