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Add #106

Closed waldyrious closed 10 years ago

waldyrious commented 10 years ago

...or at least some info to the README explaining how the site is built, how to fork, dependencies, etc.

I tried to see if a quick fix could be done for #100, but am unsure where the {{site.root_desc}} from atom.xml#L7 can be set.

kyzh commented 10 years ago

@waldir if you want a, create a pull request with the file.

There is 2 pages on how to contribute and how to help with a translation in the wiki.

Please let me know if something is missing content wise and i will try to help fill in the blanks

waldyrious commented 10 years ago

I think discussing these issues in terms of "wanting" is not a very useful (or accurate) way to talk about the collaborative improvement process ;) I would of course have submitted a PR with a change I believed to be beneficial, if I felt capable of doing so, which isn't the case, as I described above.

I had missed the wiki pages (albeit by simply not looking, mea culpa); I'm glad the info is available, but I'm thinking a could make it easier to find, since it's become sort of a standard location for this sort of instructions, at least among github repos. If you guys agree, I can submit a PR with the proposed change (starting off as a short intro paragraph and list of links to the wiki pages).

kyzh commented 10 years ago

Sorry, it wasn't meant as a RTFM. You should be able to do everything from a browser.

Something is always better than nothing at all. We can always improve it with other people's input later on.

Thanks for trying to make contributing easier. We can always discuss the content other people's input

waldyrious commented 10 years ago

I was also a little passive-aggressive in my response, so I owe you an apology as well. Oh, the perks of written communication! Anyway, moving on :)

So, in that case I'll submit a PR with a first version of with a link to the wiki pages, and we can then improve upon it :)

kyzh commented 10 years ago

It's all good :)