We have problems running the tutorial sparse_FBA_freeATPtest.
The first step of the tutorial is to load Recon3 or other Recon:
if ~exist('modelOrig','var')
model = loadIdentifiedModel(filename,directory);
modelOrig = model;
The main problem is that Recon1.0 is not available in cobratoolbox/test/models. Also the directory variable is incorrect.
In addition, we have found a problem in the following line of code:
fprintf('%6s\t%6s\n','#mets','#rxns'); fprintf('%6u\t%6u\t%s%s\n',nMet,nRxn,' totals in ', model.modelID)
as the field "modelID" is not present in all models, such as Recon2.04.
I hereby confirm that I have:
[X] Tried to solve the issue on my own
[X] Retried to run my code with the latest version of The COBRA Toolbox
[] Checked that a similar issue has not already been opened
(Note: You may replace [] with [X] to check the box)
We have problems running the tutorial sparse_FBA_freeATPtest.
The first step of the tutorial is to load Recon3 or other Recon: if ~exist('modelOrig','var') filename='Recon1.0'; %filename='Recon2.0'; %filename='Recon2.0model'; %filename='Recon2.04model'; %filename='HMR2.0' %filename='Recon2.2model'; %filename='Recon3.0'; %filename='Recon3.0model'; directory='~/work/sbgCloud/programReconstruction/projects/recon2models/data/reconXComparisonModels'; model = loadIdentifiedModel(filename,directory); model.csense(1:size(model.S,1),1)='E'; modelOrig = model; else model=modelOrig; end
The main problem is that Recon1.0 is not available in cobratoolbox/test/models. Also the directory variable is incorrect.
In addition, we have found a problem in the following line of code: fprintf('%6s\t%6s\n','#mets','#rxns'); fprintf('%6u\t%6u\t%s%s\n',nMet,nRxn,' totals in ', model.modelID) as the field "modelID" is not present in all models, such as Recon2.04.
I hereby confirm that I have:
(Note: You may replace [] with [X] to check the box)