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Determine number of volunteers in 2014/2015 #216

Closed henare closed 8 years ago

henare commented 8 years ago

From @kat: We count:

henare commented 8 years ago

everyone who's put in a request at righttoknow

deploy@kedumba:/srv/www/$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console
Loading production environment (Rails 3.2.21)                                                                                                                           
irb(main):001:0> InfoRequest.where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", "2014-07-01", "2015-06-30").collect { |i| i.user }.uniq.count                                   
=> 157
henare commented 8 years ago

everyone who's uploaded an election leaflet

There were 114 leaflets uploaded for the Victorian State Election 2014 by 22 people. I manually extracted this from the database.

henare commented 8 years ago

code contributors to all projects

This command can get the number of unique contributors during the year:

git log --format="%an" --after=2014-07-01 --before=2015-06-30 | sort -u | wc -l

To get unique people across all the projects I ran that without the wc command on each major repository and appended it to a text file. I then piped that to sort -u | wc -l to get the unique contributors:


That's almost certainly undercounting because it misses the contributors to PlanningAlerts scrapers, for one.

henare commented 8 years ago

hackfest participants

There were 40 people registered for the GLOW hackfest that happened during 2014/2015.

There were about 10 people at Luke's scraping hackfest.

And we also had about 15 people at the GoogleServe hackfest.

henare commented 8 years ago

Adding all those numbers up (yes, there will be overlap) gives us 360 people.