opencog / atomspace

The OpenCog (hyper-)graph database and graph rewriting system
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Better interoperability with deep learning frameworks #1970

Open noskill opened 5 years ago

noskill commented 5 years ago

This issue is to document and discuss changes necessary to use deep learning frameworks with opencog.

Our usecases:

  1. We would like to be able to pass between ExecutionOutputLinks python objects, particularly pytorch tensors. Pytorch saves in it's tensor instances necessary information for performing backward propagation.

  2. More convenient api than GroundedSchemaNode for calling objects methods.


Our motivating example is implementing transparent by design networks( with opencog. The idea of this example is answering some question about a picture by applying series of filters, implemented as pytorch neural networks. Each nn accepts original picture + mask from previous filter(initially mask is all zeroes) generating new mask.

First i describe current implementation: ExecutionOutputLinks for the question "What is the large purple object is made of?":

      (GroundedSchemaNode "py:filter")
        (ConceptNode "material")
        (VariableNode "$X")
          (GroundedSchemaNode "py:filter")
            (ConceptNode "color")
            (ConceptNode "purple")
              (GroundedSchemaNode "py:filter")
                (ConceptNode "size")
                (ConceptNode "large")
                  (GroundedSchemaNode "py:init_scene")
                    (VariableNode "$Scene")

Here pattern matcher grounds VariableNode "$X" to different ConceptNodes representing materials since the constraint:

      (VariableNode "$X")
      (ConceptNode "material")

where filter is wrapper to call some pytorch module object:

def filter(filter_type, filter_type_instance, data_atom):
       module_type = 'filter_' + + '[' + + ']'
       module = tbd.function_modules[module_type]
       atomspace = data_atom.atomspace
       key_attention, key_scene, key_shape_attention, key_shape_scene = generate_keys(atomspace)
       feat_input = extract_tensor(data_atom, key_scene, key_shape_scene)
       feat_attention = extract_tensor(data_atom, key_attention, key_shape_attention)
       out = module(feat_input.float(), feat_attention.float())
       set_attention_map(data_atom, key_attention, key_shape_attention, out)
       return data_atom

and init_scene accept scene atom and generate new atom which holds dummy attention map and features from scene. This atom is then reused to pass values between filters.

There are issues with current implementation
a. It requires to convert back and forth between pytorch tensor objects and FloatValue for each ExecutionOutputLink application. See
b. This implementation doesn't allow to backpropagate error to neural network weights since information is lost due to conversion. Pytorch Tensor object keeps both: current numeric values and link to computation graph which allows to backpropagate error automatically.

PtrValue Both issues may be addressed with introduction of new value type: PtrValue. Then to implement storing of values for different binding language one would inherit from base PtrValue type. For python there will be c++ class PythonValue(PtrValue) and for haskell HaskelValue(PtrValue) etc..

Then extracting tensor object in "py:filter" will look like:


and returning value will be done by creating a new atom to hold value:

layer_result = ConceptNode(gen_random_uuid())
layer_result.set_value(PredicateNode("PythonValue"), PythonValue(tensor_mask))

ExecutionValueLink In addition to PtrValue we may introduce new link type: ExecutionValueLink which would return a PtrValue. This would allow to return from "py:filter" PythonValue(tensor_mask).

That's for addressing of usecase 1.

To address usecase 2 - more convenient api than GroundedSchemaNode for calling objects methods:

One way is to use proposed PtrValue alongside with wrapper function.

def callPythonMethod(atom_obj, atom_method_name, *args):
    obj = atom_obj.get_value(PredicateNode("py:callPythonMethod"))
    return getattr(obj,*args)

Then calling method will be a bit verbose but quite straightforward:



Another way to address the same issue is to use LibraryManager to store python objects. GroundedObjectNode atom type would register python object in LibraryManager. Like:

import torch

then calling with ExecutionOutputLink or any other executable link:

   GroundedSchemaNode("obj: dot.__call__")
linas commented 5 years ago

There was a detailed discussion on how to integrate deep learning with the atomspace that happened in the spring, with @Necr0x0Der and @misgeatgit is implementing the prototype for this, with the space-time server. I gave a sketch of this in pull req #1971 -- I'll respond to the above shortly, when I get a chance to read it.

vsbogd commented 5 years ago

After experimenting with first prototype we have found that representing NN features as FloatValues is not enough. This improvement is suggested by @Necr0x0Der next step for integration NN and OpenCog.

linas commented 5 years ago

Is this code already written, or is this a design proposal? I don't think you should do with nested execution output links -- that's NOT going to work well at all ... for many different reasons

linas commented 5 years ago

OK, first -- some background lectures: the atomspace is meant to be a declarative data store, and not a procedural programming language. Your example is treating it as a procedural programming language, and that will not work well; it will have terrible performance, it cannot be used with the pattern matcher, the pattern miner, the rule engine, PLN, etc.

An example of a declarative way of declaring what you wrote would be this:

    (PredicateNode "init scene")
          (PredicateNode "size")
          (PredicateNode "large"))
         (PredicateNode "color")
         (PredicateNode "purple"))
         (PredicateNode "material")
         (VariableNode "$result")))

This is one way to declare it. It's not a good way (there are better ways), but it is a way, and since its simple, let me use it as an example for the next 24 or 48 hours.

Anyway, the above is a declaration. It doesn't actually do anything. To make it "actually do something", you could (for example) write this:

    (GroundedSchemaNode "py:process_scene")
    (SequentialAndLink .... (the stuff above))

The py:process_scene code would compile the contents of the sequential-and, to create an executable network of filters. Then, every time the ExecuteOutputLink is called, you would execute that network once.

There are several problems with my proposal, above. Next post will talk about how to solve them. Issues include:

1) There is nowhere for the compiled code to be cached. (you want to compile it only once, and cache the results; you want to execute it many times

2) It probably does not make sense to return the result as an Atom (it should be a value)

3) the SequentialAndLink format is ugly-ish.

linas commented 5 years ago

Let's solve issues 1) and 2) part of 3) The solution that seems natural, at the moment, is to invent a new link type, call it VisualLink. In the atomspace, it would be used like so (figure three from the Arxiv article)

    (QueryNode "color")
         (AttendNode "large")
                      (RelateNode "left")
                      (AttendNode "sphere")
                      (AttendNode "metal")
                      (AttendNode "large"))
                     (RelateNode "right")
                     (AttendNode "metal")
                     (AttendNode "green")))))

The above is just the digram from figure 3, written upside-down. (because Atomese is upside-down ...)

The VisualLink is a brand new C++ class. It might look something like this pseudocode: (next post)

linas commented 5 years ago

The VisualLink is a brand new C++ class. Actually, you need TWO C++ classes. The other one is VisualValue. But first, VisualLink might look something like this pseudocode:

class VisualLink: public Link 
         PyExec * compiled_query;
        VisualLink() { // ctor
               // Convert the outgoing set of AttendNodes and RelateNodes to
               // a PyTorch program, and save that program.
               compiled_query = PyMangle("blargle", getOutgoingSet());
               ValuePtr torchy = createVisualValue(compiled_query);
                this->set_value(PredicateNode("visual answer"), torchy);

That's it. Not much there, except a big blob of code to convert the list of AttendNodes and RelateNodes into a pytorch program. Next, we have this:

class VisualValue : public FloatValue
        PyExec * compiled_query;
        virtual void update() const {    // overload update() from FloatValue
               // Execute the previously generated PyTorch program
               std::vector<double> result = PyExecute(compiled_query);
               this->_value = result // store the result right here.

That's it. Nothing more to do here. Its almost trivial. How does the user use this? Like so:

(define myprocessor (VisualLink ...etc)) ; stuff from above

;; Now get the value; the Predicate must be the same as in the C++ code!
(define myview (cog-get-value myprocessor (PredicateNode "visual answer"))) 

;; Now run the processing pipeline exactly once
(display "hello world\n")
(display (cog-value->list  myview))

; Now run it again...
(display (cog-value->list  myview))

Every time you call the scheme function cog-value->list it will call the C++ FloatValue::value() method which calls the C++ VisualValue::update() method (because update is virtual) and VisualValue::update() calls the previously compiled pytorch code to get an answer.

That's it. Although this is pseudocode, there is not a lot here. VisualValue is really pretty simple, almsot exactly like the pseudocode; the hard parts are the compiler in VisualLink

linas commented 5 years ago

Why implement it like this?

A) When late-night talk-show host asks Sophia, "hey is there a large green metal sphere on your left?", the ghost subsystem can convert this English-language sentence into the VisualLink given above, then run it, then get the answer.

B) Some suitable form of PLN can make inferences about the contents of the VisualLink, viz, "if round things are balls and shiny things are metal, therefore (VisualLink round metal)"

C) The pattern miner can look for frequent patterns "there were 23 VisualLinks for round things and 48 Visual Links for shiny things and 5555 Visual links for small shiny colored squares" -> Sophia tells the talk show host "Gee, I think I really like glitter!"

D) Almost no compute cycles happen in the atomspace, or on the CPU. After compiling the visual network; it gets loaded onto the GPU's where it sits and does its thing in real time. The ONLY time you waste CPU cycles is when the user does the cog-value->list which causes pytorch to ask the GPU for an answer. Otherwise, the system is idle.

The declarative, stateless form of the VisualLink allows all kinds of subsystems to gain access to the scene description. If you hide the state inside of GroundedObjectNodes, it becomes impossible to find it, reason over it, edit it, construct new visual queries on the fly, etc.

noskill commented 5 years ago

Is this code already written, or is this a design proposal? I don't think you should do with nested execution output links -- that's NOT going to work well at all ... for many different reasons

Code with nested execution output links is already written, it is written that way mainly due to reason that we don't have URE rule for working with tensor(pixelwise) truth values. Once we have more seamless integration we will implement declarative solution.

noskill commented 5 years ago

My thought on VisualLink vs ValuePtr: ValuePtr allows to write more declarative code since it allows us to interleave inference in URE with calls to neural networks, URE determines actual sequence of calls to NN. On the other hand VisualLink requires one to write some imperative code to execute it's content:

The py:process_scene code would compile the contents of the sequential-and, to create an executable network of filters.

linas commented 5 years ago

Code with nested execution output links is already written,

What's the github repo?

VisualLink requires one to write some imperative code to execute it's content

Yes, absolutely. That's the whole point! That's the intent! I feel that maybe there is still some misunderstanding. Code written in python, C++, etc. is necessarily imperative, because that is what these languages are. Code written "inside of atoms", implementing them, is necessarily imperative: it "does something".


Nothing above makes use of the URE in any way. You haven't yet written a single rule, much less something that would require a URE.

ngeiswei commented 5 years ago

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with nesting ExecutionLinks or any kind of links. A sequence is underneath a nesting of links too (see

linas commented 5 years ago

Argh @ngeiswei this hurts. First, ConsLink is a terrible idea, for the same reason that SetLink is a terrible idea. Now that we know, from five-plus years of hard-core here's-dirt-in-your-face experience about the evilness of SetLink, and the evilness of nesting in general ... this is not some rugby game where you stand up and say "please smash my face into the dirt again, I like how that feels". Nesting doesn't work because it's not editable, its not pattern matchable, its not rewritable. Cough cough -- "quote link" -- "Doctor doctor, it hurts when I do this" -- "well, don't do that!"

ExecutionOutputLinks are just ugly hacks meant to provide emergency escape routes for incompletely-designed systems. I don't want to encourage bad design when there is a simple, easy, obvious alternative. We need to take the accumulated experience, and move forward.

ngeiswei commented 5 years ago

OK, but sometimes you want things to be immutable.

The difference between




    E1 ... En

is that the latter is set in stone, the former isn't.

Which one is better depend on the usage, sure for iteratively returning pattern matcher results a MemberLink is better than a SetLink, in other situations, not.

noskill commented 5 years ago

@linas Rules will be something like that(for conjunction over tensors):

variables = VariableNode("X1"), VariableNode("X2")

pattern = AndLink(variables)
rewrite = ExecutionOutputLink(GroundedSchemaNode("py: fuzzy_tensor_conjunction_introduction_formula"),
                              ListLink(AndLink(variables), SetLink(variables)))

BindLink(pattern, rewrite)

Then it will be possible to rewrite nested execution output links to more declarative form:

          (GroundedSchemaNode "py:filter")
            (ConceptNode "color")
            (ConceptNode "purple")
            (VariableNode "$Scene")))
              (GroundedSchemaNode "py:filter")
                (ConceptNode "size")
                (ConceptNode "large")
                (VariableNode "$Scene")))
noskill commented 5 years ago

By the way how introduction of VisualValue is better than PtrValue? It has pointer to python object just like PtrValue..

linas commented 5 years ago

@ngeiswil yes, SetLink does have some valid use cases. It got over-used in the current API, and that is my fault.

linas commented 5 years ago

@noskill, as stated elsewhere: GroundedSchema and ExecutionOutput are ugly hacks meant to solve simple problems, and you are pushing them far beyond what they can carry,

ExecutionOutput/GroundedScheme are like Atomese "GOTO" statements: they have valid uses, they solve certain simple problems, one should not write complicated code with them. The PtrValue is like a void * pointer: it points at anything. You keep trying to tell me that you want to write complex programs using GOTO's and void* pointers, and I keep saying "don't do that". You keep saying that you can make it look structured, or declarative, or maybe even object-oriented, if you really try hard, and yes, I'm sure that's true.

I'm saying that structured programming, object-oriented programming was invented for a reason. There's a history for why people do it that way. This history is older than me, and I'm fine with it. It doesn't need to be rediscovered/reinvented.

Create an AttendNode C++ object. Using ordinary OO programing style. If it needs to hold state, put that state into the C++ object. Just make sure that it's reconstructable state: nothing that would ever need to be transmitted on the network, nothing that would ever need to be saved to disk. Create 23 different OO method calls on class AttentionNode. Many of these method calls might call py:filter, under the covers where they user cannot see the call to python. If you need to pass extra hidden values, put them into the class AttentionNode. If you really really need to, use void* pointers in the C++ code, but I'm pretty sure that PyObject* would be better.

Create a RelateNode. If the RelateNode needs to call methods on the class AttendNode to get secret parameters and hidden values, .. well, then, do that. If VisualLink needs to talk to both RelateNode and AttendNode so that it can cache partial results that py:filter returned, -- great! Do that! Whatever it is that py:filter returns, whatever additional stuff that it is that it needs as input, cache it inside of VisualLnk and AttendNode and RelateNode as C/C++ pointers, maybe PyObject* pointers, whatever, I don't care. Just use good, clean, normal OO programming style. Don't get hacky.

linas commented 5 years ago

I am afraid that saying more will confuse the issue, but I can't stop. I think that comment and really really describe the correct implementation for this.

Above, I said "object oriented" several times. I mean it, and that is very important. I want good, clean, college-textbook-standard OO style. The thing I did not say was "structured query" and "relational data", which is also very very important. I want you to follow the rules of good clean text-book-style relational design. Atomese should look exactly like what they teach in school as good relational style.

Here is a very simple nice example: There are five short tutorials here: Please please please read them and study them.

The example is a very nice example of good, clean, solid well-designed relational programming style. Its just like SQL, but 50 years newer and better. That is the same kind of style that we want to have for Atomese.

Notice that does not have GroundedSchema and ExecutionOutputLinks. That is not an accident, a short-coming, or a missing feature. That is because they have a good, clean high-quality design that eschews nasty ugly callback hacks. (Notice that SQL doesn't have these, either. Notice that datalog doesn't have these, either.)

Atomese should look like, be written like, have the same general style as, or SQL, or datalog. It should follow all the rules in a typical textbook on relational data, including concepts like "normalization".

Atomese should NOT look like lambda calculus or CamL or Haskel or Lisp or scheme.

Atomese should NOT look like a random mashup of GOTO's and void* pointers.

ngeiswei commented 5 years ago

Panel 4 is called "Inference" and it is almost identical to running our GetLink

I think panel 4 demonstrates true inference, thus would be closer to what the rule-engine does.

Atomese should look like, be written like, have the same general style as, or SQL, or datalog.

Maybe, or maybe a layer on top of Atomese could look like and such.

It's kinda hard for me to have a feel about all this because I lack the experience of building large and complex knowledge bases with Atomese, only worked on toy problems so far.

noskill commented 5 years ago

@linas Ok, i kind of understand your position. Our goals require more functionality than provided by or datalog. I hope it's possible to make atomspace extendable enough so that we can implement PtrValue and GroundedObjectNode in separate repository.

ngeiswei commented 5 years ago

@noskill, intead of

def callPythonMethod(atom_obj, atom_method_name, *args):
    obj = atom_obj.get_value(PredicateNode("py:callPythonMethod"))
    return getattr(obj,*args)

I think you mean

def callPythonMethod(atom_obj, atom_method_name, *args):
    obj = atom_obj.get_value(PredicateNode("PythonValue"))
    return getattr(obj,*args)

that is "py:callPythonMethod" has been replaced by "PythonValue", right?

bgoertzel commented 5 years ago

Hmm... I have read this thread moderately carefully, and unfortunately it is not yet quite clear to me how Linas wants to see Anatoly/Vitaly implement their desired functionality....

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 6:49 PM Nil Geisweiller wrote:

@noskill, intead of

def callPythonMethod(atom_obj, atom_method_name, args): obj = atom_obj.get_value(PredicateNode("py:callPythonMethod")) return getattr(obj,

I think you mean

def callPythonMethod(atom_obj, atom_method_name, args): obj = atom_obj.get_value(PredicateNode(""PythonValue")) return getattr(obj,

that is "py:callPythonMethod" has been replaced by "PythonValue", right?

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-- Ben Goertzel, PhD

"The dewdrop world / Is the dewdrop world / And yet, and yet …" -- Kobayashi Issa

noskill commented 5 years ago

@ngeiswei It should be some meaningful string, maybe "PythonValue"

linas commented 5 years ago

@bgoertzel I wrote the desired psuedocode in these two comments: and -- also please note that the pseudocode in those two comments is almost a cut-n-paste of the octomap API -- both of which are the formal result from the long email chain with Alexey Potapov from last spring, where these details got worked out.

linas commented 5 years ago

@noskill You wrote: "Our goals require more functionality than provided by or datalog."

I am trying to use these two as examples of high-quality relational design. The atomspace is very nearly a textbook-standard relational database. If you don't understand what relations are, or how to write them, you will have a very difficult time abstracting your problem and arriving at a good solution.

@noskill, you wrote "I hope it's possible to make atomspace extendable enough so that we can implement PtrValue and GroundedObjectNode in separate repository."

I gave some very explicit and precise pseudocode that explains exactly how to write a good implementation that follows textbook relational-database style, and also textbook object-oriented style programming, in comments and

I think that pseudocode does exactly everything that you need to do, and provides for all features and functions for encapsulating your project. Its an API that has already been proven to work; its used both in the octomap implementation, and in example programs that were explicitly created for your neural-net project.

I don't understand why there is a lot of resistance and friction here. I'm pretty sure that you were told from the very beginning of the project, by many people, that you should NOT use GroundedSchemaNodes and GroundedPredicateNodes -- I don't understand why you decided to go this way, anyway, despite being told not to ... and why you are rejecting what seems to be a very simple, clear and obvious design.

bgoertzel commented 5 years ago

Linas, I don't understand your metaphor

"GroundedSchema and ExecutionOutput are ugly hacks meant to solve simple problems, and you are pushing them far beyond what they can carry,

ExecutionOutput/GroundedScheme are like Atomese "GOTO" statements: "

There may be ugly hacks in the current implementation of these Atoms (I haven't looked lately) but as the person who first introduced these concepts into Atomese, I can tell you they were not intended to be anything like Atomese GOTO statements. They were really intended to be more functional-programming-ish than GOTO-ish. ExOutLink lets a GroundedSchemaNode applied to some argument produce some entity which then gets passed along to a different GroundedSchemaNode. This is not like a GOTO statement that passes a pointer to a certain position, it's just passing the output of one function as input to another function.... I don't consider this an ugly hack but rather a generally useful functionality...

Regarding "The atomspace is very nearly a textbook-standard relational database" ==> honestly I think this statement is only true at a high level of abstraction that is not really useful for this discussion...

Regarding "Atomese should look like, be written like, have the same general style as, or SQL, or datalog. It should follow all the rules in a typical textbook on relational data, including concepts like "normalization".

Atomese should NOT look like lambda calculus or CamL or Haskel or Lisp or scheme." ==> I understand what you're saying here but I just don't agree with you...

What you describe is NOT the vision that I had for the Atomspace when I came up with the idea, and not the vision that I had when thinking about how different cognitive algorithms would interact with Atomspace, etc. It is also not how I have been thinking about Atomspace when discussing it with Nil, Alexey and others...

This view of Atomspace doesn't accommodate for how PLN currently works in the Atomspace, with explicit quantifiers and quantifier bindings, etc. And it also doesn't accommodate for how I think makes most sense to integrate deep NNs with Atomspace (which does involve a more functional style, including ExOutLinks passing their outputs to other GSNs...)

So as far as I can understand, where we are now is: You (Linas) have one view of how Atomspace/Atomese should be used, both in general and in this particular case; and we (Alexey and his team and myself) have a different view. It's obvious you think your approach is much better, but I prefer to just look at it as two different approaches.

The question then is how do we manage this on a codebase level so that everything is maximally copacetic. While I am immensely thankful to and respectful of you for writing and designing the bulk of the current code in the Atomspace repo, nevertheless I don't agree with your current perspective about how this deep-NN/OpenCog related code should be implemented (nor with your general current philosophy about eschewing lambda-calculus-ish and functional-programming-ish idioms in Atomese in favor of SQL-ish/datalog-ish idioms...).... I don't want to screw with your development work or style, but I also don't want to have to accommodate everyone's work to your particular taste... (which I note changes over time like all of our tastes do...)

It would really be better NOT to have to fork Atomspace into Linas-space versus Singularity-space ...

Clearly MOST of the stuff that Vitaly/Anatoly/Alexey want to do here can be modularized from the core Atomspace code so you don't have to deal with in your own work if you don't want to. However it seems there are a few things that they need to do that would need to go into the core Atomspace code. My own view would be: These are not huge code changes, and they are features that you don't need to use in your own work if you don't want to. So I don't see why they should be blocked.

I do understand your VisualLink suggestion. I just think that design is worse, it's awkward by comparison and will lead to a big proliferation of link types instead of a simpler abstract mechanism. I understand your taste is different than that of myself/Anatoly/Vitaly/Alexey in this matter but these are highly competent AI developers and theorists and should not have to do every little thing according to your particular taste IMO...

Apologies if the above remarks are a bit rambling and not 100% coherent, I don't have a lot of time for this but have read the various comments on this issue moderately carefully and am very eager to see this move forward. There is so much cool stuff happening in the "deep NN for vision and language world" these days and so much value to be created by interfacing this stuff appropriately with OpenCog, it's a shame to be held back from exploiting this potential via codebase-management issues. I understand these are not trivial issues, they are about how cognitive architecture intersects w/ programming paradigm etc. etc., but nevertheless given the task we have collectively taken on we gotta be able to sort through this stuff more efficiently than is currently occurring...

linas commented 5 years ago

They say that working with engineers is like pushing rope, or herding cats. It feels like I'm doing a whole lot of rope-pushing and cat-herding. I think that this is once-again a very clear and simple problem that is being turned into something exquisitely complexticated, for reasons that I don't understand. Please, let us keep simple things simple, and save our energy for the complicated things that really need thought and effort!

On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 10:18 PM bgoertzel wrote:

"GroundedSchema and ExecutionOutput are ugly hacks meant to solve simple problems, and you are pushing them far beyond what they can carry,

ExecutionOutput/GroundedScheme are like Atomese "GOTO" statements: "

There may be ugly hacks in the current implementation of these Atoms (I haven't looked lately) but as the person who first introduced these concepts into Atomese, I can tell you they were not intended to be anything like Atomese GOTO statements.

Defacto, as currently implemented, they are nothing more than escapes. They are completely lacking in any architecture to ever be anything other than escapes. I don't particularly see how they could ever be anything more than an escape.

Regarding "The atomspace is very nearly a textbook-standard relational database" ==> honestly I think this statement is only true at a high level of abstraction that is not really useful for this discussion...

I honestly think that this statement is a fundamental cause of misunderstanding about what the atomspace is, and how it works. When new-comers look at the atomspace for the first time, they are completely befuddled. We really need to make it clear to newcomers that the atomspace is just like a text-book relational database.

Again -- take a look at the difficulty we had with Corto, and compare it to what is happening at -- the people understand what the problem is, they created a clean, elegant solution, and they understand how to present the solution in such a way that others understand what it is, so that others start using it.

Now, I think that the atomspace is more sophisticated, more advanced than But as long as no one seems to understand what the atomspace is, or how it works, we will continue to have these pushing-rope issues.

What you describe is NOT the vision that I had for the Atomspace when I came up with the idea, and not the vision that I had when thinking about how different cognitive algorithms would interact with Atomspace, etc. It is also not how I have been thinking about Atomspace when discussing it with Nil, Alexey and others...

I don't know what to say. Perhaps you need to read a book on relational algebra. I cannot fix the way you think. I can tell you about reality, and about how things actually are. I would be a lot happier if you actually listened to what I said.

This view of Atomspace doesn't accommodate for how PLN currently works in the Atomspace, with explicit quantifiers and quantifier bindings, etc.

There is a huge amount of confusion in that statement. I'm guessing that you have no clue what a relational algebra is. Have you ever actually used SQL for anything? An outer join? and inner join?

And it also doesn't accommodate for how I think makes most sense to integrate deep NNs with Atomspace (which does involve a more functional style, including ExOutLinks passing their outputs to other GSNs...)

Holy cow. There was a long email chain on NN's with Alexy this spring and summer. You were a part of that conversation. We worked out all the details of exactly how this could be implemented inside the atomspace! I wrote up a design for it! I wrote example code and mailed it around! Its now part of the unit test suite! Misgana has more or less finished an actual working implementation, for the octomap server! The question is: why aren't noskill and vsbogd following that design? Did they not understand it? Did they not like it? Is there something flawed or incomplete about it?

The question then is how do we manage this on a codebase level so that everything is maximally copacetic.

Look I have a straight-forward task in front of me, and that is to create a system where all of the various sub-components can work with one-another in a coherent, uniform way, with a common programming interface that everyone understands and everyone can use. I am pushing back on the proposal here, because it is just weird and different and not very thought-out; it is going to integrate poorly with PLN and with ghost, and with octomap.

While I am immensely thankful to and respectful of you for writing and designing the bulk of the current code in the Atomspace repo,

Thank you!

nevertheless I don't agree with your current perspective about how this deep-NN/OpenCog related code should be implemented

Why is this coming out now, instead of half a year ago? Have you read the example demos, and found them lacking, incomplete, incorrect? Sure, it is possible that I made a mistake, overlooked something, failed to think it through in enough detail. But we discussed this in detail. Why did you agree, for the last half year, and change your mind today?

(nor with your general current philosophy about eschewing lambda-calculus-ish

Over the last two years, Nil has very carefully and in great detail exposed exactly what goes wrong when one takes a naive approach of merging lambda calculus with relational algebra. I call it "the QuoteLink issue". I think he calls it the "alpha conversion issue". We talked and argued about it a lot. The vast amount of code that Nil wrote to handle QuoteLink, and the complexity of it, and all of the unusual corner cases and exceptions have made it profoundly clear that the current merger of relational algebra and lambda calc is fundamentally flawed.

Now, you can either burn some brain cells and try to figure out how to fix this problem, or you can live in denial and claim that there is no problem.

In the 50+ years that relational algebra and lisp have been around, I am sure many people have tried to merge them. There is no shame in saying that we too have tried, and the results did not work out as nicely or wonderfully as we had hoped. But lets not pretend everything is rainbows and unicorns; its not.

Clearly MOST of the stuff that Vitaly/Anatoly/Alexey want to do here can be modularized from the core Atomspace code so you don't have to deal with in your own work if you don't want to.

Look, the GroundedWhateverLink is a de facto escape (or goto) -- it is architected like an escape (or GOTO) Maybe you once upon a time had a different vision of it, but that is not what it actually is, today. And the PtrValue is like a void* pointer.

I personally think its crazy to even try to write software with void and goto's. Structured programming was invented in the 1960's to solve this problem. Relational algebra was invented in the 1970's to solve this problem. Object oriented programming was invented in the 1980's to solve this problem. Why the heck would we time-travel ourselves back to the 1950's and start programming with escapes and void's ?

I do understand your VisualLink suggestion. I just think that design is worse, it's awkward by comparison and will lead to a big proliferation of link types instead of a simpler abstract mechanism. I understand your taste is different than that of myself/Anatoly/Vitaly/Alexey in this matter but these are highly competent AI developers and theorists and should not have to do every little thing according to your particular taste IMO...

Jesus, it is not a matter of "taste" -- For whatever reason, you are unable to see an escape when you see one. I see one big blaring escape. It's not taste, its a factual statement.

Look at how the authors of the arxiv article explained their own work: they provided a "figure 3" for the benefit of the reader. Figure 3 seems to me like a perfectly adequate, entirely reasonable, maybe even a very good way of describing what their system does, and how it works.

We should implement that diagram. It seems eminently sensible to do it the way they describe it.

-- Linas

-- cassette tapes - analog TV - film cameras - you

noskill commented 5 years ago

why you are rejecting what seems to be a very simple, clear and obvious design.

@linas Honestly you just replaced PyObject with PyExec and ExectutionOutputLink with VisualLink.

The only argument why it is better that i noticed is "ExecutionOutputLinks are just ugly hacks" and poiters to void and goto.

I don't buy pointers to void argument, c++ compiles to binary code that has jmp instructions in it, and a lot of languages compile to c with pointers to void, e.g. cython and it doesn't cause much problems.

Besides i don't understand "atomspace is relational database" argument. Even if so, atomese language' interpretation is determined by interpreter. Now we have pattern matcher acting as interpreter and also URE which allows to provide different interpretations.. It's nice: we have knowledge base and different algorithms that use that common knowledge base. We are trying to add new class of algorithms that one can use with atomspace. If you want limit interactions with external programs like in sql or then it will make atomespace no more useful for ai project than

noskill commented 5 years ago

Besides pl/sql allows to call external code, so there is place for it even in relational databases

noskill commented 5 years ago

What's the github repo?

The link is provided in the beginning of the issue, i copy it here:

VisualLink requires one to write some imperative code to execute it's content

Yes, absolutely. That's the whole point! That's the intent! I feel that maybe there is still some misunderstanding.

Our intent is different, it is to replace imperative python code from original model with declarative atomese code. Current implementation is just a little bit more declarative, but i hope we will move further.

Alexey summarized the plan here

This PtrValue thing might not be the final design, we need to experiment with this and other ideas without need to maintain fork.

linas commented 5 years ago

A programming escape is any construction that fails to capture state. For example, in C/C++:

{   // beginning of block scope
    int a = 42;
    printf("its %d\n", a);
}   // end of block scope; "a" is captured
printf("now its %d\n", a);   // invalid because "a" is out of scope.

The above style is called "structured programming". Lets compare it to an escape (which is not legal in C/C++, but you can do it in fortran:

{   // beginning of block scope
    int a = 42;
    goto label;   // attempt to escape
}   // end of block scope; 
printf("now its %d\n", a);   // whoops, still invalid; modern compilers prevent this.

So escapes don't work in C/C++, because modern compilers are strict, and prevent you from escaping. Find a C/C++ compiler from 2001 or earlier, and the escape code would not only compile, but it would run and print the answer "42". It took a while for compilers to get strict about structured programming (even though structured programming was invented in the 1960's, before C was invented.)

Lets compare this to what you are doing:

GroundedSchemaNode "py: some_func"
    # ... calls python code 
    def some_func():
         a = 42
         print ("Its" + str(a) + "\n")   # print a
    # return from python; variable a goes out of block scope. 
GroundedSchemaNode "py: other_func"
    # ... calls python code 
    def other_func():
         print ("Now Its" + str(a) + "\n")   # invalid! there is no "a" in this scope!

Yet somehow, you want to transmit the python state from some_func to other_func, and the way you did this was by escaping "a" and placing it in a PtrValue. You had to do this because the GroundedSchemaNode, as currently designed, implemented, architected, is not a closure. Perhaps once upon a time, @bgoertzel imagined that it was a closure, but that is not how GSN is implemented today. Which is why you are being forced to invent PtrValue.

I hope that this makes clear why I am calling escapes+void* non-structured programming. The escape is attempting to jump out of context, but then is attempting to bring the context with it, using the PtrValue.

There are two ways to fix this: closures and objects. There is an old Zen koan: "Master! I have learned that objects are a poor-mans closure!" Zen master berates student. After more study, the student returns and announces: "Master, closures are a poor mans object." Zen master smiles and says "now you understand".

I offered you the object solution: create a VisualLink object which can carry all of the required state that you need. Feel free to allow VisualLink to share that state with any other object that needs access to it. There are no problems with escaping or capturing or closure, because all of the state is in formal object-oriented-style objects.

There is also a different solution, called a closure. We would have to modify GSN to work differently, or possibly invent a GroundedClosureNode, that would carry all of it's required state with it, wherever it went. If you have two different python functions, and they needed to share state, then each would have to enter the closure of the other. I suspect that most python programmers would find this to be an awkward programming style. Google for "python closures" for programming examples.

If you want to invent a GroundedClosureNode, I guess that's OK with me, and maybe Ben always thought that GroundedSchemaNodes were closures; and I'm sorry they were never implemented like that. It was a mistake. Mistakes happen.

Please, please try to understand what I am saying above.

bgoertzel commented 5 years ago

AHA!!!! -- Linas, thanks, I believe we are actually making some progress here now...

It seems you are correct that, if GSNs and ExecutionOutputLinks are going to work they way I originally wanted them to work (and have perhaps been sometimes incorrectly assuming they already work), then they do need to operate like closures...

I have always thought that functions would be first-class objects in Atomese and in the Atomspace -- way way back when Atomspace was in Novamente Cognition rather than OpenCog, and Moshe and I were playing around with an early version of MOSES that evolved combinatory logic programs ... and the reason we didn't put these combinatory logic programs in the Atomspace was that Atomspace was too slow, not that Atomspace's concept of GSN was inadequate to enable coherent management of higher-order functions...

Yeah if we're gonna pass around GSNs and their outputs etc. freely within the Atomspace, and have the Pattern Matcher carry out this passing-around, then we need to be managing the bindings of variables coherently

So e.g. if we have an outer function calling an inner function (i.e. an outer SchemaNode calling an inner SchemaNode) then at run-time, when the outer SN executes, a closure is formed, consisting of the inner function's code and upvalue-references to any variables of the outer SN …

This is going to be important for doing logical reasoning on constructs with nested SchemaNodes/ExecutionOutputLinks in Atomspace, because of stuff like classical logic corresponding to continuation-manipulation via the Curry-Howard correspondence (stuff probably fresher in Linas's mind than mine...). If we can't do closure-type stuff and pass around upvalue-references then continuation is not going to be managed/manipulated explicitly among nested SN invocations, and logical reasoning about nested SNs is going to get complicated in the wrong sorts of ways somehow... (i.e. the pattern of quantifier nestings (Skolem functions) in the logical representation of a program should match the pattern of variable-value dependencies in the graph of function-invocations in the program, and if the SNs are not closures this won't work in general I think...)

So this is seems like a valid general point now that you mention it...

I'm not sure however, how it impacts the specific experimentation that the St. Petersburg team is looking to do right now. At this point their experimentation uses some pretty simple GSNs and I don't think there is anything very subtle regarding use of functions as first-class objects, stopping execution of an outer function while still passing around an inner function etc. -- but OTOH I haven't thought about it that deeply, and also who knows what they will want to do next as their experimentation continues...

So I agree, at the moment, that GSNs should be closures... but given that, I also think they should be allowed to pass around foreign objects...

If we want OpenCog to adopt a prominent role in the commercial AI ecosystem -- and we want it to interoperate relatively freely/nicely with other AI agents in the SingularityNET platform -- as an advanced AI platform and not just a graph database ... then we need OpenCog GSNs to be able to pass around foreign objects of various sorts... We don't want to have to create custom Atom types in OpenCog for every type of foreign object we want to pass around, IMO. This seems a rather awkward design. (One could try to salvage it by automating the creation of these custom Atom types but... I still don't see why...)

The specific foreign object to which an outer-SN variable is bound, would be part of the state that gets fixed in the inner-SN when the outer-SN is executed and calls the inner-SN .... I have never used foreign objects in Scheme but it seems they work sensibly

and I would assume they interoperate just fine with closures in Scheme.... Of course you will be fucked if your foreign object changes in the course of execution and you've assumed it remains the same, so then there are complexities of making the whole OpenCog system not blow up when that happens, but given how many other AI systems there are that OpenCog will need to inter-operate with in reality, I don't see how to realistically avoid this kind of mess... IF we want OpenCog to be a flexible cognitive-procedure-execution framework and not just a static knowledge base (which I do, and which I think you, Linas, also have at various points in our work together...)



A few small aside-responses...

-- yeah I am familiar with relational algebra from a math view; and I have used SQL in the past, though the last time was was nearly 2 decades ago .... But I think the differences between hypergraph DBs, graph DBs and relational DBs are ones worth paying attention to in the context of our current discussion ... and also the peculiarities of embedding logic, functional programming and relational-algebra in the same hypergraph interoperably, which we are attempting and last I checked MySQL, DB2 and Oracle were not...

-- about, I suppose their business success relative to our "Corto" effort (which was an attempt to market Atomspace as an enterprise graph DB) is correlated with their singleminded focus on their graph DB, whereas our Corto story involved both the Atomspace graph DB and the AI we were building on it, which probably confused some potential investors.... However I also think grakn's singleminded focus on the graph DB is leading them to make a graph DB that will be less useful for AGI or advanced narrow AI applications than Atomspace.... The kinds of simplicity that promote business success don't always promote scientific success...

-- About relational + functional in general -- I mean ... If we can't get relational-algebra-ish stuff to work nicely with functional programming, how the f**k are we gonna create a symbolic AGI together? We need to solve some really hard back-end CS problems here, along the way in the course of solving other more application-level really hard problems .... It would indeed be great if we had less friction-laden communication as we went about doing this...

I note that it's straightforward to implement relational algebra in a nice functional programming framework,

This isn't exactly how the Atomspace works of course, but it illustrates that in practice as well as in theory, there is no big discontinuity btw functional programming and relational algebra...

On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 7:02 AM Linas Vepštas wrote:

A programming escape is any construction that fails to capture state. For example, in C/C++:

{ \ beginning of block scope int a = 42; printf("its %d\n", a); } \ end of block scope; "a" is captured printf("now its %d\n", a); // invalid because "a" is out of scope.

The above style is called "structured programming". Lets compare it to an escape (which is not legal in C/C++, but you can do it in fortran:

{ \ beginning of block scope int a = 42; goto label; \ attempt to escape } \ end of block scope; label: printf("now its %d\n", a); // whoops, still invalid, because modern compilers prevent this.

So escapes don't work in C/C++, because compilers are strict, and prevent you from escaping.

Lets compare this to what you are doing:

GroundedSchemaNode "py: some_func"

... calls python code

def some_func():
     a = 42
     print ("Its" + str(a) + "\n")   # print a
# return from python; variable a goes out of block scope.

GroundedSchemaNode "py: other_func"

... calls python code

def other_func():
     print ("Now Its" + str(a) + "\n")   # invalid! there is no "a" in this scope!

Yet somehow, you want to transmit the python state from some_func to other_func, and the way you did this was by escaping "a" and placing it in a PtrValue. You had to do this because the GroundedSchemaNode, as currently designed, impleented, architected, is not a closure. Perhaps once upon a time, @bgoertzel imagined that it was a closure, but that is not how GSN is implemented today. Which is why you are being forced to invent PtrValue.

I hope that this makes clear why I am calling escapes+void* non-structured programming. The escape is attempting to jump out of context, but then is attempting to bring the context with it, using the PtrValue.

There are two ways to fix this: closures and objects. There is an old Zen koan: "Objects are a poor-mans closure" Zen master berates student. "Closures are a poor mans object" Zen master smiles.

I offered you the object solution: create a VisualLink object which can carry all of the required state that you need. Feel free to allow VisualLink to share that state with any other object that needs access to it. There are no problems with escaping or capturing or closure, because all of the state is in formal object-oriented-style objects.

There is also a different solution, called a closure. We would have to modify GSN to work differently, or possibly invent a GroundedClosureNode, that would carry all of it's required state with it, wherever it went. If you have two different python functions, and they needed to share state, then each would have to enter the closure of the other. I suspect that most pythhon programmers would find this to be an awkward programming style. Google for "python closures" for programming examples.

If you want to invent a GroundedClosureNode, I guess that's OK with me, and maybe Ben always thought that GroundedSchemaNodes were closures; and I'm sorry they were never implemented like that. It was a mistake. Mistakes happen.

Please, please try to understand what I am saying above.

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-- Ben Goertzel, PhD

"The dewdrop world / Is the dewdrop world / And yet, and yet …" -- Kobayashi Issa

bgoertzel commented 5 years ago

So Linas, one thing that still confuses me in your perspective here is: Suppose we make GSNs behave like closures, then we still need some representation of foreign objects in the Atomspace....

PtrValue may be overly crude (I'm not 100% sure), but we would still need something.

E.g. we could have a ForeignEntityNode, which contained a reference to the external ID of the foreign entity.... Then accessing properties of the ForeignEntityNode, if needed, would be done by GroundedSchemaNodes (where the grounding involved making Atomspace-external function calls that actually get data from the foreign entity referred to by the ForeignEntityNode)...

In this approach, if we have some tensor object in the Atomspace, say a TensorNode or whatever, and we want to associate this TensorNode with some fancy annotated tensor existing in PyTorch or wherever, then we would create a ForeignEntitynode for the fancy annotated tensor, and create something like

ReferenceLink ---- ForeignEntityNode "1234464484884" ---- TensorNode "alexeys-deep-NN-444"

(or whatever) to indicate that the foreign entity is a representation of the TensorNode

This is a more explicit (hence more straighforwardly reasoning/meta-reflection/etc.-friendly) knowledge representation than a PtrValue, and it doesn't require a proliferation of custom Atom types like Visual Link etc. etc. ...

However we still gotta pass these TensorNodes around between various nested GSNs using ExecutionOutputLinks etc. -- we still need to handle SNs as first-class-citizens properly etc.

In short, proper handling of higher order functions and nested functions and continuations etc. is one thing, and the flexibility to reference foreign objects and their properties is another thing, and there seems no big conceptual/mathematical to-do about how to make them work together, though I believe you that some code changes to the guts of GSN and ExecutionOutputLink might be needed...

linas commented 5 years ago

OK, there are multiple issues. Foremost:

The relational concept is woven deeply into knowledge representation: So, for example, in first-order logic, and higher-order logic, there is a theorem (whose name I forget; maybe Hintikka theorem??) that says that you can create a model of the theory if and only if the language of the logic obeys a certain set of fairly simple rules. The reason it is "if-and-only-if" is because the problem maps to recursive functions; not every theory has a model, and the problem of whether a theory has a model is not decidable. HOWEVER, the (Hintikka ??) rule-set works out, because it is declarative: effectively, because you can re-cast it (first order logic, whatever) as a bunch of relations. This results is kind-of used everywhere in proof-theory and type theory and proof assistants etc.: the reason your AGDA and Coq. are able to come up with proofs is because the programs that analyze types always halt. Always. So you're sneering at half a century of work on relational algebras and knowledge representation at considerable cost: using declarations to declare data, and relations to express ... relations ... captures that part of the knowledge structure that is amenable to provably-terminating programs that perform reasoning, and this is the case for AGDA, or Coq or whatever proof assistant you want, but its also more broadly true as a paradigm for any kind of knowledge representation.

The above sketches why I keep saying "relational", why it makes sense to be relational. However, the idea is sufficiently abstract that it's a lot easier to stick to real-world examples that normal people know: thus, datalog/prolog and SQL, (but with types), or grakn, instead of agda/coq, because most programmers aren't just going to know what agda/coq is. Another fairly down-to-earth example of declarative knowledge representation is "answer-set programming"; it appears to be popular in the robotics world, it seems like more than two software programmers know it, so use that as an example of knowledge representation.

This post got too long, details in the next post.

linas commented 5 years ago

So, some more concrete remarks:

We don't want to have to create custom Atom types in OpenCog for every type of foreign object we want to pass around, IMO. This seems a rather awkward design.

Why? In just about every programming language, programmers create new types a dozen times a day. In python and C++, a type is called "an object". In SQL, a type is called "a table". In grakn, they just call it "types", and example two on their website shows how to create a type in ten lines of code. If you look at that example, you should recognize it as "just another evaluationlink+predicatenode". There's nothing particularly awkward about it; its just a normal, every-day aspect of programming.

Now, as to FFI for atomese: Yes, OK, this can be improved. Calling it an FFI is misleading: it should be "foreign type interface": In C++ and Java, an object class is the same thing as a type. In C, structs are types, but so are functions. For example, in C:

int myfunc(double x) { return round(x+42.0); }    // Some function with signature double->int
double other(int y) {return y+42.0; } // a function with a different signature

typedef int (*Fun) (double);      // type declaration
int applier(Fun f, double z)  { return f(z); }  // apply function f to value z

main () {
    applier(myfunc, 66.0);   // works
    applier(other, 66.0);   // syntax error; "other" is a different type. 

In C, function signatures are types.

Programmers create types all the time, every day, in every way. It should not be "awkward" to create types and to work with them.

linas commented 5 years ago

Anyway, I am not particularly concerned about types, I don't see it as a stumbling block. The type infrastructure could be improved, but mostly up til now, nobody has been much interested in it.

What I am concerned about is the nested layout. I don't see how PLN or the rule engine or the pattern matcher can do anything reasonable with that nesting structure. It seems like a very awkward representation to work with. I really want a one-size-fits-all API.

Here's an example: for Sophia, if the TV show host says "Sophia, is John standing in front of Bob?", the ghost infrastructure can convert that to a (relational) query, that gets passed to the octomap, which can then return "yes/no", which gets converted back into natural language. In this design, octomap is being pumped with x,y,z coordinate positions from some ROS node doing SLAM or whatever @des256 and @jdddog and the robot guys pick out. I would like it if the neural-net visual system worked the same way: something like this pseudocode:

      (QueryNode  "relative location")
           (AttendNode "in front of")    ;; maybe this should be (PredicateNode "in front of")
           (AttendNode "John")
           (AttendNode "Bob")))

I like this style, because the meaning of it is fairly clear. it's relatively obvious how to take some class of natural-language sentences, and convert it into this, and then convert the result back to English. By contrast, working with the nested representation is the thing that feels very awkward for me. And even if you manage to make it non-awkward, its going to just be different than what is done everywhere else. This is what I mean by a "uniform API": every subsystem should expose its knowledge in a similar way, so that various algorithms can interact with it in a common, generic way.

A side issue with the GSN proposal that really scared me was about how and where CPU cycles were being burned up. So, in the octomap design, you can set it up so that opencog/atomspace is sitting there, almost idle, until the late-night talk show host blurts out a question. The CPU intensive 30-frame-per-second conversion of video into position data is done on some ROS node. The atomspace doesn't get involved in that pipeline, it doesn't burn CPU cycles, it just asks it for answers, when needed.

The GSN proposal makes it look as if 100% of the image processing happens inside of opencog: Its like, you ask "is John in front of Bob?" and the most deeply-nested py:filter goes out and grabs a video frame and looks for John, which nests to another nested GSN which looks for Bob (by calling py:Filter on the data that the previous GSN returned) , which nests to a final py:filter call which mangles the all the previous results to get the answer. We can't, we should not be burning those CPU cycles inside of opencog. It would slow the system to a crawl. All that computation should be happening in some other process, or some GPU card, or wherever.

And this is where declarative knowledge representation comes back into action: how do you tell the GPU image processors to look for Bob standing in from of John? The answer is, you talk to the GPU's declaratively: you create a message, you send that message. The GPU's decode the message, do the right thing, give you the answer back. This is why figure 3 in the Arxiv article is declarative. This is why the TensorFlow keras thing is declarative. If I go to I see this:

model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
  tf.keras.layers.Dense(512, activation=tf.nn.relu),
  tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation=tf.nn.softmax)

Its like off-the-shelf declarative knowledge. The guys would have pretty much no trouble at all converting this to some grakn statement. We shouldn't either; it should look like

          (LayerLink (Concept "flatten"))
          (LayerLink (Concept "dense") (Number 512) (Predicate "relu"))
          (LayerLink (Concept "dropout") ... etc.

and there we go: we've managed to convert tensorflow into a plain-old ordinary relational database entry. I know immediately how to write a BindLink to find all TFKerasLink's that have (Concept "flatten") in them. I'm pretty sure that Nil could find some easy way of running the backward chainer or PLN to deduce or infer all possible Keras models that conclude with "flatten", or whatever. It seems to be a direct and immediate way of representing data.

linas commented 5 years ago

Re: continuations: yes, although they are "more flexible" than C++/Java/python-style OOP. the fact is that object-oriented programming is popular, and closures are not. Most programmers get taught C++/python-style OOP in school. (there are other styles, including "parametric polymorphism" which are cool, but most programmers do not understand). But closures - forget it: read the wikipedia article on closures: it's so opaque and confusing, it's like an entry into a contest for the most obfuscated explanation possible. Why is that? Because most programmers just don't understand them, and the ones who wrote that article cannot figure out how to explain them in a simple, clear fashion. This is why OOP is popular, and continuations are not.

Our atoms are already types. C++ and python classes are already types. Just equate them. A type is a type is a type. Or a kind. We've got a semi-functional "deep type" system already mostly-partly-implemented, and it can already do simple kinds of type inference. We've got type constructors. We've got a function type. We've got a signature type. The pattern matcher can already handle many of the simpler "deep types". Lets stick to types, and to C++/python OOP-style. Lets not invent all-brand-new, untried, unproven, unimplemented coding styles.

ngeiswei commented 5 years ago

@linas said

I don't see how PLN or the rule engine or the pattern matcher can do anything reasonable with that nesting structure.

An inference tree is a nested structure. In fact when the URE is used to evaluate an expression, it generates a inference tree that is isomorphic to that expression. The following gives a good example of that.

noskill commented 5 years ago

What's wrong with the representation used in figure 3? Using nested GSN's seems to introduce multiple issues.

Nested execution output link is direct translation of program generated by lstm generator from the paper. The original code is not nested because there is for loop in python. Atomese doesn't have for loop, so i used recursion.

noskill commented 5 years ago

Why do you want to have nested GSN's?

I already answered this question, so i just copy paste it here:

Is this code already written, or is this a design proposal? I don't think you should do with nested execution output links -- that's NOT going to work well at all ... for many different reasons

Code with nested execution output links is already written, it is written that way mainly due to reason that we don't have URE rule for working with tensor(pixelwise) truth values. Once we have more seamless integration we will implement declarative solution.

linas commented 5 years ago

Atomese doesn't have for loop,

Atomese has tail-recursive loops. They work fine.

vsbogd commented 5 years ago

@linas, do you mean SequentialLink can be used to implement evaluation loop? Is there something similar for executable links?

noskill commented 5 years ago

So SequentialLink is the conditional operator in atomese.. I believe it would be more convenient to have more usual conditional operator, like cond in scheme.

ngeiswei commented 5 years ago

Actually, SequentualLink isn't supposed to be conditional, however SeqentialAndLink or SequentialOrLink are. They would also supposedly have a temporal semantics and allow PLN to reason about temporal events, but that isn't implemented.

CondLink or IfThenElseLink would be definitely welcome IMO.

bgoertzel commented 5 years ago

IfThenElseLInk has been described/discussed/requested many times before...

On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 2:12 PM Nil Geisweiller wrote:

Actually, SequentualLink isn't supposed to be conditional, however SeqentialAndLink or SequentialOrLink are conditional. They would also supposedly have a temporal semantics and allow to PLN could reason about temporal events, but that isn't implemented.

CondLink or IfThenElseLink would be definitely welcome IMO.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

-- Ben Goertzel, PhD

"The dewdrop world / Is the dewdrop world / And yet, and yet …" -- Kobayashi Issa

linas commented 5 years ago

I want to very strongly resist IfThenElseLink and I want to very strongly resist ForLoopLink. There are multiple reasons for this.

First, we already have IfThenElseLink, it just has a different name: it is called SequentialOrLink. The SequentialOrLink evaluates its first atom, and if it returns true, then done. Else it evaluates the second atom. So we already have that - we've had it for 3-4 years now, we don't need to reinvent it.

linas commented 5 years ago

We also do not need a ForLoopLink, because we already have one of those, too, just under a different name. The example examples/atomspace/recursive-loop.scm explains how to use it.

The example examples/atomspace/random-choice.scm demonstrates how to run a loop exactly 1000 times. It computes the average of 1000 random numbers.

Both of these examples also exist as unit tests; as long as the unit tests pass, then the examples will work.


noskill commented 5 years ago

@linas i believe this is not correct translation of my code:

GroundedSchemaNode "py: some_func"
    # ... calls python code 
    def some_func():
         a = 42
         print ("Its" + str(a) + "\n")   # print a
    # return from python; variable a goes out of block scope. 
GroundedSchemaNode "py: other_func"
    # ... calls python code 
    def other_func():
         print ("Now Its" + str(a) + "\n")   # invalid! there is no "a" in this scope!

It is more like:

GroundedSchemaNode "py: some_func"
    # ... calls python code 
    def some_func():
         a = 42
         print ("Its" + str(a) + "\n")   # print a
         return  a
    # return from python; variable a stored somewhere 
GroundedSchemaNode "py: other_func"
    # ... calls python code 
    def other_func(a):
         print ("Now Its" + str(a) + "\n")   # valid! there is "a" in this scope!

By the way is there a Link that is intended to return some Value(for example PtrValue), not just truth value?

linas commented 5 years ago

Loops and tail recursion were added to the atomspace in the fall of 2015. They were added to make it easier to control the Sophia robot. They are used in the old behavior-tree code, and in ghost. They are typically used with threads.

The recursive loop example was explicitly added for Dr. Alexey Potapov, to make it clear how to write a loop with neural nets. Unlike the old behavior-tree/ghost loops, that particular example uses values for the loop exit criteria.

The suggestion was that the the RandomStream in that example was going to be replaced by some neural net output. We did not yet know what that neural net would look like, so RandomStream was used for the example. Way back then (May 2018) it was imagined that there might be some TensorFlowStream or something like that; it would generate a stream of values, and those values could be monitored and used to control flow inside of the atomspace.

I mentioned threads. We have two different links that create threads and join threads, they are called ParallelLink and JoinLink -- they can be used with loops, and it should all work fine. It seems that we do not have any examples using these two. I'll try to create some now.

During the May 2018 discussions, it was assumed that the neural net code would be using the threading links, so that the main atomspace would not be blocked while TensorFlowStream accessed the GPU's to obtain values.

linas commented 5 years ago

@noskill -- again -- the code in this example: is a copy of an email from the mailing list with Alexey, where a prototype code for the neural net code was created. In that prototype, and in that example, it was assumed that Streams would be used to wrap the neural nets.

There was no GroundedSchemaNode in the original prototype. A value, inheriting from StreamValue would store everything that the neural net needed. The ValueOfLink was the mechanism to return arbitrary values. Since the PlusLink assumes numbers, that demo works only if the returned values are floats. However, other kinds of values can be returned, and because they are values, you can store them anywhere at all.