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DTV and Primitives DateInterval, TimeInterval, DateTimeInterval, DurationInterval #90

Open neuronsong opened 9 years ago

neuronsong commented 9 years ago

A set of contiguous Dates, …

There does not appear to be an explicit AOM model counterpart. There is no XSD counterpart.
DTV has a concept of Duration Values, which may be somewhat related, but not necessarily directly applicable for the types identified in the AML-UML model. DTV semantics expressed for duration comparison and differences superficially seem to be applicable to the currently defined AML interval types. However, the expression in DTV of durations in terms of time unit quantities is fundamentally different than intervals expressed as differences between time instances (e.g., quantity of days in a month is variable but difference in days between two months is known). Furthermore, the AOM would appear to express Interval as a templated Classifier, where the type may be a temporal type. The process of binding a temporal type, such as Date, to the templated Classifier also allows constraint patterns to be expressed within the binding. The AML-UML model does not use the UML templating mechanism to define the types/constraints within the ConstraintProfile. The AML-UML model represents every AOM constraint class in terms of at least 3 UML Model Elements: an Interval Class, a MatchPattern Primitive, and a Constraint Stereotype. Furthermore, properties are replicated in all of these kinds of AML Classifiers. In the AOM, an Interval consists of a lower bound and an optional upper bound. We can represent references to an AOM Interval in AML-UML as simply a Property - bound:[1,2](that is a Property whose type is and has at least a lower bound and optionally an upper bound). Thus, the properties of the current Type Classes can be replaced by a single parameterized Property of the form bound:[1,2].