opencog / link-grammar

The CMU Link Grammar natural language parser
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
389 stars 118 forks source link

crash in wordgraph #494

Closed linas closed 7 years ago

linas commented 7 years ago

This is a very very rare error: I've seen it once, only, after about 8-12 cpu-hours of processing:

Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 5: 1998
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =bum, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 6: 998 - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Il {} sembl.= =erait q.= =ue cette {}
dern.= =nière édition {} clô.= =t cet {} épisode. =isode.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: magazine
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 3: en
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 4: f.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (15 words): LEFT-WALL Il sembl.= =erait q.= =ue cette dern.=
=nière édition clô.= =t cet épisode. =isode.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b559c0 Word 2: a.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Cela {} e.= =n fai.= =t l'album 'album
{} le {} mieux {} class.= =lassé d.= =u group.= =e da.= =s ce {} classement.
Trace: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (21 words): LEFT-WALL Cela e.= =n fai.= =t l'album 'album le
mieux class.= =lassé d.= =u group.= =e da.= =s ce classement. =sement.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: réédition
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: magazine
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b559c0 Word 1: Sear.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: Rolling
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b559c0 Word 2: =arch - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: d.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait {} q.= =ue cet.=
=ette d.= =e éd.= =dition clôt {} ce.= =et épisode. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (17 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait q.= =ue cet.= =ette
d.= =e éd.= =dition clôt ce.= =et épisode. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: Cela
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: 0x2ae062b559c0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: =e
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b559c0 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Search {} and {} Destro.= =y - 3:29.
{} {} {} {}
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: e.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b559c0 (7 words): LEFT-WALL Search and Destro.= =y - 3:29.
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 5: 1998
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 6: 998 - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =um, brut {} et {}
fascinant, =nant, inf.= =luencera l.= =e c.= =t punk. =unk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 3: =n
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: Stone
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (16 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =um, brut et fascinant,
=nant, inf.= =luencera l.= =e c.= =t punk. =unk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 4: fai.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 5: l'a
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semblerait
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 6: 'a - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b559c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 5: =t
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 6: l'album
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: q.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a réédition {} d.= =e 1998 998 98
8 chez {} Colombia {} a été {} e.= =èrement remixée {} pa.= =ar I.= =y Pop. {}
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b559c0 Word 1: Search
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (22 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a réédition d.= =e 1998 998 98 8
chez Colombia a été e.= =èrement remixée pa.= =ar I.= =y Pop.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b559c0 Word 2: and
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL Le {} magazine {} Rol.= =lling S.=
=one l'a 'a {} cl.= =sé 125 5 {} meilleur {} album {} de {} t.= =ous les {} temp.=
=mps en {} n.= =ant q.= =ue .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 7: 'album - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b559c0 Word 3: Destro.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b559c0 Word 4: =y
Trace: 0x2ae07dd685c0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b559c0 Word 5: -
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: =ue
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (27 words): LEFT-WALL Le magazine Rol.= =lling S.= =one l'a
'a cl.= =sé 125 5 meilleur album de t.= =ous les temp.= =mps en n.= =ant q.= =ue .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (25 words): LEFT-WALL To.= =us l.= =s morcea.= =x on.= =t é.=
=té écrits {} pa.= =ar Ig.= =ggy Po.= =op et {} Jame.= =es Williamson. =mson.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: =a
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b559c0 Word 6: 3:29.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (23 words): LEFT-WALL To.= =us l.= =s morcea.= =x on.= =t é.=
=té écrits pa.= =ar Ig.= =ggy Po.= =op et Jame.= =es Williamson. =mson.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 6: cet.=
Trace: match_regex: SANEMORPHISM wwwtsww
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: 0x2ae062b559c0 Morpheme type combination 'wwwtsww'
Trace: sane_linkage_morphism: 0x2ae062b559c0 SUCCEEDED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: Le
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 1: To.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: réédition
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: magazine
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 7: =ette - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: d.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Se.= =arch and {} Dest.= =oy - 3:29.
:2.= 29. . .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: Rol.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =la en {} fait {} l'album 'album
{} le {} mieux {} clas.= =lassé du {} group.= =upe d.= =ans ce {} classement.
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 2: =us
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (12 words): LEFT-WALL Se.= =arch and Dest.= =oy - 3:29. :2.=
29. . .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait {} que {} ce.= =ette
derni.= =nière édition {} clôt {} ce.= =et épisode. =e.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =la en fait l'album 'album le
mieux clas.= =lassé du group.= =upe d.= =ans ce classement. =ment.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 5: =e
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 3: l.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 6: 1998
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 7: 998 - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: =lling - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (15 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait que ce.= =ette
derni.= =nière édition clôt ce.= =et épisode. =e.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a rééd.= =édition d.= =e 1998 98
98 {} chez {} Colombia {} a été {} entièr.= =ent remixée {} par {} Iggy {} Pop. =p.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e magazi.= =zine R.= =lling Stone
{} l'a 'a {} classé {} 125 25 5 meilleur {} album {} de {} t.= =s les {} te.= =ps
e.= =n not.= =otant que {} .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (21 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a rééd.= =édition d.= =e 1998 98
98 chez Colombia a été entièr.= =ent remixée par Iggy Pop. =p.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (28 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e magazi.= =zine R.= =lling Stone
l'a 'a classé 125 25 5 meilleur album de t.= =s les te.= =ps e.= =n not.= =otant
que .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Se.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: C.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: =arch
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: =la - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07dd685c0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 4: =s - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x5be1fcd0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: and
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Cela {} e.= =n fai.= =t l'album 'album
{} le {} m.= =ux classé {} du {} gro.= =upe dan.= =s ce {} classement. {}
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 4: Dest.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semblerait
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: que
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: =a
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: =e
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: magazi.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: =zine - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 5: =oy - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (25 words): LEFT-WALL To.= =us le.= =s morceau.= =x on.= =t é.=
=té écrits {} pa.= =ar I.= =y Po.= =p et {} Jam.= =mes Williamson. =amson.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cela e.= =n fai.= =t l'album 'album le
m.= =ux classé du gro.= =upe dan.= =s ce classement.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: rééd.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: =édition - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: ce.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (23 words): LEFT-WALL To.= =us le.= =s morceau.= =x on.= =t é.=
=té écrits pa.= =ar I.= =y Po.= =p et Jam.= =mes Williamson. =amson.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: Cela
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: e.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 6: =ette - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 3: =n
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL S.= =arch and {} Destro.= =y - 3:29.
9. 29. . .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL Le {} mag.= =zine Rol.= =lling Stone
{} l'a 'a {} cla.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur {} album {} de {} tou.= =us les {} temp.=
=mps en {} notan.= =nt que {} .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait {} que {} ce.= =ette
d.= =rnière éd.= =tion c.= =lôt ce.= =et épisode. =e.
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 1: To.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a réédition {} de {} 1998 998 8 8
chez {} Colomb.= =ia a ét.= =té entiè.= =rement remixée {} par {} I.= =gy Pop. =p.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (17 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait que ce.= =ette d.=
=rnière éd.= =tion c.= =lôt ce.= =et épisode. =e.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 4: fai.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (27 words): LEFT-WALL Le mag.= =zine Rol.= =lling Stone l'a
'a cla.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur album de tou.= =us les temp.= =mps en notan.= =nt
que .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (23 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a réédition de 1998 998 8 8 chez
Colomb.= =ia a ét.= =té entiè.= =rement remixée par I.= =gy Pop. =p.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semblerait
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (12 words): LEFT-WALL S.= =arch and Destro.= =y - 3:29. 9.
29. . .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: Le
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: mag.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: =zine - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e ma.= =zine Rol.= =lling Ston.=
=one l'a 'a {} class.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur {} album {} d.= =e t.= =s les {}
temp.= =mps en {} not.= =nt q.= =ue .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 5: =t
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: que
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 6: l'album
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (31 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e ma.= =zine Rol.= =lling Ston.=
=one l'a 'a class.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur album d.= =e t.= =s les temp.= =mps en
not.= =nt q.= =ue .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: S.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 2: =us
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 7: 'album - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: =arch - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: ce.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 3: le.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 6: =ette - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: L.=
Trace: 0x2ae07dd685c0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: =a
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: réédition
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 4: =s
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 5: morceau.=
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 6: =x
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Search {} and {} D.= =y - 3:29. :29. .
. .
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 7: on.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: de
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: =e
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Cela {} e.= =n fait {} l'album 'album
{} le {} mieux {} cl.= =sé d.= =u group.= =roupe da.= =ans ce {} classement. =t.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (11 words): LEFT-WALL Search and D.= =y - 3:29. :29. . . .
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 8: =t
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (20 words): LEFT-WALL Cela e.= =n fait l'album 'album le
mieux cl.= =sé d.= =u group.= =roupe da.= =ans ce classement. =t.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: ma.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: =zine - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semb.= =erait qu.= =ue c.=
=ette der.= =ère édition {} clôt {} c.= =et épisode. =isode.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 5: 1998
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 6: 998 - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Search
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (17 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semb.= =erait qu.= =ue c.=
=ette der.= =ère édition clôt c.= =et épisode. =isode.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e magazine {} Roll.= =lling St.=
=one l'a 'a {} c.= =sé 125 5 {} meilleur {} album {} d.= =e tou.= =ous les {} temps
{} en {} no.= =nt q.= =ue .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: Cela
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: and
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: D.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: e.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (28 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e magazine Roll.= =lling St.=
=one l'a 'a c.= =sé 125 5 meilleur album d.= =e tou.= =ous les temps en no.= =nt
q.= =ue .
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 9: é.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 10: =té
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 4: =y - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 3: =n
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: =e
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 4: fait
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: magazine
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semb.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: Roll.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 5: =lling - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: =erait - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, brut {} e.= =t
fascinant, =nant, i.= =a l.= =e c.= =ourant punk. =unk.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Search {} a.= =nd Destr.= =y - 3:29.
{} {} {} {}
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 5: l'album
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (18 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, brut e.= =t
fascinant, =nant, i.= =a l.= =e c.= =ourant punk. =unk.
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a rééd.= =édition d.= =e 1998 998
98 8 ch.= =hez Colo.= =ia a été {} entièremen.= =ntièrement rem.= =ée pa.= =r Ig.=
=ggy Pop. =op.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 6: 'album - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Il {} semblerai.= =erait que {} cett.=
=ette dernière {} édi.= =on clô.= =lôt c.= =t épisode. =pisode.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (27 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a rééd.= =édition d.= =e 1998 998
98 8 ch.= =hez Colo.= =ia a été entièremen.= =ntièrement rem.= =ée pa.= =r Ig.=
=ggy Pop. =op.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (16 words): LEFT-WALL Il semblerai.= =erait que cett.= =ette
dernière édi.= =on clô.= =lôt c.= =t épisode. =pisode.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (8 words): LEFT-WALL Search a.= =nd Destr.= =y - 3:29.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: Il
Trace: 0x2ae07dd685c0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: semblerai.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: =erait - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Search
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: =a
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: C.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Cela {} e.= =n fait {} l'album 'alb.=
=m le {} mie.= =ux clas.= =sé du {} gr.= =upe d.= =ans c.= =e classement. =ment.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: rééd.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: =édition - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, brut {} et {}
fascinant, =nant, influ.= =luencera le {} courant {} punk. .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (15 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, brut et fascinant,
=nant, influ.= =luencera le courant punk. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: C.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL La {} réédition {} d.= =e 1998 98 8 8
chez {} Colomb.= =ia a été {} entièrement {} re.= =emixée p.= =r Igg.= =ggy Pop.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (23 words): LEFT-WALL La réédition d.= =e 1998 98 8 8 chez
Colomb.= =ia a été entièrement re.= =emixée p.= =r Igg.= =ggy Pop. =op.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: La
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: réédition
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: d.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: a.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait {} qu.= =ue cette {}
dernièr.= =rnière éditio.= =ion clô.= =t c.= =t épisode. =sode.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (22 words): LEFT-WALL Cela e.= =n fait l'album 'alb.= =m le
mie.= =ux clas.= =sé du gr.= =upe d.= =ans c.= =e classement. =ment.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (17 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait qu.= =ue cette
dernièr.= =rnière éditio.= =ion clô.= =t c.= =t épisode. =sode.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: =e
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: =nd
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 5: 1998
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 11: écrits
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 4: Destr.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 5: =y - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 12: pa.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 6: 98 - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: Cela
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semblerait
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: qu.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: =ue - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Sear.= =arch and {} Destr.= =troy -
3:29. 9. {} {} {}
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (9 words): LEFT-WALL Sear.= =arch and Destr.= =troy - 3:29.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Sear.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: =arch - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =bum, br.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =inant, influe.= =ra l.= =e couran.= =ant punk. .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e mag.= =zine R.= =lling St.=
=one l'a 'a {} classé {} 125 25 5 meilleur {} al.= =lbum de {} tou.= =us les {}
tem.= =emps en {} nota.= =tant que {} .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Sear.= =arch and {} D.= =estroy -
3:29.= :29. 9. 9. {}
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 13: =ar - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x5be1fcd0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (11 words): LEFT-WALL Sear.= =arch and D.= =estroy - 3:29.=
:29. 9. 9.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Sear.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL La {} réédition {} de {} 1998 98 98 8
chez {} Colombia {} a été {} entièreme.= =ièrement remi.= =e pa.= =ar Iggy {} Pop.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: =arch - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l sembl.= =erait qu.= =ue ce.=
=ette derniè.= =ernière édition {} clô.= =t cet {} épisode. =e.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (21 words): LEFT-WALL La réédition de 1998 98 98 8 chez
Colombia a été entièreme.= =ièrement remi.= =e pa.= =ar Iggy Pop. .
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (29 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e mag.= =zine R.= =lling St.=
=one l'a 'a classé 125 25 5 meilleur al.= =lbum de tou.= =us les tem.= =emps en
nota.= =tant que .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: =e
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Se.= =arch a.= =d D.= =estroy - 3:2.=
. 29. {} {}
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (18 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =bum, br.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =inant, influe.= =ra l.= =e couran.= =ant punk. .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (25 words): LEFT-WALL To.= =us les {} morceaux {} o.= =t é.= =té
écr.= =ts p.= =r Iggy {} P.= =p e.= =t J.= =ames Williamson. =illiamson.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: La
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (11 words): LEFT-WALL Se.= =arch a.= =d D.= =estroy - 3:2.=
. 29.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (22 words): LEFT-WALL To.= =us les morceaux o.= =t é.= =té écr.=
=ts p.= =r Iggy P.= =p e.= =t J.= =ames Williamson. =illiamson.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: réédition
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Se.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (17 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l sembl.= =erait qu.= =ue ce.=
=ette derniè.= =ernière édition clô.= =t cet épisode. =e.
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =bum, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: mag.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: =arch
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: a.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: sembl.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: =erait
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: qu.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 1: To.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 6: =ue - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 4: =d - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: =zine - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, b.= =ut et {}
fascinant, =nant, influe.= =a l.= =e cour.= =ourant punk. =unk.
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: de
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait {} q.= =ue ce.=
=ette derniè.= =nière édition {} clô.= =t cet {} épisode. =isode.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e maga.= =zine Roll.= =lling
Sto.= =one l'a 'a {} classé {} 125 25 5 meilleur {} album {} d.= =e t.= =s les {}
te.= =ps e.= =n notant {} qu.= =e .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (16 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait q.= =ue ce.= =ette
derniè.= =nière édition clô.= =t cet épisode. =isode.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 2: =us
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Se.= =arch an.= =d Destr.= =stroy -
3:29. {} {} {} {}
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: 1998
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (9 words): LEFT-WALL Se.= =arch an.= =d Destr.= =stroy -
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (30 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e maga.= =zine Roll.= =lling
Sto.= =one l'a 'a classé 125 25 5 meilleur album d.= =e t.= =s les te.= =ps e.= =n
notant qu.= =e .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: =e
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: maga.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: =zine
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 5: Roll.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 6: =lling - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (18 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, b.= =ut et
fascinant, =nant, influe.= =a l.= =e cour.= =ourant punk. =unk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: C.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 5: 98 - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: e.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, br.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =cinant, inf.= =luencera l.= =e c.= =rant punk. =nk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL Le {} magazi.= =zine Rolling {} Stone
{} l'a 'a {} clas.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur {} a.= =lbum de {} tous {} les {} temps
{} en {} n.= =otant qu.= =e .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Se.=
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: =arch
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semblerait
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 3: =n
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: an.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 4: fait
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: q.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 4: =d
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 5: l'album
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: =ue
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 3: les
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a réédition {} d.= =e 1998 98 98
8 chez {} Colom.= =ia a été {} entièremen.= =t r.= =e par {} Ig.= =y Pop. =op.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 5: Destr.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 6: 'alb.= - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 6: ce.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 6: =stroy - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 7: =ette - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Le magazi.= =zine Rolling Stone l'a 'a
clas.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur a.= =lbum de tous les temps en n.= =otant qu.= =e .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, br.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =cinant, inf.= =luencera l.= =e c.= =rant punk. =nk.
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (24 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a réédition d.= =e 1998 98 98 8
chez Colom.= =ia a été entièremen.= =t r.= =e par Ig.= =y Pop. =op.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 4: morceaux
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait {} q.= =ue ce.=
=ette de.= =ière édi.= =ition c.= =lôt ce.= =t épisode. =sode.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Search {} a.= =d Des.= =stroy - 3:2.=
:2.= {} 9. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: Le
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (18 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait q.= =ue ce.= =ette
de.= =ière édi.= =ition c.= =lôt ce.= =t épisode. =sode.
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 5: o.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 6: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x5be1fcd0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (11 words): LEFT-WALL Search a.= =d Des.= =stroy - 3:2.=
:2.= 9. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: C.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: =a
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: réédition
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (25 words): LEFT-WALL T.= =us l.= =s morceaux {} ont {} été {}
écrits {} p.= =ar I.= =gy Po.= =p et {} Jame.= =s Williamson. =illiamson.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Search
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: a.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: magazi.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semblerait
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: =zine - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: =d - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: q.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: d.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL Le {} magaz.= =zine Rolling {} Ston.=
=one l'a '.= =a c.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur {} album {} de {} tous {} l.= =es temps
{} en {} notant {} que {} .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =um, b.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =ascinant, influe.= =nfluencera le {} c.= =urant punk. =k.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: =ue
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Search {} and {} Destr.= =troy - 3:29.
9. 29. {} {}
Trace: 0x2ae07dd685c0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 5: =e
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 6: 1998
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 7: 98 - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL La {} réédition {} d.= =e 1998 98 8 8
ch.= =hez Co.= =ia a é.= =té e.= =rement remi.= =mixée pa.= =ar Ig.= =ggy Pop. =op.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (26 words): LEFT-WALL La réédition d.= =e 1998 98 8 8 ch.=
=hez Co.= =ia a é.= =té e.= =rement remi.= =mixée pa.= =ar Ig.= =ggy Pop. =op. 
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: La
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: réédition
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: d.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: =e
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 5: 1998
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Le magaz.= =zine Rolling Ston.= =one
l'a '.= =a c.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur album de tous l.= =es temps en notant que .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: Le
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: magaz.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: =zine - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL Le {} magazine {} Rolling {} Ston.=
=one l'a 'a {} cl.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur {} al.= =lbum d.= =e to.= =s les {} te.=
=mps e.= =n notan.= =ant que {} .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (17 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =um, b.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =ascinant, influe.= =nfluencera le c.= =urant punk. =k.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Cela {} en {} fait {} l'album 'album
{} le {} mi.= =ux class.= =é du {} groupe {} da.= =s c.= =e classement. =ment. 
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (20 words): LEFT-WALL T.= =us l.= =s morceaux ont été écrits p.=
=ar I.= =gy Po.= =p et Jame.= =s Williamson. =illiamson.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (9 words): LEFT-WALL Search and Destr.= =troy - 3:29. 9. 29.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 1: T.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 2: =us - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x5be1fcd0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 6: ce.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Search
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 6: 98 - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 7: =ette - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (29 words): LEFT-WALL Le magazine Rolling Ston.= =one l'a 'a
cl.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur al.= =lbum d.= =e to.= =s les te.= =mps e.= =n notan.=
=ant que .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: and
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cela en fait l'album 'album le mi.=
=ux class.= =é du groupe da.= =s c.= =e classement. =ment.
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: Le
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: Cela
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: Destr.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL La {} rééd.= =édition d.= =e 1998 998
98 8 chez {} Colombia {} a été {} entièremen.= =tièrement r.= =mixée pa.= =ar Iggy
{} Pop. =p.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (25 words): LEFT-WALL Tous {} les {} morceaux {} o.= =t ét.= =té
éc.= =ts pa.= =ar I.= =ggy Po.= =op et {} Jam.= =s Williamson. =illiamson.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait {} qu.= =ue cette {}
der.= =re édit.= =dition c.= =t ce.= =et épisode. =sode.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 4: =troy - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: magazine
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (21 words): LEFT-WALL Tous les morceaux o.= =t ét.= =té éc.= =ts
pa.= =ar I.= =ggy Po.= =op et Jam.= =s Williamson. =illiamson.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (23 words): LEFT-WALL La rééd.= =édition d.= =e 1998 998 98
8 chez Colombia a été entièremen.= =tièrement r.= =mixée pa.= =ar Iggy Pop. =p.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: en
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (17 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait qu.= =ue cette der.=
=re édit.= =dition c.= =t ce.= =et épisode. =sode.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 3: fait
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 4: l'album
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 1: Tous
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Se.= =arch an.= =nd D.= =y - 3:29.= {}
{} 9. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 5: 'album - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: Rolling
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: Ston.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 5: =one - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semblerait
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: qu.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: =ue - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e mag.= =zine Rol.= =lling Stone
{} l'a '.= =a c.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur {} album {} de {} tous {} l.= =s t.= =mps
en {} no.= =ant qu.= =e .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =um, bru.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =cinant, influ.= =uencera le {} cou.= =ourant punk. .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (30 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e mag.= =zine Rol.= =lling Stone
l'a '.= =a c.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleur album de tous l.= =s t.= =mps en no.= =ant
qu.= =e .
Trace: 0x2ae07dd685c0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait {} qu.= =ue c.=
=ette derni.= =ière éd.= =ion clôt {} c.= =t épisode. =sode.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (11 words): LEFT-WALL Se.= =arch an.= =nd D.= =y - 3:29.= 9.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (17 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =um, bru.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =cinant, influ.= =uencera le cou.= =ourant punk. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: =e
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: mag.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: La
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: rééd.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: =zine - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL Le {} magazine {} Rolli.= =lling St.=
=one l'a 'a {} classé {} 125 25 5 meilleur {} album {} d.= =e to.= =us les {}
temp.= =ps e.= =n n.= =t q.= =ue .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (29 words): LEFT-WALL Le magazine Rolli.= =lling St.= =one
l'a 'a classé 125 25 5 meilleur album d.= =e to.= =us les temp.= =ps e.= =n n.= =t
q.= =ue .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: Le
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: magazine
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: Rolli.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: =lling - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL Le {} magazine {} Rolling {} St.= =one
l'a '.= =a classé {} 125 25 {} meilleur {} album {} d.= =e to.= =us l.= =es tem.=
=ps en {} nota.= =ant que {} .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (27 words): LEFT-WALL Le magazine Rolling St.= =one l'a '.=
=a classé 125 25 meilleur album d.= =e to.= =us l.= =es tem.= =ps en nota.= =ant
que .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (17 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait qu.= =ue c.= =ette
derni.= =ière éd.= =ion clôt c.= =t épisode. =sode.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: Le
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: magazine
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Cela {} en {} f.= =t l'album 'album {}
le {} m.= =ux cl.= =lassé d.= =u group.= =upe da.= =s c.= =e classement. .
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 2: les
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Se.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 3: morceaux
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 4: o.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 5: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x5be1fcd0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (22 words): LEFT-WALL Cela en f.= =t l'album 'album le m.=
=ux cl.= =lassé d.= =u group.= =upe da.= =s c.= =e classement. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: =arch
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: =édition - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (25 words): LEFT-WALL Tous {} les {} morceaux {} ont {} été {}
écrits {} p.= =ar I.= =ggy Po.= =op e.= =t Jame.= =ames Williamson. =n.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: Cela
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Tous les morceaux ont été écrits p.= =ar
I.= =ggy Po.= =op e.= =t Jame.= =ames Williamson. =n.
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: an.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: en
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 3: f.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 4: =nd - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 1: Tous
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 4: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07dd685c0 FAILED
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a réédition {} d.= =e 1998 998 98
8 chez {} C.= =ia a été {} entièremen.= =ièrement remixé.= =ixée pa.= =r Igg.= =gy
Pop. =op.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semblerait
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 2: les
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 3: morceaux
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 4: ont
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 5: été
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Cel.= =la e.= =n fait {} l'album
'album {} l.= =e mie.= =ux class.= =lassé d.= =u gro.= =oupe dan.= =ns c.= =e
classement. =ment.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: qu.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Search {} an.= =d De.= =estroy -
3:29.= :.= 9. . .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (24 words): LEFT-WALL Cel.= =la e.= =n fait l'album 'album
l.= =e mie.= =ux class.= =lassé d.= =u gro.= =oupe dan.= =ns c.= =e classement.
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 6: écrits
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 7: p.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: Cel.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: =ue - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (25 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =a réédition d.= =e 1998 998 98 8
chez C.= =ia a été entièremen.= =ièrement remixé.= =ixée pa.= =r Igg.= =gy Pop.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: Rolling
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: St.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 5: =one
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 6: l'a
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (12 words): LEFT-WALL Search an.= =d De.= =estroy - 3:29.=
:.= 9. . .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 7: '.= - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: =la - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Il {} semblerait {} que {} cette {}
dernièr.= =ère édition {} clô.= =lôt c.= =t épisode. =sode.
Trace: 0x2ae07dd685c0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Cel.= =la en {} fait {} l'album '.= =m
le {} m.= =ux c.= =sé d.= =u gr.= =pe d.= =ns c.= =e classement. =nt.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (23 words): LEFT-WALL Cel.= =la en fait l'album '.= =m le
m.= =ux c.= =sé d.= =u gr.= =pe d.= =ns c.= =e classement. =nt.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, brut {} et {}
fascinant, =ant, i.= =ra le {} coura.= =t punk. =k.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Search
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: an.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: =d
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e magazine {} Roll.= =lling
Ston.= =one l'a '.= =a classé {} 125 25 5 meilleur {} album {} de {} tou.= =ous les
{} tem.= =ps e.= =n no.= =otant que {} .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (14 words): LEFT-WALL Il semblerait que cette dernièr.= =ère
édition clô.= =lôt c.= =t épisode. =sode.
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 8: =ar
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 9: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (16 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, brut et fascinant,
=ant, i.= =ra le coura.= =t punk. =k.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 4: De.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (29 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e magazine Roll.= =lling Ston.=
=one l'a '.= =a classé 125 25 5 meilleur album de tou.= =ous les tem.= =ps e.= =n
no.= =otant que .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: Il
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 10: =ggy
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: semblerait
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: que
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: =a
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: cette
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: dernièr.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 11: Po.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 5: =estroy - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: Cel.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: C.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, br.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, {} influence.= =ncera l.= =e courant {} punk. {}
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (16 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, br.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, influence.= =ncera l.= =e courant punk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: C.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =um, bru.= =ut et {}
fascinant, =nt, influ.= =ncera le {} cou.= =urant punk. =nk.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (16 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =um, bru.= =ut et
fascinant, =nt, influ.= =ncera le cou.= =urant punk. =nk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =bum, bru.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =nant, in.= =nfluencera l.= =e c.= =urant punk. .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =bum, bru.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =nant, in.= =nfluencera l.= =e c.= =urant punk. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: C.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 6: =ère - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: =la - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07dd685c0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Se.= =arch a.= =nd Dest.= =oy - 3:2.=
{} {} {} {}
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Ce.= =t album, =um, b.= =ut et {}
fascinant, =nant, inf.= =ra l.= =e c.= =ant punk. =k.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (9 words): LEFT-WALL Se.= =arch a.= =nd Dest.= =oy - 3:2.=
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =la en {} fait {} l'album 'album
{} le {} mieu.= =ux c.= =sé d.= =u g.= =e d.= =ans c.= =e classement. =ment.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (22 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =la en fait l'album 'album le
mieu.= =ux c.= =sé d.= =u g.= =e d.= =ans c.= =e classement. =ment.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Se.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 12: =op - No Wordgraph match
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semb.= =erait q.= =ue cette {}
derniè.= =ernière édit.= =n clôt {} cet {} épisode. =e.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: réédition
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: d.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 5: =e
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: =arch
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (16 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semb.= =erait q.= =ue cette
derniè.= =ernière édit.= =n clôt cet épisode. =e.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 6: 1998
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: C.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (18 words): LEFT-WALL Ce.= =t album, =um, b.= =ut et
fascinant, =nant, inf.= =ra l.= =e c.= =ant punk. =k.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Ce.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 4: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =um, bru.= =ut et {}
fascinant, =nant, influencer.= =encera l.= =e courant {} punk. =unk.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (16 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =um, bru.= =ut et
fascinant, =nant, influencer.= =encera l.= =e courant punk. =unk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Ce.= =t album, =bum, brut {} e.= =t
fascinant, =ant, inf.= =ra le {} co.= =nt punk. =nk.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (17 words): LEFT-WALL Ce.= =t album, =bum, brut e.= =t
fascinant, =ant, inf.= =ra le co.= =nt punk. =nk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Ce.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 4: =bum, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =um, br.= =ut et {}
fascinant, =t, influencer.= =fluencera le {} coura.= =ourant punk. =unk.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (16 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =um, br.= =ut et fascinant,
=t, influencer.= =fluencera le coura.= =ourant punk. =unk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, bru.= =ut et {}
fascinant, =ant, influe.= =ncera l.= =e cou.= =rant punk. =k.
SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00002ae05278eefaDebug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (18 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, bru.= =ut et
fascinant, =ant, influe.= =ncera l.= =e cou.= =rant punk. =k.
, pid=31079, tid=47142955387200
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: C.=
# JRE version: 6.0_45-b06
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t - No Wordgraph match
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.45-b01 mixed mode linux-amd64
# compressed oops)
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
# Problematic frame:
# Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: a.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: =la - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07dd685c0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, brut {} e.= =t
fascinant, =cinant, in.= =era le {} co.= =rant punk. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 7: 998 - No Wordgraph match
CTrace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
  []Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (17 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, brut e.= =t
fascinant, =cinant, in.= =era le co.= =rant punk. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 4: =nd
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: =e
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: magazine
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (26 words): LEFT-WALL Cela {} e.= =n fai.= =t l'album 'alb.=
=m l.= =e m.= =ux class.= =é du {} group.= =pe dans {} ce {} classement. =ment.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: C.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 5: Dest.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 6: =oy - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL La {} réédition {} d.= =e 1998 998 8 8
che.= =hez Colombia {} a été {} ent.= =ement rem.= =ixée pa.= =ar Ig.= =y Pop. =op.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, bru.= =ut et {}
fascinant, =ant, inf.= =uencera le {} cour.= =nt punk. =nk.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07dd685c0 (22 words): LEFT-WALL Cela e.= =n fai.= =t l'album 'alb.= =m
l.= =e m.= =ux class.= =é du group.= =pe dans ce classement. =ment.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semb.=
Trace: 0x5be1fcd0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Sear.= =arch a.= =nd D.= =stroy -
3:29.= :29. . {} {}
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (11 words): LEFT-WALL Sear.= =arch a.= =nd D.= =stroy -
3:29.= :29. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: =erait - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Sear.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (17 words): LEFT-WALL C.= =t album, =um, bru.= =ut et
fascinant, =ant, inf.= =uencera le cour.= =nt punk. =nk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: =arch - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: Roll.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (24 words): LEFT-WALL La réédition d.= =e 1998 998 8 8 che.=
=hez Colombia a été ent.= =ement rem.= =ixée pa.= =ar Ig.= =y Pop. =op.
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 1: Cela
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 5: =lling - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (25 words): LEFT-WALL Tous {} le.= =s morceaux {} ont {} é.= =té
écrits {} p.= =r Iggy {} Po.= =p e.= =t Jam.= =ames Williamson. =on.
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /storage/wikipedia/frwiki-20131220-pages-articles/hs_err_pid31079.log
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x5be1fcd0 (20 words): LEFT-WALL Tous le.= =s morceaux ont é.= =té écrits
p.= =r Iggy Po.= =p e.= =t Jam.= =ames Williamson. =on.
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 1: Tous
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 2: le.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 3: =s
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 4: morceaux
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 5: ont
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait {} que {} cet.=
=ette der.= =ière édit.= =ion cl.= =lôt c.= =et épisode. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Sear.= =arch a.= =nd Destroy {} -
3:2.= :29. 9. {} {}
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: C.=
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (10 words): LEFT-WALL Sear.= =arch a.= =nd Destroy - 3:2.=
:29. 9.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (17 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l semblerait que cet.= =ette
der.= =ière édit.= =ion cl.= =lôt c.= =et épisode. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 1: La
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 6: é.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 7: =té
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 2: réédition
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL Le {} magazine {} Rolling {} Sto.=
=one l'a 'a {} class.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleu.= =illeur al.= =lbum de {} to.= =s les
{} temp.= =ps e.= =n no.= =otant qu.= =ue .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Sear.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: =arch - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: semblerait
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (30 words): LEFT-WALL Le magazine Rolling Sto.= =one l'a 'a
class.= =sé 125 25 5 meilleu.= =illeur al.= =lbum de to.= =s les temp.= =ps e.= =n
no.= =otant qu.= =ue .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: Le
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: magazine
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: que
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: Rolling
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: Sto.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 5: =one - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e magaz.= =zine Roll.= =lling
Sto.= =one l'a 'a {} classé {} 125 25 5 meilleur {} a.= =lbum d.= =e tou.= =us les
{} te.= =emps en {} notant {} q.= =ue .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (30 words): LEFT-WALL L.= =e magaz.= =zine Roll.= =lling
Sto.= =one l'a 'a classé 125 25 5 meilleur a.= =lbum d.= =e tou.= =us les te.=
=emps en notant q.= =ue .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: L.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: =e
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: magaz.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 4: =zine - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (36 words): LEFT-WALL Le {} magaz.= =zine Rol.= =lling S.=
=one l'a 'a {} classé {} 125 25 5 meilleur {} album {} de {} tous {} les {} te.= =s
e.= =n not.= =otant q.= =e .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae07c819860 (28 words): LEFT-WALL Le magaz.= =zine Rol.= =lling S.= =one
l'a 'a classé 125 25 5 meilleur album de tous les te.= =s e.= =n not.= =otant q.=
=e .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 1: Le
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 2: magaz.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07c819860 Word 3: =zine - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 3: d.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 5: cet.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (13 words): LEFT-WALL Search {} an.= =nd Destroy {} - 3:2.=
:2.= {} {} {}
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =um, br.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =t, influ.= =fluencera l.= =e coura.= =ant punk. =unk.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (18 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =um, br.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =t, influ.= =fluencera l.= =e coura.= =ant punk. =unk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =um, brut {} e.= =t
fascinant, =inant, influ.= =nfluencera le {} cour.= =urant punk. =nk.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (16 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =um, brut e.= =t fascinant,
=inant, influ.= =nfluencera le cour.= =urant punk. =nk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Ce.= =t album, =bum, br.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =cinant, i.= =ra le {} courant {} punk. =k.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (17 words): LEFT-WALL Ce.= =t album, =bum, br.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =cinant, i.= =ra le courant punk. =k.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Ce.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: =t
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 4: =bum, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =um, brut {} e.= =t
fascinant, =cinant, influ.= =era le {} cour.= =ourant punk. .
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (16 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =um, brut e.= =t fascinant,
=cinant, influ.= =era le cour.= =ourant punk. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 4: =e
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 6: =ette - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 8: écrits
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae062b55a50 (8 words): LEFT-WALL Search an.= =nd Destroy - 3:2.= :2.= 
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 2: e.=
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 5: 1998
Trace: lkg=0x2ae07dd685c0 Word 3: =n
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (19 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l s.= =erait que {} cett.= =ette
derni.= =ière éditi.= =ition clôt {} cet {} épisode. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 1: Search
Trace: lkg=0x5be1fcd0 Word 9: p.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae06c8ec0d0 (16 words): LEFT-WALL I.= =l s.= =erait que cett.= =ette
derni.= =ière éditi.= =ition clôt cet épisode. .
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 2: an.=
Trace: 0x2ae07c819860 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae069d24d30 Word 6: 998 - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae069d24d30 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae062b55a50 Word 3: =nd - No Wordgraph match
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 1: I.=
Trace: 0x2ae062b55a50 FAILED
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 2: =l
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 3: s.=
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae069d24d30 (28 words): LEFT-WALL La {} réédition {} de {} 1998 998 98 8
chez {} Colombia {} a été {} ent.= =èrement remix.= =emixée pa.= =ar I.= =ggy Pop.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae06c8ec0d0 Word 4: =erait - No Wordgraph match
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts before:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (19 words): LEFT-WALL Cet {} album, =um, b.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =t, i.= =ra l.= =e c.= =nt punk. =nk.
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Debug: remove_empty_words: chosen_disjuncts after:
Linkage 0x2ae082b6f500 (18 words): LEFT-WALL Cet album, =um, b.= =ut e.= =t
fascinant, =t, i.= =ra l.= =e c.= =nt punk. =nk.
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 0: LEFT-WALL
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 1: Cet
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 2: album,
Trace: lkg=0x2ae082b6f500 Word 3: =um, - No Wordgraph match
Trace: 0x2ae082b6f500 FAILED
./ line 64: 31079 Aborted                 java $VM_OPTS
$RELEX_OPTS $CLASSPATH relex.Server --lang ady -n 99 --link --port 4446
[linas@cx1 frwiki-20131220-pages-articles]$
0:cntl  1:cogsrv- 2:relex* 3:telnt  4:parse# 5:spare    4.31 2017-01-31 21:14:14

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00002ae05278eefa, pid=31079, tid=47142955387200
# JRE version: 6.0_45-b06
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.45-b01 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C  []  pp_lexer_lex+0x4ca
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------

Current thread (0x00002ae0629b4800):  JavaThread "pool-4-thread-2" [_thread_in_native, id=13272, stack(0x00002ae0530c0000,0x00002ae0531c1000)]

siginfo:si_signo=SIGSEGV: si_errno=0, si_code=1 (SEGV_MAPERR), si_addr=0x0000000000003010

RAX=0x0000000000000000, RBX=0x0000000000000000, RCX=0x00002ae0527c5c40, RDX=0x0000000000004250
RSP=0x00002ae0531bf350, RBP=0x00002ae083923d80, RSI=0x0000000000000000, RDI=0x0000000000000005
R8 =0x00002ae0829c06a0, R9 =0x00002ae0527c5e00, R10=0x00002ae0829c06a0, R11=0x00002ae0829c06a0
R12=0x00002ae0527c5c80, R13=0x00002ae0527c5e40, R14=0x00002ae0527c6280, R15=0x00002ae0527c5dc0
RIP=0x00002ae05278eefa, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010297, CSGSFS=0x0000000000000033, ERR=0x0000000000000004

Top of Stack: (sp=0x00002ae0531bf350)
0x00002ae0531bf350:   00002ae0529e2024 0000000000000001
0x00002ae0531bf360:   00002ae0527c5e00 00002ae0829c48ef
0x00002ae0531bf370:   00002ae0829c06a0 000000005b52b0a0
0x00002ae0531bf380:   000000000000424f 0000003e29673dfe
0x00002ae0531bf390:   0000000000000d18 000000005b94ebf0
0x00002ae0531bf3a0:   00002ae0531bf580 00002ae0529f2498
0x00002ae0531bf3b0:   00002ae0531bf450 000000005b52b0a0
0x00002ae0531bf3c0:   000000005be15a20 00002ae05278fef3
0x00002ae0531bf3d0:   000000005be157e0 00002ae05278e08d
0x00002ae0531bf3e0:   00002ae0529e1540 000000005c674140
0x00002ae0531bf3f0:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00002ae0531bf400:   000000005ac58c20 000000005b7102c0
0x00002ae0531bf410:   00002ae0531bf580 000000005b7102c0
0x00002ae0531bf420:   00002ae0531bf580 00002ae0529f2498
0x00002ae0531bf430:   00002ae0531bf450 000000005b52b0a0
0x00002ae0531bf440:   00002ae0529e1540 00002ae052777690
0x00002ae0531bf450:   54552e53555f6e65 0000000000382d46
0x00002ae0531bf460:   00002ae0529e1540 00002ae0527775b4
0x00002ae0531bf470:   000000005ad4f080 000000005c674140
0x00002ae0531bf480:   000000005cd7ba60 000000005b85d670
0x00002ae0531bf490:   6e6f69746369643c 737265762d797261
0x00002ae0531bf4a0:   626d756e2d6e6f69 00000000003e7265
0x00002ae0531bf4b0:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00002ae0531bf4c0:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00002ae0531bf4d0:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00002ae0531bf4e0:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00002ae0531bf4f0:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00002ae0531bf500:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00002ae0531bf510:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00002ae0531bf520:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00002ae0531bf530:   0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00002ae0531bf540:   0000000000000000 00000000589013f4 

Instructions: (pc=0x00002ae05278eefa)
0x00002ae05278eeda:   c2 85 c0 7e 0f 41 80 7c 00 ff 0a 0f 94 c0 0f b6
0x00002ae05278eeea:   c0 89 45 28 48 8b 1d 0b 31 25 00 4c 89 4c 24 10
0x00002ae05278eefa:   83 bb 10 30 00 00 ff 0f 84 aa 09 00 00 4c 89 d7
0x00002ae05278ef0a:   4c 89 54 24 08 e8 7c 80 fd ff 48 83 f8 01 4c 8b 

Register to memory mapping:

RAX=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RBX=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RCX=0x00002ae0527c5c40: <offset 0x64c40> in /usr/local/lib/ at 0x00002ae052761000
RDX=0x0000000000004250 is an unknown value
RSP=0x00002ae0531bf350 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x00002ae0629b4800
RBP=0x00002ae083923d80 is an unknown value
RSI=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
RDI=0x0000000000000005 is an unknown value
R8 =0x00002ae0829c06a0 is an unknown value
R9 =0x00002ae0527c5e00: <offset 0x64e00> in /usr/local/lib/ at 0x00002ae052761000
R10=0x00002ae0829c06a0 is an unknown value
R11=0x00002ae0829c06a0 is an unknown value
R12=0x00002ae0527c5c80: <offset 0x64c80> in /usr/local/lib/ at 0x00002ae052761000
R13=0x00002ae0527c5e40: <offset 0x64e40> in /usr/local/lib/ at 0x00002ae052761000
R14=0x00002ae0527c6280: <offset 0x65280> in /usr/local/lib/ at 0x00002ae052761000
R15=0x00002ae0527c5dc0: <offset 0x64dc0> in /usr/local/lib/ at 0x00002ae052761000

Stack: [0x00002ae0530c0000,0x00002ae0531c1000],  sp=0x00002ae0531bf350,  free space=1020k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C  []  pp_lexer_lex+0x4ca

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j  org.linkgrammar.LinkGrammar.parse(Ljava/lang/String;)V+0
J  relex.parser.LocalLGParser.parse(Ljava/lang/String;)Lrelex/Sentence;
j  relex.RelationExtractor.parseSentence(Ljava/lang/String;)Lrelex/Sentence;+23
J  relex.RelationExtractor.processSentence(Ljava/lang/String;)Lrelex/Sentence;
J  relex.ServerSession.handle_session(Ljava/net/Socket;Ljava/io/PrintWriter;)V
j  relex.Server$
j  java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V+66
j  java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------

Java Threads: ( => current thread )
  0x00002ae0600f6000 JavaThread "pool-4-thread-8" [_thread_in_native, id=13278, stack(0x00002ae0532c2000,0x00002ae0533c3000)]
  0x00002ae0600ba800 JavaThread "pool-4-thread-7" [_thread_in_native, id=13277, stack(0x00002ae0531c1000,0x00002ae0532c2000)]
  0x00002ae0629b1800 JavaThread "pool-4-thread-6" [_thread_in_native, id=13276, stack(0x00002ae064101000,0x00002ae064202000)]
  0x00002ae060005000 JavaThread "pool-4-thread-5" [_thread_in_native, id=13275, stack(0x00002ae053cc5000,0x00002ae053dc6000)]
  0x00002ae060099800 JavaThread "pool-4-thread-4" [_thread_in_native, id=13274, stack(0x00002ae053bc4000,0x00002ae053cc5000)]
  0x00002ae060b3d800 JavaThread "pool-4-thread-3" [_thread_in_native, id=13273, stack(0x00002ae064000000,0x00002ae064101000)]
=>0x00002ae0629b4800 JavaThread "pool-4-thread-2" [_thread_in_native, id=13272, stack(0x00002ae0530c0000,0x00002ae0531c1000)]
  0x00002ae06085d800 JavaThread "pool-4-thread-1" [_thread_in_native, id=13271, stack(0x00002ae052fbf000,0x00002ae0530c0000)]
  0x000000005ac38800 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=31114, stack(0x00002ae052212000,0x00002ae052313000)]
  0x00002ae05406f800 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=31113, stack(0x00002ae052111000,0x00002ae052212000)]
  0x00002ae05406c800 JavaThread "C2 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=31112, stack(0x00002ae052010000,0x00002ae052111000)]
  0x00002ae05406a000 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=31111, stack(0x00002ae051f0f000,0x00002ae052010000)]
  0x00002ae05404d800 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=31102, stack(0x00002ae051e0e000,0x00002ae051f0f000)]
  0x00002ae05404b800 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=31101, stack(0x00002ae051d0d000,0x00002ae051e0e000)]
  0x000000005ac0c000 JavaThread "main" [_thread_blocked, id=31080, stack(0x00002ae04ca24000,0x00002ae04cb25000)]

Other Threads:
  0x00002ae054045000 VMThread [stack: 0x00002ae051c0c000,0x00002ae051d0d000] [id=31100]
  0x000000005ac43000 WatcherThread [stack: 0x00002ae052313000,0x00002ae052414000] [id=31115]

VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

 PSYoungGen      total 326272K, used 198898K [0x00000000eaab0000, 0x00000000ff220000, 0x0000000100000000)
  eden space 318144K, 62% used [0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000f6cec9b8,0x00000000fe160000)
  from space 8128K, 0% used [0x00000000fea30000,0x00000000fea30000,0x00000000ff220000)
  to   space 8576K, 0% used [0x00000000fe160000,0x00000000fe160000,0x00000000fe9c0000)
 PSOldGen        total 699072K, used 286K [0x00000000c0000000, 0x00000000eaab0000, 0x00000000eaab0000)
  object space 699072K, 0% used [0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000c0047800,0x00000000eaab0000)
 PSPermGen       total 21248K, used 5615K [0x00000000bae00000, 0x00000000bc2c0000, 0x00000000c0000000)
  object space 21248K, 26% used [0x00000000bae00000,0x00000000bb37bd98,0x00000000bc2c0000)

Code Cache  [0x00002ae04d099000, 0x00002ae04d309000, 0x00002ae050099000)
 total_blobs=555 nmethods=344 adapters=165 free_code_cache=48440576 largest_free_block=32512

Dynamic libraries:
40000000-40009000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 605111                             /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/java
40108000-4010a000 rwxp 00008000 fd:02 605111                             /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/bin/java
5ac04000-5de93000 rwxp 5ac04000 00:00 0                                  [heap]
bae00000-bc2c0000 rwxp bae00000 00:00 0 
bc2c0000-c0000000 rwxp bc2c0000 00:00 0 
c0000000-ff220000 rwxp c0000000 00:00 0 
ff220000-100000000 ---p ff220000 00:00 0 
3e29200000-3e2921c000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 588993                         /lib64/
3e2941c000-3e2941d000 r-xp 0001c000 fd:02 588993                         /lib64/
3e2941d000-3e2941e000 rwxp 0001d000 fd:02 588993                         /lib64/
3e29600000-3e2974f000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 588995                         /lib64/
3e2974f000-3e2994f000 ---p 0014f000 fd:02 588995                         /lib64/
3e2994f000-3e29953000 r-xp 0014f000 fd:02 588995                         /lib64/
3e29953000-3e29954000 rwxp 00153000 fd:02 588995                         /lib64/
3e29954000-3e29959000 rwxp 3e29954000 00:00 0 
3e29a00000-3e29a02000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 589350                         /lib64/
3e29a02000-3e29c02000 ---p 00002000 fd:02 589350                         /lib64/
3e29c02000-3e29c03000 r-xp 00002000 fd:02 589350                         /lib64/
3e29c03000-3e29c04000 rwxp 00003000 fd:02 589350                         /lib64/
3e29e00000-3e29e16000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 589008                         /lib64/
3e29e16000-3e2a016000 ---p 00016000 fd:02 589008                         /lib64/
3e2a016000-3e2a017000 r-xp 00016000 fd:02 589008                         /lib64/
3e2a017000-3e2a018000 rwxp 00017000 fd:02 589008                         /lib64/
3e2a018000-3e2a01c000 rwxp 3e2a018000 00:00 0 
3e2a200000-3e2a282000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 589373                         /lib64/
3e2a282000-3e2a481000 ---p 00082000 fd:02 589373                         /lib64/
3e2a481000-3e2a482000 r-xp 00081000 fd:02 589373                         /lib64/
3e2a482000-3e2a483000 rwxp 00082000 fd:02 589373                         /lib64/
3e2aa00000-3e2aa07000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 589344                         /lib64/
3e2aa07000-3e2ac07000 ---p 00007000 fd:02 589344                         /lib64/
3e2ac07000-3e2ac08000 r-xp 00007000 fd:02 589344                         /lib64/
3e2ac08000-3e2ac09000 rwxp 00008000 fd:02 589344                         /lib64/
3e2b600000-3e2b615000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 589349                         /lib64/
3e2b615000-3e2b814000 ---p 00015000 fd:02 589349                         /lib64/
3e2b814000-3e2b815000 r-xp 00014000 fd:02 589349                         /lib64/
3e2b815000-3e2b816000 rwxp 00015000 fd:02 589349                         /lib64/
3e2b816000-3e2b818000 rwxp 3e2b816000 00:00 0 
3e2ba00000-3e2ba59000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 753366                         /usr/lib64/
3e2ba59000-3e2bc58000 ---p 00059000 fd:02 753366                         /usr/lib64/
3e2bc58000-3e2bc5b000 rwxp 00058000 fd:02 753366                         /usr/lib64/
2ae04bcf0000-2ae04bcf2000 rwxp 2ae04bcf0000 00:00 0 
2ae04bd07000-2ae04bd0e000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 261758                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/jli/
2ae04bd0e000-2ae04be0f000 ---p 00007000 fd:02 261758                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/jli/
2ae04be0f000-2ae04be11000 rwxp 00008000 fd:02 261758                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/jli/
2ae04be11000-2ae04be14000 rwxp 2ae04be11000 00:00 0 
2ae04be14000-2ae04c732000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 50573                      /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/server/
2ae04c732000-2ae04c834000 ---p 0091e000 fd:02 50573                      /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/server/
2ae04c834000-2ae04c9ea000 rwxp 00920000 fd:02 50573                      /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/server/
2ae04c9ea000-2ae04ca24000 rwxp 2ae04c9ea000 00:00 0 
2ae04ca24000-2ae04ca27000 ---p 2ae04ca24000 00:00 0 
2ae04ca27000-2ae04cb25000 rwxp 2ae04ca27000 00:00 0 
2ae04cb25000-2ae04cb32000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 261796                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae04cb32000-2ae04cc31000 ---p 0000d000 fd:02 261796                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae04cc31000-2ae04cc34000 rwxp 0000c000 fd:02 261796                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae04cc34000-2ae04cc5d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 261775                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae04cc5d000-2ae04cd5c000 ---p 00029000 fd:02 261775                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae04cd5c000-2ae04cd63000 rwxp 00028000 fd:02 261775                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae04cd63000-2ae04cd64000 r-xp 2ae04cd63000 00:00 0 
2ae04cd64000-2ae04cd65000 rwxp 2ae04cd64000 00:00 0 
2ae04cd65000-2ae04cd6d000 rwxs 00000000 fd:00 573460                     /tmp/hsperfdata_linas/31079
2ae04cd7a000-2ae04cd84000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 588947                     /lib64/
2ae04cd84000-2ae04cf83000 ---p 0000a000 fd:02 588947                     /lib64/
2ae04cf83000-2ae04cf84000 r-xp 00009000 fd:02 588947                     /lib64/
2ae04cf84000-2ae04cf85000 rwxp 0000a000 fd:02 588947                     /lib64/
2ae04cf85000-2ae04cf93000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 261797                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae04cf93000-2ae04d095000 ---p 0000e000 fd:02 261797                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae04d095000-2ae04d098000 rwxp 00010000 fd:02 261797                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae04d098000-2ae04d309000 rwxp 2ae04d098000 00:00 0 
2ae04d309000-2ae050099000 rwxp 2ae04d309000 00:00 0 
2ae050099000-2ae0500a3000 rwxp 2ae050099000 00:00 0 
2ae0500a3000-2ae050159000 rwxp 2ae0500a3000 00:00 0 
2ae050159000-2ae050164000 rwxp 2ae050159000 00:00 0 
2ae050164000-2ae050182000 rwxp 2ae050164000 00:00 0 
2ae050182000-2ae05037c000 rwxp 2ae050182000 00:00 0 
2ae05037c000-2ae050382000 ---p 2ae05037c000 00:00 0 
2ae050382000-2ae0504e4000 rwxp 2ae050382000 00:00 0 
2ae0504e4000-2ae050502000 rwxp 2ae0504e4000 00:00 0 
2ae050502000-2ae050503000 ---p 2ae050502000 00:00 0 
2ae050503000-2ae050603000 rwxp 2ae050503000 00:00 0 
2ae050603000-2ae050604000 ---p 2ae050603000 00:00 0 
2ae050604000-2ae050704000 rwxp 2ae050604000 00:00 0 
2ae050704000-2ae050705000 ---p 2ae050704000 00:00 0 
2ae050705000-2ae050805000 rwxp 2ae050705000 00:00 0 
2ae050805000-2ae050806000 ---p 2ae050805000 00:00 0 
2ae050806000-2ae050906000 rwxp 2ae050806000 00:00 0 
2ae050906000-2ae050907000 ---p 2ae050906000 00:00 0 
2ae050907000-2ae050a07000 rwxp 2ae050907000 00:00 0 
2ae050a07000-2ae050a08000 ---p 2ae050a07000 00:00 0 
2ae050a08000-2ae050b08000 rwxp 2ae050a08000 00:00 0 
2ae050b08000-2ae050b09000 ---p 2ae050b08000 00:00 0 
2ae050b09000-2ae050c09000 rwxp 2ae050b09000 00:00 0 
2ae050c09000-2ae050c0a000 ---p 2ae050c09000 00:00 0 
2ae050c0a000-2ae050d0a000 rwxp 2ae050c0a000 00:00 0 
2ae050d0a000-2ae050d0b000 ---p 2ae050d0a000 00:00 0 
2ae050d0b000-2ae050e0b000 rwxp 2ae050d0b000 00:00 0 
2ae050e0b000-2ae050e0c000 ---p 2ae050e0b000 00:00 0 
2ae050e0c000-2ae050f34000 rwxp 2ae050e0c000 00:00 0 
2ae050f34000-2ae0510cd000 r-xs 03087000 fd:02 736184                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/rt.jar
2ae0510cd000-2ae051c0c000 rwxp 2ae0510cd000 00:00 0 
2ae051c0c000-2ae051c0d000 ---p 2ae051c0c000 00:00 0 
2ae051c0d000-2ae051d0d000 rwxp 2ae051c0d000 00:00 0 
2ae051d0d000-2ae051d10000 ---p 2ae051d0d000 00:00 0 
2ae051d10000-2ae051e0e000 rwxp 2ae051d10000 00:00 0 
2ae051e0e000-2ae051e11000 ---p 2ae051e0e000 00:00 0 
2ae051e11000-2ae051f0f000 rwxp 2ae051e11000 00:00 0 
2ae051f0f000-2ae051f12000 ---p 2ae051f0f000 00:00 0 
2ae051f12000-2ae052010000 rwxp 2ae051f12000 00:00 0 
2ae052010000-2ae052013000 ---p 2ae052010000 00:00 0 
2ae052013000-2ae052111000 rwxp 2ae052013000 00:00 0 
2ae052111000-2ae052114000 ---p 2ae052111000 00:00 0 
2ae052114000-2ae052212000 rwxp 2ae052114000 00:00 0 
2ae052212000-2ae052215000 ---p 2ae052212000 00:00 0 
2ae052215000-2ae052313000 rwxp 2ae052215000 00:00 0 
2ae052313000-2ae052314000 ---p 2ae052313000 00:00 0 
2ae052314000-2ae052414000 rwxp 2ae052314000 00:00 0 
2ae052414000-2ae052417000 r-xs 00067000 fd:02 1063002                    /usr/local/share/java/relex-1.6.3.jar
2ae052417000-2ae05242a000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 261788                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae05242a000-2ae05252b000 ---p 00013000 fd:02 261788                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae05252b000-2ae05252e000 rwxp 00014000 fd:02 261788                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/amd64/
2ae05252e000-2ae052533000 r-xs 0002d000 fd:02 1065526                    /usr/local/share/java/jwnl.jar
2ae052533000-2ae052534000 r-xs 00009000 fd:02 836806                     /usr/share/java/jakarta-commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
2ae052534000-2ae052535000 r-xs 00006000 fd:02 1063003                    /usr/local/share/java/linkgrammar-5.3.15.jar
2ae052535000-2ae05254b000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 756263                     /usr/local/lib/
2ae05254b000-2ae05274a000 ---p 00016000 fd:02 756263                     /usr/local/lib/
2ae05274a000-2ae05274b000 r-xp 00015000 fd:02 756263                     /usr/local/lib/
2ae05274b000-2ae05274c000 rwxp 00016000 fd:02 756263                     /usr/local/lib/
2ae05274c000-2ae052753000 r-xs 00000000 fd:02 802508                     /usr/lib64/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
2ae052753000-2ae052754000 rwxp 2ae052753000 00:00 0 
2ae052761000-2ae0527e0000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 755604                     /usr/local/lib/
2ae0527e0000-2ae0529e0000 ---p 0007f000 fd:02 755604                     /usr/local/lib/
2ae0529e0000-2ae0529e1000 r-xp 0007f000 fd:02 755604                     /usr/local/lib/
2ae0529e1000-2ae0529e2000 rwxp 00080000 fd:02 755604                     /usr/local/lib/
2ae0529e2000-2ae0529f3000 rwxp 2ae0529e2000 00:00 0 
2ae0529f3000-2ae052b8d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 755768                     /usr/local/lib64/
2ae052b8d000-2ae052d8d000 ---p 0019a000 fd:02 755768                     /usr/local/lib64/
2ae052d8d000-2ae052d97000 r-xp 0019a000 fd:02 755768                     /usr/local/lib64/
2ae052d97000-2ae052d99000 rwxp 001a4000 fd:02 755768                     /usr/local/lib64/
2ae052d99000-2ae052d9d000 rwxp 2ae052d99000 00:00 0 
2ae052d9d000-2ae052db3000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 755375                     /usr/local/lib64/
2ae052db3000-2ae052fb3000 ---p 00016000 fd:02 755375                     /usr/local/lib64/
2ae052fb3000-2ae052fb4000 rwxp 00016000 fd:02 755375                     /usr/local/lib64/
2ae052fb4000-2ae052fb7000 r-xs 000cc000 fd:02 572567                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar
2ae052fb7000-2ae052fbf000 r-xs 00115000 fd:02 736174                     /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/lib/resources.jar
2ae052fbf000-2ae052fc2000 ---p 2ae052fbf000 00:00 0 
2ae052fc2000-2ae0530c0000 rwxp 2ae052fc2000 00:00 0 
2ae0530c0000-2ae0530c3000 ---p 2ae0530c0000 00:00 0 
2ae0530c3000-2ae0531c1000 rwxp 2ae0530c3000 00:00 0 
2ae0531c1000-2ae0531c4000 ---p 2ae0531c1000 00:00 0 
2ae0531c4000-2ae0532c2000 rwxp 2ae0531c4000 00:00 0 
2ae0532c2000-2ae0532c5000 ---p 2ae0532c2000 00:00 0 
2ae0532c5000-2ae0533c4000 rwxp 2ae0532c5000 00:00 0 
2ae053bc4000-2ae053bc7000 ---p 2ae053bc4000 00:00 0 
2ae053bc7000-2ae053cc5000 rwxp 2ae053bc7000 00:00 0 
2ae053cc5000-2ae053cc8000 ---p 2ae053cc5000 00:00 0 
2ae053cc8000-2ae053dc6000 rwxp 2ae053cc8000 00:00 0 
2ae054000000-2ae058000000 rwxp 2ae054000000 00:00 0 
2ae058000000-2ae05b5d6000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 1065777                    /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
2ae05c000000-2ae060000000 rwxp 2ae05c000000 00:00 0 
2ae060000000-2ae064000000 rwxp 2ae060000000 00:00 0 
2ae064000000-2ae064003000 ---p 2ae064000000 00:00 0 
2ae064003000-2ae064101000 rwxp 2ae064003000 00:00 0 
2ae064101000-2ae064104000 ---p 2ae064101000 00:00 0 
2ae064104000-2ae064202000 rwxp 2ae064104000 00:00 0 
2ae068000000-2ae06c000000 rwxp 2ae068000000 00:00 0 
2ae06c000000-2ae06ffd9000 rwxp 2ae06c000000 00:00 0 
2ae06ffd9000-2ae070000000 ---p 2ae06ffd9000 00:00 0 
2ae07c000000-2ae080000000 rwxp 2ae07c000000 00:00 0 
2ae080000000-2ae084000000 rwxp 2ae080000000 00:00 0 
7fffedf1e000-7fffedf33000 rwxp 7ffffffe9000 00:00 0                      [stack]
7fffedf41000-7fffedf44000 r-xp 7fffedf41000 00:00 0                      [vdso]
ffffffffff600000-ffffffffffe00000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]

VM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Xmx1024m -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib:/usr/lib/jni:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/jni -Drelex.algpath=data/relex-semantic.algs -Dwordnet.configfile=data/wordnet/file_properties.xml 
java_command: relex.Server --lang ady -n 99 --link --port 4446
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD

Environment Variables:

Signal Handlers:
SIGSEGV: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGBUS: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGFPE: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGPIPE: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGXFSZ: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGILL: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGUSR1: SIG_DFL, sa_mask[0]=0x00000000, sa_flags=0x00000000
SIGUSR2: [], sa_mask[0]=0x00000000, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGHUP: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGINT: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGTERM: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004
SIGQUIT: [], sa_mask[0]=0x7ffbfeff, sa_flags=0x10000004

---------------  S Y S T E M  ---------------

OS:CentOS release 5.11 (Final)

uname:Linux 2.6.18-417.el5 #1 SMP Tue Dec 20 13:11:30 UTC 2016 x86_64
libc:glibc 2.5 NPTL 2.5 
rlimit: STACK 10240k, CORE 0k, NPROC 579438, NOFILE 1024, AS infinity
load average:13.73 15.17 14.23

MemTotal:     74171792 kB
MemFree:      41931536 kB
Buffers:        900872 kB
Cached:       21713324 kB
SwapCached:          0 kB
Active:       18779572 kB
Inactive:     10997172 kB
HighTotal:           0 kB
HighFree:            0 kB
LowTotal:     74171792 kB
LowFree:      41931536 kB
SwapTotal:     2048276 kB
SwapFree:      2048276 kB
Dirty:           63832 kB
Writeback:           0 kB
AnonPages:     7162736 kB
Mapped:        3930852 kB
Slab:          2204976 kB
PageTables:      61124 kB
NFS_Unstable:        4 kB
Bounce:              0 kB
CommitLimit:  39134172 kB
Committed_AS: 50268968 kB
VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB
VmallocUsed:    265452 kB
VmallocChunk: 34359472847 kB
HugePages_Total:     0
HugePages_Free:      0
HugePages_Rsvd:      0
Hugepagesize:     2048 kB

CPU:total 12 (6 cores per cpu, 2 threads per core) family 6 model 44 stepping 2, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, popcnt, ht

processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 1600.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 0
siblings    : 6
core id     : 0
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 0
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5333.69
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 1
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 2668.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 0
siblings    : 6
core id     : 1
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 2
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5333.55
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 2
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 1600.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 0
siblings    : 6
core id     : 2
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 4
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5333.41
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 3
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 1600.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 0
siblings    : 6
core id     : 8
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 16
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 8889.94
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 4
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 2668.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 0
siblings    : 6
core id     : 9
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 18
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5333.40
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 5
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 1600.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 0
siblings    : 6
core id     : 10
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 20
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5333.40
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 6
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 1600.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 1
siblings    : 6
core id     : 0
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 32
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5350.26
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 7
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 1600.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 1
siblings    : 6
core id     : 1
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 34
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5333.52
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 8
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 1600.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 1
siblings    : 6
core id     : 2
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 36
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5333.44
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 9
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 1600.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 1
siblings    : 6
core id     : 8
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 48
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5333.44
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 10
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 1600.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 1
siblings    : 6
core id     : 9
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 50
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5333.75
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

processor   : 11
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model       : 44
model name  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz
stepping    : 2
cpu MHz     : 2400.000
cache size  : 12288 KB
physical id : 1
siblings    : 6
core id     : 10
cpu cores   : 6
apicid      : 52
fpu     : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 11
wp      : yes
flags       : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc ida nonstop_tsc arat pni monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm
bogomips    : 5333.44
clflush size    : 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 40 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: [8]

Memory: 4k page, physical 74171792k(41931536k free), swap 2048276k(2048276k free)

vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.45-b01) for linux-amd64 JRE (1.6.0_45-b06), built on Mar 26 2013 14:07:02 by "java_re" with gcc 3.2.2 (SuSE Linux)

time: Tue Jan 31 17:55:25 2017
elapsed time: 2663 seconds
linas commented 7 years ago

What caught my eye was the long string of Trace messages, immediately before the crash. These never normally get printed, so I assume they are crash-related.

linas commented 7 years ago

FWIW, I am seeing strange and unexpected crashes/hangs on this machine; there's some chance that its hardware-related.

ampli commented 7 years ago

A memory corruption happened, and the question is whether it ior hardware fault,. These type of servers usually has ECC memory, so memory errors are less common than in desktop computers.

See if the kernel log reports hardware errors. In any case, I don't know what further can be done with this issue.

linas commented 7 years ago

yeah. I thought I'd log this, but its junk

linas commented 7 years ago

I might have fixed the root cause of this in #495. Other crashes remain (this machine has a very very old glibc on it, maybe 10 years old, and TLS seems to be unhappy.)