opencodetown / Chaos-Communication-Camp-2015

Planning the OpenCodeTown on the Camp 2015
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Eating and Drinking #12

Open Lelith opened 9 years ago

Lelith commented 9 years ago

hello *,

as i think food is another very important topic when camping for 5 days, i would like to organize it.


i would like to put together a list of meals, 3 times a day, for the time and take care of buying the ingredients and also provide help with cooking and preparing the food.

who ?

it would be nice if everyday 1 or 2 people would join for preparing and cooking. cleaning would also be nice if everyday a group of 2-3 people will take care of washing the dishes and caring about rubbish.


  1. i do not have a car, so i would need someone with a car to buy the food & drinks upfront and also bring them then to the camp
  2. i would like to divide the budget for foods and drinks trough everyone who is in the camp and will eating and drinking there. we will probaply buy more food than needed for the camp only, so also guests can come and eat with us. so everyone would need to pay a share of the food-budget.

    What kind of food

I would cook only vegan food, so everyone can join eating with us. but for breakfast i would also like to provide, next to soy milk, some normal milk. is someone in the camp who is not able to handle soy or gluten? I also would buy a mix of some fruits everyone can just take and eat during the day.

If you can not live without chips and chocolate, you have to bring them yourself, i will only take care of the food-base. if no one has special wishes, i will just go for my own taste of food (which is slow carb and vegetarian/vegan ) i would love to buy just organic ingriedients, but as this is more expensive than conventional food i let these decision up to you. if you are okay with paying more and have only organic food, i will do like that.

What kind of drinks

i would try to buy the drinks on commision. so that we can buy enough and bring back what we did not drink. i would buy water (sparkling / non-sparkling) and club mate. i would like to include the money for drinks also into the shared budget. i also would buy coffee and some sorts of tea (fruit and black-tea)

if you would like to drink juices or alkohol you have to bring it on your own.

equipment needed

As i can cook for a maximum of 15 people i would like everyone to add their names to this doodle, wether if they just want to join the breakfast/drinks (this is not limited to 15) or also the lunch group

deadline for participation is 1sth of july and payment deadline is 15th of july

finnp commented 9 years ago

Totally yay to food :eggplant: :fries: :apple: :raised_hands: I would love to help with cooking.

I would vote for organic food. It's usually not that expensive to cook for a group. Not sure if that would helps the price, but having someone with a membership buy at the LPG or METRO might be an option.

Lelith commented 9 years ago

i think buying the food for a good price is not the issue, i see a bigger problem in the logistics. because it seems like no one in berlin is able to drive a car.

finnp commented 9 years ago

@Lelith I am able to drive a car... but I don't have one. I believe we will find someone with a car. Worst case would be having to rent one. Maybe that is something that could be asked to people at the next rug:b?

Lelith commented 9 years ago

well i think we will have a lot of stuff to bring to the camp in general (also maybe a flip board, couches, bean-bags, lightning, music-boxes...), so i am pretty sure we will have to rent a transporter or something like that to get everything there.

i did help organizing two other villages in the past... i know it will be like moving to somewhere

Lelith commented 9 years ago

I wanted to edit some things.

so first, i think i can cook for max. of 15 people, for more people we would defintifly need some other equipment. also will only cook lunch for 3 days (friday, saturday, sunday) because on thursday and monday everyone is like arriving or leaving. also for breakfast and dinner only self-service food will be provided. like cornflakes, müsli, porridge, bread etc.

i also would like to have a commitment from everyone who wants to eat any food which i organise, and a special list of people who want to join the cooked lunch. so people who will join the lunch then pay a higher share, than people who are just in for the self-service food.

so would be nice if everyone who wants to join the eating group, make a +1 here so i can get an exact number of people. participation deadline is 1 of july, and payment deadline is15th of july.

skade commented 9 years ago

I'd like to join the eating group. Would also like to help with preparation.

finnp commented 9 years ago

+1 lunch + breakfast

Lelith commented 9 years ago

just to make sure, you both also would like to join the lunch-eating and not only breakfast/self-service food?

finnp commented 9 years ago

@Lelith Both, I updated my comment.

Lelith commented 9 years ago

Ah ich hab ne bessere idee, wir nutzen einfach ein hübsches doodle :)

finnp commented 9 years ago

@Lelith Gute Idee :) Vielleicht kannst du auch deinen Beitrag oben editieren und den Link hinzufügen dann ist das nicht so in den Kommentaren versteckt.

skade commented 9 years ago

@lelith Nachdem unser Crowdfunder durch ist: kannst du mir einen groben Schätzbetrag nennen? Dann könnte ich dort noch einen Need hinzufügen. :)

Lelith commented 9 years ago

das ist halt total unterschiedlich ob ich jetzt nur für 5 oder für 15 leute koche. bisher haben sich ja kaum leute eingetragen.

Lelith commented 9 years ago

sonst lass uns getränke nochmal extra nehmen. berechnet auf die anzahl derer die ins camp möchten. also wasser, tee, kaffee, milch und club mate.

ralphtheninja commented 9 years ago

@Lelith I can help out with cooking if you need help :)

ansuz commented 9 years ago

I'll be visiting from Toronto with very little equipment, but I'll be able to help prep/cook. I'll see about picking up a good chef's knife when I'm passing through Berlin.

Lelith commented 9 years ago

okay so malwine and i planned food for 5 - 8 people. only 5 did enter their names in the list.

everything together (no drinks, just food, milk, coffee, tea ) will cost around 130 euros (if i buy at a bio-kiste lieferant). i would like to collect 25 euros from everyone who wanted to join the lunch group.

skade commented 9 years ago

Can I add a +1? Thanks :)

Lelith commented 9 years ago

Would be nice if everyone could give me the money until 1. of August. my paypal email adress is i can also send you my BIC & IBAN if prefered via mail.

thank you all <3

ghost commented 9 years ago

I will drive to camp with my vw van, I could transport the food. I can also help shopping. There's a little fridge in the van that could be used for cooling delicate food, it's probably not big enough for drinks.

ghost commented 9 years ago

There's also a small stove in the van. Additionally I could organize an "Hockerkocher" (and big pots, pans) if you think that would be handy.

Did I mention that I (+1) would like to join the food group? I know that I'm one month late, but I could pay now. : D

okdistribute commented 9 years ago

oh I didn't see this, but I'd totally want to participate.. I imagine it's too late to jump on?

skade commented 9 years ago

/cc @elcuervo by the way.