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hold a 2015 summit #142

Closed chadwhitacre closed 7 years ago

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

What's the plan?

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

@tenkabuto asked about this on Twitter.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

@kimlinglam You still interested/available to help with planning for this? :-)

timothyfcook commented 9 years ago

I’m into doing something. My work is slowly sorting itself out and I should have more mental freedom starting in the new year.

Would be excited to try and do a “summit" in Feb/March?


On Nov 18, 2014, at 4:12 PM, Chad Whitacre wrote:

What's the plan?

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chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

We did March the past two years. Need to watch for SXSW, March 13-22.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

We have $2,132.17 in our Gratipay account. I propose that we use that as a budget for this event.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

I've emailed @kimlinglam directly to see if Balanced and she are interested in hosting/organizing.

tenkabuto commented 9 years ago

@whit537 was kind enough to let me come for last year's summit, but I ended up not being able to go. In case you're willing to let me attend this year, would you all be opposed to it being held on a friday, saturday, or sunday?

galuszkak commented 9 years ago

@tenkabuto I agree. Weekend is actually better than other days of week for hosting event.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

@kyledrake It seems from The First Neocities Open Company Report that you're really digging OCI. That's awesome! :dancer: The fact is that Balanced and Gratipay are a little burned out on OCI at this point, so it's really encouraging to have some new energy in the group.

So, that said ... would you be willing to organize the 2015 OCI Summit? :-) The commitment would be to organize a fairly informal one-day event sometime this spring, with a budget of about $2,400. For comparison you can check out our past events here:

Waddya say? Up for taking the baton? :-)

kyledrake commented 9 years ago

I'm definitely interested in continuing the summit. Preliminarily, I'm interested. Would Gratipay and the Balanced teams be attending if I did run one?

One of the things I'm interested in is trying to define a more specific idea of what an open company is. This probably is better done as a non-OCI but related project, and then OCI becomes a general platform for the concept so we can come together and flesh things out discuss what it means to be an open company in a general and nonspecific way, so I like that.

Some basic blueprints would be nice. Where should it be located (probably SF), who I should invite, that kind of thing.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

@kyledrake Fantastic, thank you!

I will make every effort to attend, yes. I'd like to propose that we use some of the budget to sponsor travel (I know that would help me a lot, at least).

@jkwade Is Balanced in?

One of the things I'm interested in is trying to define a more specific idea of what an open company is. This probably is better done as a non-OCI but related project, and then OCI becomes a general platform for the concept so we can come together and flesh things out discuss what it means to be an open company in a general and nonspecific way, so I like that.

Related tickets: #41 #55 #129. I think we should focus on behaviors. Like, "here are a bunch of practical open-company-ish things you can implement at your company starting today." That's behind the pattern library idea (#129). I guess I'm going for more of a Wittgensteinian definition-in-use model than an essentialist ontology. ;-)

Some basic blueprints would be nice. Where should it be located (probably SF), who I should invite, that kind of thing.

Last year we had about a dozen of us meet for crepes and conversation at Balanced HQ. The event was about three hours long. We've got about twice as many companies on board this year, so depending on interest I could see the summit being 15-20 people meeting for 3-5 hours this year? Audience is primarily leadership of current and prospective OCI members, but should be open to the public.

SF seems a safe bet in terms of attendee travel, though if we have more than a dozen people I think we're pushing the limits of comfort for Balanced's space. If you and @ericholscher want to make it happen in Portland that could work, too. @timothyfcook and I have to travel either way.

Let's kick out separate tickets in the repo here as needed and use a Summit 2015 milestone to keep track.

@timothyfcook Can we get Twitter creds to @kyledrake so he can start promoting there?

ericholscher commented 9 years ago

:+1: Happy to host it in PDX at the PIE space. We have a nice conf room that can easily hold 10-15 folks for a full day. Lodging is likely cheaper than in SF as well, but still quite easy to fly into.

ericholscher commented 9 years ago

PIE space can probably hold 20 -- it's a big room.

Would likely also be workable to have in the PDX Mozilla space if we pre-arrange, or some other friendly office space. Not sold on having it in PDX, but happy to oblige if people are interested.

timothyfcook commented 9 years ago

The mozilla space sounds cool and thematically relevant. I’ve been working with some folks over there lately. They would be a great addition to the OCI, could be a good reason to strike up a conversation with them about it if we’re meeting in their space.

Thoughts on a date?

On Jan 16, 2015, at 11:55 AM, Eric Holscher wrote:

PIE space can probably hold 20 -- it's a big room.

Would likely also be workable to have in the PDX Mozilla space if we pre-arrange, or some other friendly office space. Not sold on having it in PDX, but happy to oblige if people are interested.

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Frijol commented 9 years ago

Commenting to make sure I get pinged with updates :)

I'm personally interested in attending, and could almost certainly offer our office space if it's on a weekend. We're in Berkeley, CA, pretty accessible by public transportation from SF. Office could hold up to 40 if pressed. (, office pics here:

Is our space of interest?

timothyfcook commented 9 years ago

since we're an opencompany does that mean we can share our twitter creds publicly?

login: opencompanyorg password: secretcompany

all yours! @kyledrake

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

since we're an opencompany does that mean we can share our twitter creds publicly?

login: opencompanyorg password: secretcompany

That was a really interesting decision! :scream: Thank you for helping us explore the limits of openness. :-)

I propose *ahem* that our Twitter password not be public, for the following reasons:

To avoid the above scenarios, I've gone ahead and changed the Twitter password. :-)

I'll email the new password to you, @galuszkak (who I believe had access before, yes?), and @kyledrake.

@frijol Want to help us run the Twitter account? :)

timothyfcook commented 9 years ago

haha. Thought you would like that! (also thought you would change it). I didn’t have folks e-mails and that seemed like the easiest route.

: - )

On Jan 16, 2015, at 4:05 PM, Chad Whitacre wrote:

since we're an opencompany does that mean we can share our twitter creds publicly?

login: opencompanyorg password: secretcompany

That was a really interesting decision! Thank you for helping us explore the limits of openness. :-)

I propose ahem that our Twitter password not be public, for the following reasons:

Anon could Tweet as us. Anon could access our Gratipay account, and give all our money to themself. Anon could change our Twitter password, and we wouldn't have either account (Twitter or Gratipay) anymore. To avoid the above scenarios, I've gone ahead and changed the Twitter password. :-)

I'll email the new password to you, @galuszkak (who I believe had access before, yes?), and @kyledrake.

@frijol Want to help us run the Twitter account? :)

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chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

To be honest I would say that crossed the line into recklessness. :-(

Open companies have to be really careful about safety. I believe that open companies will turn out to be safer in the end than closed companies (for the same reasons why open-source software is more secure than closed-source software), but there's very little room for flippancy. Openness can be threatening. We are stewards and we have to take that seriously.

timothyfcook commented 9 years ago

Heard. Failing up.

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

!m @timothyfcook

galuszkak commented 9 years ago

Yes I had an access to Twitter.

@timothyfcook sharing password isn't about being open ;) . Really. But apart from that, President of European Council when he was prime minister in Poland had his password on sticker on laptop So this happens everywhere ;).

kyledrake commented 9 years ago

@timothyfcook I'm 100% no on open security. I think security is really important, and that these are valid secrets for an open company to maintain. If not you're just going to get torn apart by trolls right away.

I see the goal of an open company to be as open as possible about things like revenues, source code, governing policies, and operations. But for example, Neocities shares our source code for the site, but we do not share our secrets (which are stored in a config.yml file that is not checked into git). I also do not share the true location of our servers behind our proxies, both to prevent hackers/DDoS attacks against our core infrastructure, and also to give us a legal barricade, which is important to us since we're providing free hosting to the public internet.

Much to discuss here. Much. :)

Happy to host in PDX, we would be able to get an excellent venue.

@ericholscher is far more capable of doing this well than I am, he is an excellent planner with deep experience in this field with his work on things like Write the Docs, and I would be happy to collaborate on this with you Eric if you're interested. :)

Flights and accomodations are very affordable from SF to PDX, and I could scrounge up some couches and guest rooms for people on a budget, and could set up something fun to do after. So yeah, that could be great!

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Some basic blueprints would be nice.

Alright, @kyledrake, I went ahead and made a Summit 2015 milestone, and I stubbed out a bunch of tickets:

I have a call with @jkwade this afternoon, to find out the extent to which Balanced wants to be involved. Along those lines, maybe #158 would be a good place to start?

chadwhitacre commented 9 years ago

Had a good call catching up with @jkwade. tl;dr is that Balanced is a solid maybe to attend the summit, and is ready to let someone else host it this year.

galuszkak commented 9 years ago

How is this going? Any progress on preparations? @kyledrake @whit537 @ericholscher

tenkabuto commented 9 years ago

Does the Summit need to be held at a participating company's location? We may be able to reserve a conference room at a public library in SF, use the internet there for live broadcast, and then go to lunch somewhere nearby. On Feb 13, 2015 9:05 AM, "Kamil Gałuszka" wrote:

How is this going? Any progress on preparations? @kyledrake @whit537 @ericholscher

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galuszkak commented 9 years ago

@tenkabuto this should probably go to @kyledrake

galuszkak commented 9 years ago

@kyledrake knock, knock ? ;) On what page we are with summit?

webmaven commented 9 years ago

Does Balanced's shutdown affect anyone's decision to attend?

tenkabuto commented 9 years ago

@webmaven I'd still like to attend. Having one of the Balanced folks there would be nice too, if only to tell them "good effort, guys." On Apr 19, 2015 7:23 AM, "Michael R. Bernstein" wrote:

Does Balanced's shutdown affect anyone's decision to attend?

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chadwhitacre commented 7 years ago

Closing old tickets.