opencarecc / graph-ryder-dashboard

A dashboard for exploring and summarizing an online forum with ethnographic coding
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

General recommendation: improve aesthetics #1

Open albertocottica opened 7 years ago

albertocottica commented 7 years ago

It is not a very scientific thing to say, but we have found that beautiful visualisations help adoption. Remember that the intended users of the dashboard are community managers and ethnographers.

For example EdgeSense: And I am sure you can do better than that.

Right now, for example, the global view is mostly useless. The timeline starts four years before the first post; there are two visualisations dedicated to the breakdown of Drupal nodes by content type, which is not relevant to the work. The forum network is unreadable. Before adding features, I recommend spending time rethinking the whole thing.

@guywiz 's netviz skills come in handy. There is a fundamental problem here: we are dealing with fairly large networks, with the forum network going up in the multiple thousands of nodes. How do we show them n the screen? Does it make sense to divide your home screen into panes, as opposed to allocating your real estate to one graph per page?