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Implement AP242 STEP geometry importer for BRL-CAD #65

Open brlcad opened 2 years ago

brlcad commented 2 years ago


Implement a geometry importer for the ISO 10303 STEP AP242 standard.


BRL-CAD has geometry import support for STEP AP203 (v1), but AP242 has emerged as its industry replacement. This project entails implementing as comprehensive import support as possible in BRL-CAD.

In order to track implementation progress and manage development risk, you will need to track implementation coverage by setting up a dashboard similar to what is used by the CAx-IF -- it can be a simple text file or web page.

Existing conversion support can be examined for AP203 and other formats in BRL-CAD's repository under src/conv/step

Expected Outcome

New AP242 importer that converts STEP entities into BRL-CAD's .g geometry file format.

Future Possibilities

AP242 export support...

Project Properties


C/C++ STEPcode




This project can be scoped medium (175h) or long (350h) depending on your familiarity and expertise, or you can propose a subset of entities in a shorter timeframe (note though that advanced boundary representation entities should be prioritized).

Additional Information