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redfish.managers.test_bmc_network_conf.Add_Valid_IPv4_Addres_And_Verify fails #2148

Closed generatz closed 2 years ago

generatz commented 2 years ago

I ran the test_bmc_network_conf suite on romulus in qemu. Here is that piece of the Jenkins log:

16:30:07 Add Valid IPv4 Address And Verify :: Add IPv4 Address via Redfish ... #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:30:07.503704 -    0.285186 - Issuing: cat /usr/share/ipmi-providers/channel_config.json
16:30:07 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:30:07.802433 -    0.014417 - Executing: get('/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0')
16:30:07 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:30:07.954341 -    0.151908 - Issuing: cat /usr/share/ipmi-providers/channel_config.json
16:30:07 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:30:08.353297 -    0.069566 - Issuing: /sbin/ip addr | grep eth0
16:30:08 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:30:08.786122 -    0.075541 - Issuing: cat /usr/share/ipmi-providers/channel_config.json
16:30:08 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:30:09.112360 -    0.014521 - Executing: get('/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0')
16:30:09 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:30:09.297589 -    0.185229 - Issuing: cat /usr/share/ipmi-providers/channel_config.json
16:30:09 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:30:09.612861 -    0.015816 - Executing: patch('/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0', body={'IPv4StaticAddresses': [{'Address':...
16:30:09 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:30:30.866985 -   21.254124 - Issuing: cat /usr/share/ipmi-providers/channel_config.json
16:30:30 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:33:01.459048 -  150.592063 - Issuing: cat /usr/share/ipmi-providers/channel_config.json
16:33:01 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:33:21.664796 -   20.205748 - Issuing: ping -c 1 -w 2
16:33:21 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:33:21.679188 -    0.014393 - Issuing: BMC Execute Command  read uptime filler 2>/dev/null < /proc/uptime && [ ! -z "\${uptime}" ] && echo \${uptime}  quiet=1  test_mode=0  time_out=5
16:33:21 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:33:21.684013 -    0.004824 - Issuing: read uptime filler 2>/dev/null < /proc/uptime && [ ! -z "${uptime}" ] && echo ${uptime}
16:33:21 state:
16:41:05   [redfish]:                                      0
16:41:05   [ping]:                                         1
16:41:05   [uptime]:                                       
16:41:05 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:41:05.339518 -  338.304042 - **ERROR** redfish commands to the BMC are failing.  Terminating FFDC collection.
16:41:05 TEST_HISTORY:                                     /home/ojenkins/workspace/romulus_redfish_managers/logs//test_history.txt
16:41:05 #(EST) 2022/01/11 16:41:05.372384 -    0.032866 - Executing: delete('/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/cSmxVuE0Nh')
16:41:05 | FAIL |
16:46:46 SSHException: No existing session
16:46:46 Also teardown failed:
16:46:46 Several failures occurred:
16:46:46 1) SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner
16:46:46 2) Resolving variable '${active_channel_config['1']['name']}' failed: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
16:46:46 3) Resolving variable '${resp.dict}' failed: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'dict'
16:46:46 4) RetriesExhaustedError
16:46:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The BMC is subsequently unreachable. It also looks as if it could cause similar problems with real hardware BMCs.

I'd like to see some added documentation and changes to the tests that address:

gkeishin commented 2 years ago
16:33:21 state:
16:41:05   [redfish]:                                      0

looks like redfish call to the BMC failed.

Having said that... @swe12345 when u have time , please check on it latter.

gkeishin commented 2 years ago

@generatz Sweta is out this week, so we will come back next week on this

generatz commented 2 years ago

I've also run this on HW and confirmed that the BMC is subsequently unreachable using IPv4 addressing. I recovered access by using ipmitool with the IPv6 address and restored the needed ipv4 parameters (this was a static ip setup).

Perhaps the use of IPv6 addressing for recovery could be incorporated into the Setup and Teardown.

swe12345 commented 2 years ago

@generatz I ran it on BMC. Seems to be working fine

bash-4.2$ curl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $bmc_token" -X PATCH -D patch.txt -d '{"IPv4StaticAddresses":[{},{"Address": "xx.xx.xx.xx","SubnetMask": "xx.xx.xx.xx","Gateway":"xx.xx.xx.xx"}]}' https://$bmc/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0
generatz commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @swe12345. I had problems with my configuration for the BMC (hardware). It is working there now.

The (virtual) romulus bmc isn't conventionally networked (it is running on the same host as the Jenkins agent). I think it is for that reason that the test fails in one way or another, even after I tried to adjust the ip addresses. In the end, after getting the patch to be accepted, the test failed when it attempted cat /usr/share/ipmi-providers/channel_config.json via ssh.

gkeishin commented 2 years ago

Looks resolved.. Closing ticket