openaustralia / righttoknow

Theme for, and issues specific to, Right To Know.
MIT License
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Add a section on grandstanding to the house rules #822

Open katska opened 7 months ago

katska commented 7 months ago

It's mentioned in the help section as below, but not in the house rules. It would be helpful when responding to someone who has a story to tell that Right to Know is not the place to do this. The help section also could use more forthright language around this "We also encourage to run your campaign elsewhere" is not a strong disincentive.

"Please put in your request only what is needed so that someone can easily identify what information you are asking for. Please do not include any of the following:

arguments about your cause statements that could defame or insult others If you do, we may have to remove your request to avoid problems with libel law, which is a pain for both you and us. Short, succinct messages make it easier for authorities to be clear what information you are requesting, which means you will get a reply more quickly.

If you want information to support an argument or campaign, Freedom of Information is a powerful tool. Although you may not use this site to run your campaign, we encourage you to use it to get the information you need. We also encourage to run your campaign elsewhere - one effective and very easy way is to start your own blog. You are welcome to link to your campaign from this site in an annotation to your request (you can make annotations after submitting the request)."