opencodeiiita / Monty_Python_Class

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Task 3 : Email using Command Line #21

Open orichamaru opened 4 years ago

orichamaru commented 4 years ago

Monty's cousin Ron is awesome developer , everyone respects Ron .Monty is happy because he has such awesome cousin but simultaneously he is upset because he can not think of such awesome problem statements and work on it. Ron has given him problem statement from his bucket list i.e Email your friend using command Line i.e with terminal . Can u help Monty to solve this using python script ?


For sending email user has to enter from email address,password , to email address and message(should contain Subject and content) in the command line.

Be active on slack channel :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Prefer not to DM the mentors.

deepakDOTexe commented 4 years ago

Remember that the issue number of this task is 21 and not 3 so fill the PR template accordingly.

Lokesh2703 commented 4 years ago

Check yourself once where you are able send mail or not before creating PR.