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Let us add our Mastodon addresses #331

Open backache opened 1 year ago

backache commented 1 year ago

Can we add our Mastodon addresses to our profile so we may be tagged with a hyperlink in a similar way to what happens currently on T*****r

Currently the messages just have static text with something like "℅ MapSpot on github CC BY-SA 4.0"


BTW I am

edent commented 1 year ago

We currently us Auth0 for login. I've asked them for Mastodon support. See for details.

It would help if you contacted Auth0 to let them know that this is a feature people want. Or, alternatively, we need someone who can write a custom integration for Mastodon.

sxa commented 9 months ago

I've had to authenticate via facebook but I'd much rather have done it via my mastodon account ... Bit of a shame they still don't seem to have a solution for this yet :-(

edent commented 9 months ago

I am working on this. The problem is that each Mastodon instance requires their own API key. So I either need several thousand integrations or I can just pick one or two popular instances.

If you know of any site which has a generic "Sign In With Mastodon" service - please let me know. Then I can try and work out how they've done it.

paulwakeford commented 1 month ago appears to offer generic 'sign in with Mastodon' for their app, if that helps.