The issue is... JSONSchemaForm will not let me save data, if a field is empty.
I'm using setIn from the form back to data collection. Clearing out a field, causes error:
TypeError: Type "JSON" is required, but find "desc" type with value: undefined
I've tried setting schema to optional, default ""... but gives error and erases the data.
Not sure where to find my openblocks version, but it's new container off
Attaching app to replicate issue.
The issue is... JSONSchemaForm will not let me save data, if a field is empty.
I'm using setIn from the form back to data collection. Clearing out a field, causes error: TypeError: Type "JSON" is required, but find "desc" type with value: undefined
I've tried setting schema to optional, default ""... but gives error and erases the data.
Not sure where to find my openblocks version, but it's new container off Attaching app to replicate issue.