Closed brlcad closed 9 months ago
I want to work on this issue. Please provide me some more details.
Hello @AtrikeshM -- I suggest you join our Zulip chat for ongoing discussion, but you can get started by downloading and getting familiarized with Appleseed and/or Blenderseed. Compiling Appleseed from source is another good way to get familiarized. Research the current state of the code and then ask questions so you can frame a detailed project proposal.
Hi! i'd like to work on this issue, anyway I can have a talk with mentors and get detailed info on the project
Hello @geckguy and thanks for your interest. Feel free to join on Appleseed's Discord to talk more interactively, or join BRL-CAD's Zulip. Ask lots of good questions!
Okay, I will do that! thank you
Hello, my name is Lukas Molleman, and I am interested in this project. I have experience working as a developer with Python in both startup and big tech environments. I am currently pursuing a degree in computer science engineering.
I am confident that my skills and experience make me an excellent fit for this project. How can I demonstrate my abilities and start contributing?
Hi @LukasMoll, please join our Zulip channel (the address is in the description above). That's the best place for discussions with the mentors.
This task was worked and completed in GSoC 2023.
This project entails fully updating Appleseed to Python3.
Appleseed is mostly written in C/C++ but uses Python for scripting and GUI purposes. Appleseed is also integrated into various modeling environments (e.g., Blenderseed) via Python. They were developed against Python2 and haven't yet been updated.
Expected Outcome
Expected are updates to Appleseed's Python build logic, Python code, and integrations so that they work with a Python3 that adheres to a specified vfx platform:
You'll be expected to make the necessary changes, produce and test working builds for multiple platforms, and get 3rd party integrations (e.g., Blenderseed) working with the latest too.
You are welcome to make this a Medium or Long project, with deliverables specified accordingly. Feel free to expand the scope if there are related tasks you want to accomplish.
Additional Information