On a Witherspoon system with latest master, e90c50528a87fd15a7ae3f6b49e0ab83b1873d0c
"error": {
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"@odata.type": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Message.v1_0_0.Message",
"Message": "The request failed due to an internal service error. The service is still operational.",
"MessageArgs": [],
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.0.InternalError",
"Resolution": "Resubmit the request. If the problem persists, consider resetting the service.",
"Severity": "Critical"
"code": "Base.1.4.0.InternalError",
"message": "The request failed due to an internal service error. The service is still operational."
On a Witherspoon system with latest master, e90c50528a87fd15a7ae3f6b49e0ab83b1873d0c