opencog / unify

Atomese expression unifier
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Provide Atomese wrapper #1

Open linas opened 1 year ago

linas commented 1 year ago

Provide an Atomese wrapper for Unify.

So, here's the deal: (Unify A B) is more or less the same thing as (Meet (Identical A B)) . However... There are some conceptual differences. Unify allows the form:

     (VariableList left-vars...)
     (VariableList right-vars..)

where left-vars... are the things to be taken as variables in left-expr. There's nothing like this for IdenticalLink or MeetLink. We can almost get the same thing by writing

     (VariableList left-vars... right-vars..)
     (Identical left-expr right-expr))

except that this can fail if (Variable "$X") appears in left-vars, and also appears in right-expr, but not in right-vars. There is no way to handle this case in any kind of easy or natural way using MeetLink. And that is how Unify is different from (Meet (Identical ..))

The proposal is then to provide two forms: either a simple form, with no vardecls


or the full form, with vardecls.

     (VariableList left-vars...)
     (VariableList right-vars..)

Maybe also provide (VariableListAuto) which means "yank them out for me".

What about the output? (next post)

linas commented 1 year ago

For the output, the "full form" would be

(LinkValue  ; set of all results...
   (List  ; list of left-right pairs
      (List  ; list of all left-var groundings
         (List (Variable $left-var-1") (Atom gnd-in-right))
         (List (Variable $left-var-2") (Atom another gnd-in-right)))
      (List  ; list of all right-var groundings
         (List (Variable $right-var-1") (Atom gnd-in-left))
         (List (Variable $right-var-2") (Atom another gnd-in-left)))))

This seems terribly verbose. Nasty-ugly verbose. Unusable from the usability perspective. So, a better variant would be to make it rewrite, just like a rule would:

       (VariableList left-vars...)
       (VariableList right-vars..)

where result-expr can use any of the variables appearing in left-vars or in right-vars. Perhaps an even more natural form would be

           (VariableList left-vars...)
           (VariableList right-vars..)

The above seems to match what conventional books on proof write for a typed rule ... @ngeiswei any comments or corrections?

linas commented 1 year ago

I do not understand the use-case for the unifier. I am guessing that it is this: There are two rules, written as RuleLinks of the form

   (VariableList X ...)
        (Premise A)
        (Premise B)
   (Conclusion F))

and similarly (Rule (VariableList Y...)(And (Premise C) (Premise D) ...) (Conclusion G))

Now, (I am guessing) you want to see if these two rules can be joined together. The chainer(s) try to figure out if (Conclusion F) can be unified with (Premise C) and use the unifier to try to figure this out, right?

The corresponding Unifier then has the form

       (VariableList vars X ... that are in F)
       (Conclusion F))
       (VariableList vars Y... that are in C)
       (Premise C))
      (Varible List X... Y...)
        (Premise A)
        (Premise B)
        (Premise D)
    (Conclusion G)))

So that a new RuleLink is constructed, without (Conclusion F) or (Premise C) in it, any more; but all the others remain, as before. Is this correct? Is this how the URE actually uses the unifier?

linas commented 1 year ago

FYI @ngeiswei the demo provides an example of chaining together two rules, using "pure Atomese" (no C++ or scheme code). Note the chaining direction is ambiguous: it can be read as going either "forwards" and "backwards" .

ngeiswei commented 1 year ago

Very cool work!

linas commented 1 year ago

Thank you!

linas commented 1 year ago

I mean, @ngeiswei you did all the hard work of making the unifier actually work. I did the easy part of slapping a coat of paint on the thing.