openbiox / UCSCXenaShiny

📊 An R package for interactively exploring UCSC Xena; Book:; App online:,
GNU General Public License v3.0
86 stars 31 forks source link

Bioinformatics修回 #210

Closed ShixiangWang closed 3 years ago

ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago


Here are the Associate Editor's comments:

While the reviewers see utility in your tool, they raise a number of questions/concerns that need to be fully addressed before we can reach a decision. Reviewer 1 raises questions about the comparison to existing tools and about issues installing the tool, both if which are particularly important to address.

Here are the comments of the reviewers:

Reviewer: 1

Comments to the Author 1) General comments: In the paper titled “UCSCXenaShiny: An R/CRAN Package for Interactive Analysis of UCSC Xena Data”, Wang et al. present an R-package and an associated shiny application to interactively explore data from UCSC Xena – a large collection of publicly available cancer datasets. The authors discuss how their tools can help to perform analysis of different sub-cohorts of Xena and show that their tool returns publication-grade plots. The paper is in general concise and well-written. However, I see a few major points that need to be addressed before a potential publication.

2) Specific comments

a) Major points:

b) Minor points:

Reviewer: 2

Comments to the Author

In the manuscript entitled “UCSCXenaShiny: An R/CRAN Package for Interactive Analysis of UCSC Xena Data”, Wang et al., described a new R package which automatically retrieves data from Xena database and also provides tools for exploratory analysis on gene level as well on cohort level. The tool is very well designed and developed and I think it will be a useful tool for both computational biologists and clinical researchers for integrating public datasets to their studies. Following are my comments:

On the text

Although I am not a native English speaker, I still feel the text needs to be extensively improved. For example, in Abstract (also in paragraph 3), “for quick search, download, …” should be “ for quick searching, downloading, …”. Paragraph 2, “Enhanced functionalities for …”, here “Enhanced functionalities” is ambiguous. Authors need to make it clear and more specific. In paragraph3, authors mentioned “an open-source and popular R package”. “popular” is too subjective. How do you define “popular”?

Authors reviewed and compared current tools in the supplementary, why don’t they discuss it in the main text? I think this is the normal way to do it.

On the tool

ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago


ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago





  1. 与已知工具的比较
  2. 安装工具的问题


  1. 是否用户可以分析自己的数据?


  1. 安装问题(CentOS系统),比较难搞。作者应该提供故障排除建议,或者类似docker/conda的容器。


  1. 没有觉得界面的自解释性强,以及找到相关视频。


  1. cBioPortal相比于xenashiny提供了类似的工具集((, )。但作者没有讨论/引用它们。作者需要讨论使用他们的工具与cBioPortal的优点,它也有相关的R/Python API,例如CVCDAP (。我的感觉是,文献研究还不足以在所有可用的工具中定位该工具。为此,有一个表(类似于Supp table S2,但大大扩展了)列出类似的工具并展示UCSCXenaShiny的优点是非常有用的。


文献数据 -> cBioPortal -> cBioPortal 的 API 工具

公开数据库/文献数据 -> UCSC Xena -> XenaShiny/UCSCXenaTools -> UCSCXenaShiny

与cBioPortal比较并不是我们研究的重点,我们的重点着重在高效率利用/展示UCSC Xena提供的数据。


  1. 该包下载量数据来源。 我们画一个图,并注明下数据来源。

  2. I had a brief look into the code on GitHub. I found that here ( the function pcor_test and related functions have been copied from another software repository ( The author repository is made available through GNU GPL-3 license. I am not quite sure whether this is allowed to further distribute it under MIT, but perhaps you can make sure with your legal department.

在该文件头部添加 GPL 许可协议,说明该文件follow同样协议,整体我们保持不变。

ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago


ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago

GPL 协议也发展出了很多分支,其中 GPL v3 是最为激进的,基本上跟原始代码沾点边的代码就必须也得是 GPL 的,例如,最极端的,如果我的代码调用了 GPL 的库,那么我的代码就必须是 GPL 的。这基本意味着如果我是一个商业软件系统,那么我就没有权利使用 GPL v3 的代码了。v3 的背后是 GPL 之父 Richard Stallman 不断在宣传推进,代表了开源激进派的最前沿。而其他的 GPL 版本可以说都是略微温和版的 GPL ,例如 Linux 项目的 GPL v2 ,也是 Richard 自己写的,由于发布的早,所以很多问题他没有考虑都,所以让商业运用有了一些空间。另外还有 GNU Lesser General Public License ,GNU较宽松通用公共许可证 ,看名字就知道是比较温和的了。


ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago

包许可协议已更正为 GPLv3。

Byronxy commented 3 years ago


ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago

从头安装包的时候shinythemes依赖没有自动安装,需要补充一下 已经改过了。

ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago
