Closed fishermess closed 2 years ago
First I should warn, a lot of users are moving away from phosphor-webui to webui-vue.
webui-vue uses Redfish, while phoshor-webui uses the REST D-BUS API which we plan to turn off as default in bmcweb here soon. phosphor-webui also uses AngularJS which is end of life.
So based on ""http://localhost:8080", you must be running the GUI locally? npm run-script server ? This conflicts with your statement about bitbake and running image.. Can you explain your setup more?
If running locally, after browsing to http://localhost:8080, you should be able to enter the BMC IP address/hostname.
If you instead, built an image that included phosphor-webui or webui-vue after code updating to that image, just browse to https://
Opening issues to openbmc/docs is not the best way to get support. Please use the mailing list or Discord.
After bitbake and runing image,I got chance to visit "http://localhost:8080".However,I can;t login in from 8080 to 2443,beacuse 8080 is http and 2443 is https.They are in different region! Who can tell me what I can do?