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Modeling negated transactions #101

Open gordonje opened 6 years ago

gordonje commented 6 years ago

California campaign finance committees are required to itemize returned contributions on the same schedule that includes received contributions. The real world situation would be something like:

In our source data, we have a line item for the original contribution and another with a negative amount for the returned contribution:

filer contributor amount date type
GAVIN 4 GOV JOHN DOE 1000.00 5/1/2017 Contribution
GAVIN 4 GOV JOHN DOE -1000.00 10/1/2017 Returned

In mapping these records to the Transaction model, my initial thought was to flip the sender and receiver and take the absolute value of the amount. So the above source records would become:

sender recipient amount date classification
JOHN DOE GAVIN 4 GOV 1000.00 5/1/2017 Contribution
GAVIN 4 GOV JOHN DOE 1000.00 10/1/2017 Returned

However, @palewire and I discussed further and decided against this approach. We're worried about the potential for inaccuracies when summing the amount field. Instead, we're planning to leave the source values more or less unchanged in loading the Transaction model:

sender recipient amount date classification
GAVIN 4 GOV JOHN DOE 1000.00 5/1/2017 Contribution
GAVIN 4 GOV JOHN DOE -1000.00 10/1/2017 Returned

Have others seen similar use cases in other jurisdictions and, if so, does our approach for fitting it into our shared models make sense?

If we agree this is proper use, then we might expand the description on Transaction.amount to say that negative numbers are allowed and why.

aepton commented 6 years ago

Added this to - added an optional is_rejected boolean to the amount field, and explained in the description not to use that field if you're setting transaction values to negative for returned contribs, etc.