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Concurrent loading to HBase #511

Open dna0ff opened 7 years ago

dna0ff commented 7 years ago

Is it designed to load concurrently to HBase from the same host ? All loading processes but one fail when running concurrently.

j-coll commented 7 years ago

Ingesting data into HBase consists in tree steps:

  1. Transform : Transform from VCF to Proto
  2. Load : Load into the first archve table. At this point, the data is not still available.
  3. Merge : Merge a batch of files. This step is a Map Reduce job that reads from the first table and loads the merged data into the final variants table. Once this is finished, the data can be accessed through REST and gRPC

In each execution, transform and load will be executed in parallel. By default, 2 files at a time.

This two steps can also be executed in different processes. The number of parallel executions will depend on your hardware.

The third step processes a batch of files every time. It depends, also, on the hardware. We have tried different sizes, and with a decent hardware can merge up to 200 files every time. This step can not be executed concurrently. It will raise an exception if you do so.

You can combine the parameters as you want.

mh11 commented 7 years ago

Just to add:

dna0ff commented 7 years ago

Thanks for detailed response, really appreciate.

I'll try to clarify the question. It wasn't about running 3 phases separately (it would be good to know if there are any reasons to do it this way though, i.e start Transform, Load and Merge from separate processes sequentially for a single file).

I was interested in running all 3 phases in one go (this worked well for a single process/file), but running several processes in parallel (i.e. each processing a different gvcf file through all 3 phases).

Based on your reply it seems it's not possible, due to phase 3 (Merge/MapReduce) can't be executed for more than 1 file concurrently, correct ?

Curiously, in my case a concurrent loading of 3 files by 3 separate processes failed in phase 2 (loading) for all the files but the first (not in phase 3, as it could be expected based on your reply) with the following exception

2017-01-29 16:00:24 [main] INFO  PhoenixHelper:199 - Creating index: CREATE LOCAL INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "OPENCGA_U_P_A_SIFT2_IDX" ON "opencga_u_p" ( "A_SIFT"[2] ) INCLUDE("A_GENES", "A_SO" )
2017-01-29 16:00:24 [main] INFO  PhoenixHelper:199 - Creating index: CREATE LOCAL INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "OPENCGA_U_P_TYPE_IDX" ON "opencga_u_p" ( "TYPE" ) INCLUDE("A_GENES", "A_SO" )
2017-01-29 16:00:24 [main] INFO  HBaseLock:130 - Won the lock with token S10iEHpaMt (997786194) from lock: [S10iEHpaMt:1485705634722]
2017-01-29 16:00:24 [main] INFO  HadoopDirectVariantStoragePipeline:413 - Found files in Archive DB: [37]
2017-01-29 16:00:24 [main] INFO  HadoopDirectVariantStoragePipeline:417 - Found registered indexed files: []
2017-01-29 16:00:25 [main] INFO  HadoopDirectVariantStoragePipeline:427 - Found source for file id 37 with registered id 37 
2017-01-29 16:00:25 [main] INFO  HadoopDirectVariantStoragePipeline:445 - Found pending in DB: [37]
2017-01-29 16:00:25 [main] INFO  HBaseLock:162 - Unlock lock with token 997786194
2017-01-29 16:00:25 [main] ERROR VariantFileIndexerStorageOperation:270 - Error executing INDEX Exception executing load: Unable to process a new batch. Ongoing batch operation: BatchFileOperation{operationName='Load'
, fileIds=[37], timestamp=1, status={Sun Jan 29 13:40:34 UTC 2017=RUNNING}}
Caused by: Unable to process a new batch. Ongoing batch operation: BatchFileOperation{operationName='Load', fileIds=[37], timestamp=1, status={Sun Jan 29 13:40:34 UTC 2017=RUNNING}}
        ... 10 more

The first process that entered the loading phase finished successfully.

Probably it might be relevant to mention that this were 3 combined gvcf files with 30 samples in each, separated by chromosome. I.e. all 3 files contained the same sample IDs, but different chromosomes.

j-coll commented 7 years ago

Based on your reply it seems it's not possible, due to phase 3 (Merge/MapReduce) can't be executed for more than 1 file concurrently, correct ?

Correct. What you can do is execute first and second phases with --transform --load -Dhadoop.load.archive=true -Dhadoop.load.variant=false ( Note that we params --transform and --load can be excluded, since executing this two steps is the default behaviour, unless we specify one or the other)

Then, in a separated execution, execute only the third step with --load -Dhadoop.load.archive=false -Dhadoop.load.variant=true

The given error is because it was going to start a merge step, and there is already an ongoing merge step.

Loading batches of samples splitted horizontally (i.e. by chromosome) is one of the non tested features in Storage-Hadoop. There is a typo in the error message. It should say:

Unable to merge a new batch. Ongoing batch operation: BatchFileOperation{operationName='Merge' , fileIds=[37], timestamp=1, status={Sun Jan 29 13:40:34 UTC 2017=RUNNING}}

Regarding the type of data, the best scenario would be to load gVCF files with all the chromosomes, and with one or multiple samples. VCF files, or splitted by chromosome may fail or produce incorrect results.

dna0ff commented 7 years ago

Correct. What you can do is execute first and second phases with --transform --load -Dhadoop.load.archive=true -Dhadoop.load.variant=false ( Note that we params --transform and --load can be excluded, since executing this two steps is the default behaviour, unless we specify one or the other)

Then, in a separated execution, execute only the third step with --load -Dhadoop.load.archive=false -Dhadoop.load.variant=true

Is this the way how you parallelize indexing/loading in Genomics England ?

The given error is because it was going to start a merge step, and there is already an ongoing merge step.

As mentioned above, it wasn't a Merge step. It was Load. I also included some context before the exception, it happened just after Transform before Load.

There is a typo in the error message. It should say:

It doesn't seem so. It was Load (not Merge).

dna0ff commented 7 years ago

Then, in a separated execution, execute only the third step with --load -Dhadoop.load.archive=false -Dhadoop.load.variant=true

Does it process all variants from archive table at once for all the files previously loaded ? I.e. does it need to be run only once regardless how many files were loaded ?

mh11 commented 7 years ago

-Dhadoop.load.archive=false -Dhadoop.load.variant=true

I developed this system for the BRIDGE project (10,000 samples) and would not use these options for the process. My configuration looks like this in the study-configuration.yml

hadoop.load.archive.batch.size: 3 (controls # of samples to load into ARCHIVE in parallel)

hadoop.load.variant.batch.size: 500 (controls # of samples to merge in ONE mapreduce job) 500 (controls the batch size searching through already merged variants)

I e.g. 'register' 500 converted (single sample gVCF) files - that are: gvcf, json and proto (in that order) files link -s $study --path 10_input -i $files (1x for each file type)

followed by: variant index --file 10_input --outdir 30_load --load

index command with the above configuration takes care of

all in one go. This process is incremental and only scans the already loaded files, if there are missing information.

The available memory for mapreduce containers can be controlled with the options below. In short: More memory -> less running containers -> takes longer to finish. e.g. 2500 -Xmx2048m,-XX:+UseG1GC

Hint: use -XX:+UseG1GC also for the HBase region servers - works much better.