opencdms-dev / pyopencdms

⭐🐍 pyopencdms aims to build a common Python API on top of multiple Climate Data Management Systems (CDMS) that use different underlying database engines
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Set up tox to run unit and integration tests separately #3

Open isedwards opened 1 year ago

isedwards commented 1 year ago

Many developers will not want to run integrations tests for database backends that they are not working with.

In tox.ini we should be able to do something like:

setenv =
    PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}
deps =
commands =
    pytest tests/unit

deps =
commands =
    pytest test/integration/surface

and then run tox -e surface to run the integration tests for surface.

Currently we're confused about where the database containers exist that should be used for running integration tests. The old opencdms-dev/pyopencdms contained docker files and we now also have cdm-database.

However, integration tests should run against the containers in the opencdms-test-data repository.