Clinical upload form has to be rearranged so that fields related to individual are place first and fields related to sample are place last. At the same time and since opencga 1.2.0 is now available, opencga steps must be adapted.
The following actions will be taken:
[x] In variant-clinical-upload webcomponent, place fields related to individual first and fields related to sample later
[x] Modify opencga steps when uploading a VCF to the following steps: 1) Get sample ID from VCF file to be uploaded, 2) Create sample with individual information and the related annotation set and 3) Upload VCF file and 4) Index and annotate the file
[x] Add a search button for individual so that if the individual exists, its data is loaded into individual fields
Clinical upload form has to be rearranged so that fields related to individual are place first and fields related to sample are place last. At the same time and since opencga 1.2.0 is now available, opencga steps must be adapted.
The following actions will be taken: