opencog / moses

MOSES Machine Learning: Meta-Optimizing Semantic Evolutionary Search. See also AS-MOSES but kept to guaranty backward compatibility.
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Is there a way to poll the progress of a running MOSES process? #59

Closed Habush closed 6 years ago

Habush commented 6 years ago

I am currently using Moses on a project and it takes about two hours to finish a single run. I was wondering if there is any way we can track the progress of the Moses run so that we can monitor it and display the progress result to users.

ngeiswei commented 6 years ago

Sure, MOSES logs its progress in moses.log while running. You may change the log level with option -l. For more info you may invoke MOSES help with moses --help. There is also a man page.

Habush commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

So is there any indicator in the log info that specifies the progress in a percentage or the current number of evaluation since Moses started?

ngeiswei commented 6 years ago

No percentage but you can get the current number of evaluations by grepping the following

Total number of evaluations so far:

I recall there's some script in the scripts folder that takes the log in input and outputs some stats, a csv file I think which you can use to display nice graphs about the performances and such.

linas commented 6 years ago

Not only is progress written to the log file, but there is a large/huge amount of info written there, in such a way that you can constantly and continually monitor the best and greatest results, without ever waiting for moses to "finish". Effectively, you can make it run forever, and always get the current best results, together with a measure of how good they are, how much better they are than the last results you'd looked at.

For many cases, this is the "best" way to run moses: just run it continuously, and stop it whenever the results are "good enough", and you need to free up the CPU/RAM resources for something else.