openconfig / featureprofiles

Feature Profiles are groups of OpenConfig paths and tests which verify their behavior
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Issue with gnmi.WatchAll #1208

Closed cprabha closed 1 year ago

cprabha commented 1 year ago

Hi ,

I am getting error while using gnmi.WatchAll() function. Below is the error, please could you check.

Error: Get(t) on dut at /network-instances/network-instance[name=DEFAULT]/protocols/protocol[identifier=BGP][name=BGP]/bgp/neighbors/neighbor[neighbor-address=]/afi-safis/afi-safi[afi-safi-name=IPV4_UNICAST]/state/prefixes/sent: failed to receive to data: error receiving gNMI response: rpc error: code = OutOfRange desc = error on request { subscribe: { prefix: { target: "dut:6030" } subscription: { path: { origin: "openconfig" elem: { name: "network-instances" } elem: { name: "network-instance" key: { key: "name" value: "DEFAULT" } } elem: { name: "protocols" } elem: { name: "protocol" key: { key: "identifier" value: "BGP" } key: { key: "name" value: "BGP" } } elem: { name: "bgp" } elem: { name: "neighbors" } elem: { name: "neighbor" key: { key: "neighbor-address" value: "" } } elem: { name: "afi-safis" } elem: { name: "afi-safi" key: { key: "afi-safi-name" value: "IPV4_UNICAST" } } elem: { name: "state" } elem: { name: "prefixes" } elem: { name: "sent" } } } mode: ONCE encoding: PROTO } }: ID Exhausted

Thanks, Prabha

LimeHat commented 1 year ago

@cprabha as far as I understand, this is an error coming from your DUT

rpc error: code = OutOfRange desc = error on request {
}: ID Exhausted
greg-dennis commented 1 year ago

@cprabha, yes, this is the DUT's gnmi response, not related to anything in the WatchAll function itself

cprabha commented 1 year ago

Thanks @greg-dennis , @LimeHat .