The Opencitations Data model uses "%Y-%m-%dt%H:%M:%S" as a format for snapshots generation time. In a vision of data in federation, where several endpoints manage different entities that call each other in a way compliant with the Opencitations Data Model, the absence of time zone information would be a problem. This would mean modifying the OCDM, the oc-ocdm implementation, and all the data generated so far, that do not have the time zone indication. It’s probably not going to be a short-term problem, but I’m still writing an issue to focus on the problem.
The Opencitations Data model uses "%Y-%m-%dt%H:%M:%S" as a format for snapshots generation time. In a vision of data in federation, where several endpoints manage different entities that call each other in a way compliant with the Opencitations Data Model, the absence of time zone information would be a problem. This would mean modifying the OCDM, the oc-ocdm implementation, and all the data generated so far, that do not have the time zone indication. It’s probably not going to be a short-term problem, but I’m still writing an issue to focus on the problem.