When running cargo build-sbf --features enable-gpl, this error is raised when Compiling switchboard-v2 v0.4.0
Error: Function ZN86$LT$switchboard_v2..aggregator..AggregatorAccountData$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Debug$GT$3fmt17h89cbfb284c6b84ecE Stack offset of 4128 exceeded max offset of 4096 by 32 bytes, please minimize large stack variables
When running cargo build-sbf --features enable-gpl, this error is raised when Compiling switchboard-v2 v0.4.0 Error: Function ZN86$LT$switchboard_v2..aggregator..AggregatorAccountData$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Debug$GT$3fmt17h89cbfb284c6b84ecE Stack offset of 4128 exceeded max offset of 4096 by 32 bytes, please minimize large stack variables