openbakery / gradle-xcodePlugin

gradle plugin for building Xcode Projects for iOS, watchOS, macOS or tvOS
Apache License 2.0
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Use created Keychain instead of default Keychain for generating plist from provisioning profile #446

Closed mathiasnagler closed 3 years ago

mathiasnagler commented 3 years ago

When packaging, the Codesign task uses ProvisioningProfileReader to generate a Plist from each Provisioning Profile. This works by using security cms. If security cms is used without the -k flag, it will use the current users default Keychain. This is a problem on some CI systems, that use a service user without a default / login Keychain. The command will fail with an error:

security cms -D -i <provisioning-profile> -o <output-plist>
security: cert import failed: A default keychain could not be found.
security: problem decoding

Due to this, signing is impossible on a system without a default keychain.

I solved this issue by using the Keychain that is created by the gradle-xcodePlugin instead of the default keychain.

With this PR, the ProvisioningProfileReader will add the -k flag to the command and specify the created keychain.