openbmap / radiocells-nlp-android Unified Network Location Provider
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CM13: cannot download offline databases #29

Closed Lanchon closed 7 years ago

Lanchon commented 7 years ago

version 0.2.3 (version code 15)

if i try to download an offline database, the download service is started but no file is downloaded. the service shows a notification saying <Untitled>, no progress is made, the service retries for several minutes then gives up. no further info is given in the download manager UI: there, the download name is blank.

this happens even after i disable AdAway and reboot.

however, i can successfully download manually from the same device though. if i put the downloaded file in the right sdcard folder and restart the location provider, it is shown and i can select it under "Offline database" in the settings UI.

licaon-kter commented 7 years ago

Or even crashes see #25

wish7code commented 7 years ago

OK, let's try it with a maintenance release: I just pushed e4082bc1be346e which should fix the download issues at least..

F-Droid should pick up the new version within the next 2 or 3 days.. Please check and report back :-)

Cheers Toby

Lanchon commented 7 years ago

thanks! will do

Lanchon commented 7 years ago

no update pushed by f-droid so far...

wish7code commented 7 years ago

There's always some luck involved when updating at F-Droid ;-)

Last build failed with a missing jcenter dependency.. Repushed today in the morning with eb1dcc128f66127d8

Lanchon commented 7 years ago

excuse me... do you just push to your repo and some f-droid bot polls your repo and triggers a build when it detects a version number change?

wish7code commented 7 years ago

Nearly right: F-Droids auto-update system is not version based but tag-based, so you've to push the new version and assign a version tag to it (e.g. v0.2.6)...

Lanchon commented 7 years ago

that's cool! :)

wish7code commented 7 years ago

The guys over there do a really good job.

The only drawback, if a build fails once like here, you'll have to release a new version/tag to trigger a new update. Unfortunately they don't have a test system.

licaon-kter commented 7 years ago

Not true, you can get fdroidserver yourself and build the app locally (real machine or VM) so you can be sure everything is ok before pushing a tag.

wish7code commented 7 years ago

Your perfectly right, one may setup a local test system: I confess this was a bad oversimplification of mine ;-)

I was wondering whether you've some own experience with the fdroidserver? How easy is it to setup/administer/use for testing purposes? If it's manageable with moderate effort, we might consider setting up such a test server..

Lanchon commented 7 years ago

this is OT but... there can always be temporary issues. it seems like having a mock build server does not preclude temp errors from happening. which means that not being able to trigger a rebuild might still be a problem.

licaon-kter commented 7 years ago

It's not mock, if it builds on your fdroidserver you are sure it won't fail on theirs.

You can get a light VM up, clone fdroidserver repo, get depends, build it, clone fdroiddata, edit metadata, build your app (replace tag with commit). They have docs, it was pretty straight forward (that being say I'm not sure if I used the cloned fdroidserver or got a prebuild one from the Ubuntu/Debian repos).

wish7code commented 7 years ago


Lanchon commented 7 years ago

why not? can't the internet partially go down and the build fail to fetch a dependency? can't the server run out of memory or disk or power or something else? nothing has 100% availability. anyway, just a thought. thanks!

robinpaulson commented 7 years ago

Great, that looks like it's fixed it for me. The database for my region is now OK.

Lanchon commented 7 years ago

on 0.2.6 i confirm download works. but positioning still doesn't work on CM13.