openclover / clover

This repository contains source code of OpenClover Core as well as its integrations: Clover-for-Ant, Clover-for-Eclipse and Clover-for-IDEA plugins. Sources are licensed under Apache 2.0 license.
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OC-51 Cucumber test methods could not able to recognize #51

Open marek-parfianowicz opened 4 years ago

marek-parfianowicz commented 4 years ago

Nikhil Nikhil created an issue 2018-01-26 I am using project where we are using Cucumber framework to run tests.

By using following command I able to successfully create OpenClover reports. Open Clover able to detect test classes but could not able to find test methods.

Using Cucumber Test Integration with Spring boot with @SpringBootTest.

That's why Test Results tab giving me No test results could be found. Please ensure that you have instrumented your unit tests correctly.

MVN Command to create clover report.

mvn clean clover:setup test clover:aggregate clover:clover -B -U -DargLine="-Dmanage.containers=false -Dcom.datastax.driver.USE_NATIVE_CLOCK=false"

marek-parfianowicz commented 4 years ago

Original report:

marek-parfianowicz commented 4 years ago

Do you see Cucumber test classes on the "application code" or the "test code" tabs in the HTML report?

Do you see any code coverage collected for them?

Do you see any per-test code coverage for them (click on the left page margin to open a pop up)?

Do you see any test data on the "Test results" tab?

Did you try to use test results from external XML files? There is such option in Ant task / clover:clover Maven goal.

Did you try configuring custom test patterns? See Clover setup task for more details.