openclarity / apiclarity

An API security tool to capture and analyze API traffic, test API endpoints, reconstruct Open API specification, and identify API security risks.
Apache License 2.0
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Can't get part of the request #407

Open Yeatesss opened 1 month ago

Yeatesss commented 1 month ago

What happened:

Could not get some API requests on the UI interface of apiclarity

What you expected to happen:

Get to all api request records

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):

I executed a command to install istio curl -L | sh - istioctl install --set profile=minimal -y Install the sock-shop service kubectl create namespace sock-shop kubectl label namespaces sock-shop istio-injection=enabled kubectl apply -f Installation of apiclarity service helm repo add apiclarity helm install --set 'trafficSource.envoyWasm.enabled=true' --set 'trafficSource.envoyWasm.namespaces={sock-shop}' --create-namespace apiclarity apiclarity/apiclarity -n apiclarity kubectl port-forward --namespace apiclarity svc/apiclarity-apiclarity 9999:8080 After that, go to the sock-shop's shopping cart page and check the interface request initiated by the page image

I can't find the /card or /address interface when I go to the front-end page of apiclarity. image

Are there any error messages in API Clarity logs?

(e.g. kubectl logs -n apiclarity --selector=app=apiclarity) [root@master1 ~]# k logs -f apiclarity-apiclarity-75f75c6db4-l7z6z -n apiclarity Defaulted container "apiclarity" out of: apiclarity, apiclarity-apiclarity-wait-for-db (init) 2024/05/24 01:47:21 Serving API clarity a p is at http://[::]:8080 time="2024-05-24T01:47:21Z" level=warning msg="External trace server not started because TLS is not enabled" file="/build/backend/pkg/backend/backend.go:237" 2024/05/24 01:47:21 Serving API clarity plugins telemetries API at http://[::]:9000 time="2024-05-24T01:58:13Z" level=error msg="BFLA error: unable to process trace: event 1 cannot resolve to a spec path" file="/build/backend/pkg/modules/internal/bfla/bfladetector/learn_and_detect_bfla.go:127" time="2024-05-24T01:58:13Z" level=error msg="BFLA error: unable to process trace: event 2 cannot resolve to a spec path" file="/build/backend/pkg/modules/internal/bfla/bfladetector/learn_and_detect_bfla.go:127" time="2024-05-24T01:58:16Z" level=error msg="BFLA error: unable to process trace: event 3 cannot resolve to a spec path" file="/build/backend/pkg/modules/internal/bfla/bfladetector/learn_and_detect_bfla.go:127" time="2024-05-24T01:58:36Z" level=error msg="BFLA error: unable to process trace: event 4 cannot resolve to a spec path" file="/build/backend/pkg/modules/internal/bfla/bfladetector/learn_and_detect_bfla.go:127"
