openaustralia / righttoknow

Theme for, and issues specific to, Right To Know.
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link to australian webguide broken #815

Open katska opened 1 year ago

katska commented 1 year ago

The Australian Government Webguide

shown on

benrfairless commented 3 weeks ago

Probably this link:

Perhaps this section could be reworked to say this:

The Australian Government Style Manual makes it very clear there are challenges with using PDF documents to provide government information:

PDFs often create challenges for people using assistive technologies, including text to voice. These technologies often can't use PDF tagging to describe headings and other elements. It can also be difficult to navigate complex layouts such as 2 columns.

Write a response in an email as plain text. This is not only a simple and efficient way for you to conform to government guidelines, it is easier and quicker for the recipient to read.

Keen on your views though @katska