openbudgets / Code-lists

Code list in fiscal data sets
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Currency code list is not in SKOS #5

Closed jindrichmynarz closed 8 years ago

jindrichmynarz commented 8 years ago

Currency code list is not represented using SKOS. Instead, it uses a custom vocabulary. It should be represented using SKOS as the other code lists. If there is data that cannot be expressed with SKOS, then an additional vocabulary should be used.

skarampatakis commented 8 years ago

Currency code list is now on SKOS. Entity data is expressed as skos:notation literal value for later use. We could also use dbp:currency property from DBpedia ontology, if this is preferable. Please leave your comments.

jindrichmynarz commented 8 years ago

There are several issues with the SKOS representation.

  1. There are multiple skos:notations per skos:Concept. For example:
  1. Objects of skos:altLabel seem more appropriate as objects of skos:notation (e.g., skos:altLabel "EUR"@en for the above example would be better as skos:notation "EUR").
  2. There seems to be a problem with encoding of non-ASCII characters. For example, Åland Islands are labelled as "?LAND ISLANDS" and Réunion is labelled as "R?UNION".
  3. skos:inScheme and skos:topConceptOf links are missing.
skarampatakis commented 8 years ago

Could you please check this list again. We have made some changes according to your suggestions.

jindrichmynarz commented 8 years ago

It seems that some of the issues are resolved. However, I cannot find the labels for Åland Islands or Réunion to check if the character encoding problem is solved. Moreover, skos:topConceptOf links are still missing.

Also, why does each concept have skos:note "2"en?

skarampatakis commented 8 years ago
  1. We decided to drop this data for now, as there is not proper property. We found a proper one from dbpedia ontology, dbp:currency, but this requires a country code list to be linked to because is a relation property link .
  2. Because there are not any child nodes so every currency entity could be a Top Concept. 'skos:inScheme' was added instead of 'skos:topConceptOf' which is sub-property of 'skos:inScheme'. If by your opinion this should be changed please let me know.
  3. These are data from column minor unit temporally as there was not proper property.
jindrichmynarz commented 8 years ago

Ad 1: It seems that it constitutes a link from a region (a different code list) to currency. Indeed, dbp:currency looks like an appropriate property to use for this purpose.

Ad 2: I think it is fine if all concepts in a code lists are top concepts. It merely indicates that the code list does not have any hierarchical relations. I see no harm in adding skos:topConceptOf links.

Ad 3: What is a "minor unit"? If you want to capture this information and no existing property fits it, then define a new property.

skarampatakis commented 8 years ago
  1. So, by your opinion should we do the linking? A region codelist in rdf format does not exist for now, so we shall transform one, or we could do the linking to the appropriate DBpedia entities. Another option is to keep this data in a "invented" property temporally so we could make the connections at a next stage.
  2. 'skos:topConceptOf' links was added. please check.
  3. We will drop this data as it seems with no meaning.
jindrichmynarz commented 8 years ago

Ad 1: This is ultimately up to you whether you see this effort are worthy of your time. Do you think these links can be used in the context of If so, then working on a regions code list and linking it may be useful.

skarampatakis commented 8 years ago

Changed rdf:type to the correct one and also included the rdf external links to iso 3166 country list using the dbp:currency property from DBpedia ontology. Is it ok?

jindrichmynarz commented 8 years ago

What rdf:type have you added?

skarampatakis commented 8 years ago

Both rdf:type included as for completiness.

jindrichmynarz commented 8 years ago

OK, thanks for explaining. I think we can close this issue.