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Added proposal for power shelf management #51

Closed mraineri closed 4 months ago

mraineri commented 11 months ago

Proposal spec and profile for management of a power shelf.

Currently version 0.9.0 to indicate this is a WIP for review and feedback.

jcleung5549 commented 5 months ago

I am not sure it matters but the LED’s are in the power supplies and not in the shelf. We would want to take that into account, and probably have. [From Kevin Gero on the OCP Rack & Power mail-list, 2023.11.13]

JamieC79 commented 5 months ago

The Fans are usually also within the PSUs, currently they seem to be listed as part of the thermal subsystem, which appears to be an external device to PSUs. Also thermal sensors are currently within the PSU, there are no thermal sensors defined within the power shelf itself. In addition i am wondering if this group also will define this for BBU (Battery Backup Shelf) ?

mraineri commented 5 months ago

I am not sure it matters but the LED’s are in the power supplies and not in the shelf. We would want to take that into account, and probably have. [From Kevin Gero on the OCP Rack & Power mail-list, 2023.11.13]

We should be covered with this; I followed up offline and showed the spec puts the LEDs in the power supplies and not the shelf.

The Fans are usually also within the PSUs, currently they seem to be listed as part of the thermal subsystem, which appears to be an external device to PSUs.

The profile has two "IfImplemented" requirements around fans: 1) the "Fan" resource, which is used for fans in the shelf that are external to the power supplies, and 2) the "PowerSupplyMetrics" resource with the "FanSpeedsPercent" property for fans that are within the power supplies. The intent here with the usage of "IfImplemented" is to show that it's only a requirement to support if the power shelf design has those types of fans. Is it safe to say a power shelf will never be designed with fans outside of the power supply? If so, I can remove this from the spec and profile.

Also thermal sensors are currently within the PSU, there are no thermal sensors defined within the power shelf itself.

The power supply temperature sensors are covered with the requirement in PowerSupplyMetrics (with the TemperatureCelsius property). I was unaware the overall shelf did not have an overall temperature sensor. I'll remove that requirement from EnvironmentMetrics and ThermalMetrics to not require an "Internal" temperature sensor.

In addition i am wondering if this group also will define this for BBU (Battery Backup Shelf) ?

It's certainly something that has been brought up. However, the Redfish model itself doesn't have support for this type of design, so changes in the standard would need to be made first. Once that's done, we should make a separate profile/spec for that class of product. But right now this profile/spec is limited to power shelves.

jcleung5549 commented 4 months ago

Approved on March 5. Need to bump to 1.0.