opencax / GSoC

Google Summer of Code Projects
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Open brlcad opened 5 years ago

brlcad commented 5 years ago


Develop further the new GUI for BRL-CAD!


BRL-CAD has two main graphical applications called 'mged' and 'archer' which look like they were developed in the 80's and 90's respectively (because they were). We need a modern GUI, ideally using Qt.

This new GUI will need to leverage our existing libraries in a big way. This includes the C++ coreInterface ( see or its successor MOOSE (see and LIBGED (see src/libged). The latter is basically all commands available to both mged and archer.

During past GSoCs an amazing start was made with arbalest. Based on this, the development of a GUI called 'qged' (see src/qged) was started, which you should include in your considerations too. This program implements the traditional BRL-CAD workflow under a modern Qt-based user interface.

You may propose a complete different approach, but we recommend to use arbalest as starting point for your work. Which additions would you like to program in this years GSoC? You can use the results of the former prototype CAD GUI Google Code-in tasks (, search for CAD_GUI there) for inspiration.

Keep your proposal lean and simple. The main emphasis should be on adding features and/or improvements to our next generation GUI.

Expected Outcome

An improved BRL-CAD GUI.

Project Properties





This project can be scoped medium (175h) or long (350h), depending on the amount of functionality you want to include.

Additional Information

math-alpha commented 5 years ago

I am interested on working on this. As soon as i send a PR, i will notify on this thread.

hashtagaps commented 4 years ago

interested, from where should I start?

brlcad commented 4 years ago

interested, from where should I start?

@prakasharyendra unlimited possibilities, but I would suggest doing the mged tutorials (which you can find on the main website) so you understand basic current usage, and then work on some minor patch (see BUGS or TODO files in an svn checkout).

ravenhaer commented 2 years ago

I am interested in working on this. Should I try to solve some bugs/to-do before trying to create a mock-up of the UI? What are some of the major UI changes/features we are aiming for?

brlcad commented 2 years ago

I would definitely recommend researching the links and existing efforts that are included in the idea description. Having a mock-up on the UI is (probably) not as important at this point as having a clear understanding of what the current UI looks like, what the existing arbalest GUI looks like, what the current qged GUI looks like, as well as the current production tools (mged and archer), so that you can propose something meaningful. A patch that solves a specific bug/to-do would be a great next step along with discussing your ideas with our folks on Zulip chat.

Mr-codehunter commented 1 year ago

I'm interested in this project and I want to participate in this project.

I have done some work on Qt framework. it is a c++ framework.

Mr-codehunter commented 1 year ago

@mentor Can you give me a starting point to work on this.

drossberg commented 1 year ago

You already joined our Zulip channel, right?

Mr-codehunter commented 1 year ago

You already joined our Zulip channel, right?

Yes sir.

ayushgupta9906 commented 3 months ago

I want to work on this issue. Please Assign this to me. Thanks

drossberg commented 3 months ago

Hi @ayushgupta9906, it is too late for a GSoC 2024 application, see Bot, nothing prevents you from forking the repositories, building the programs, and starting to contribute. The BRL-CAD developer chat is at