opencomputeproject / CADCloud

CADCloud is a cloud based sharing infrastructure dedicates to CAD engineers. It allows users to share design files, browse them interactively through a simple web interface, and support native file format from popular open source tools.
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Alternative for a 3D viewer? #14

Open bf5man opened 3 years ago

bf5man commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone, first of all, I want to congratulate you. This is a very cool idea and I will follow it with great interest.

I just wanted to make sure you were aware of this 3D webviewer project made with OpenCascade named CascadeStudio:

There's a demo here where you can load STEPS files:

I thought that maybe, it there could be something interesting as a basis for your own viewer.

vejmarie commented 3 years ago

HI, thanks for the feedback. I was not aware of CascadeStudio. It looks closed to some work that @erossignon made a couple of years ago with nodes ( I stopped exploring that alternative due complexity to interface with OCC and was focused on porting freecad to OCC 7.x kernel. I will definitely give it a try and have a look. Right now our viewer is "basic" and is getting as input OBJ generated from FreeCAD (we did adapted the Wavefront OBJ exporter for that purpose). I am facing some challenges to find the right balance for the meshing.