openbullet / OpenBullet2

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[REQUEST] What's the variable for the full proxy (IP:PORT:USER:PASS)? #973

Closed cryophyte closed 3 months ago

cryophyte commented 3 months ago

I'm trying to parse the proxy (IP:PORT:USER:PASS) and save them in a file, but I don't know what's the VAR of the proxy, it was available in openbullet1 so I'm wondering why it's not available in openbulelt2

openbullet commented 3 months ago

In OB2 you have access to separate things like <data.Proxy.Host>, same for Port, Username and Password. So if you want all of them you are going to have to build the final string yourself, e.g. using a constant string block.

Please refer to the language docs