🔄 New Task: Fetching and Displaying Donation Ads
📈 Donation Ads Collection in Firestore:
Check if there is an existing collection for donation ads in Firestore. If it exists, utilize it; otherwise, create a new collection.
Add more dummy data to the donation ads collection to showcase a variety of ads.
Implement functionality to fetch and display donation ads on the main home page.
🚀 Navigation Update:
Remove the bottom navigation bar to simplify the user interface.
Set the home page as the main landing page for a streamlined user experience.
Note: Ensure that the donation ads are presented in an engaging manner, and the removal of the bottom navigation bar does not compromise the app's usability.
Disclimer to work on this issue you should be registred in the firebase if not then message us for its acess
🔄 New Task: Fetching and Displaying Donation Ads
📈 Donation Ads Collection in Firestore:
🚀 Navigation Update:
Note: Ensure that the donation ads are presented in an engaging manner, and the removal of the bottom navigation bar does not compromise the app's usability.
Disclimer to work on this issue you should be registred in the firebase if not then message us for its acess