Closed yennym3 closed 2 months ago
You need to have a license for srlinux
You need to have a license for srlinux
In this documentation it mentions that it is possible to use SRLinux without a license by removing certain fields, which I have tried but the error I mentioned above still occurs.
Without sharing the exact topology you try to start it is not possible to answer any questions
Without sharing the exact topology you try to start it is not possible to answer any questions
The topology I am testing is exactly the same as the one provided in the example repository,
it can't be the same, since you should have removed the ixr6e model from the topology and openconfig models from the config
it can't be the same, since you should have removed the ixr6e model from the topology and openconfig models from the config
I'm sorry for any confusion. I meant to say that the topology I'm using is based on the example from the repository. I've tested it in both configurations with and without, the 'ixr6e' model and OpenConfig models from the configuration. However, I have had the same result in both cases.
You need to investigate pod logs to understand the reason; most likely, you need more changes than a simple removal of the model & openconfig
container. There are a few other things in the cfg that are not supported on other platforms.
Starting with the default config is your best bet, reusing the configs from ixr6/10 examples on other platforms is unlikely to give you good results.
Currently I persist the error that I have commented on the restart of the pods, looking at the documentation in the tutorial indicates that it was used as a test k8s cluster kind, the problem of restarting the pods occurs when I deploy the pods on an external cluster that was created with kubeadm and not kin
I have observed in the srlinus-controller logs when creating the pods the following errors.
1.7104141231090307e+09 INFO updating srlinux status {"controller": "srlinux", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "Srlinux", "Srlinux": {"name":"srl1","namespace":"2srl-prueba-2"}, "namespace": "2srl-prueba-2", "name": "srl1", "reconcileID": "f0b1efe1-1c56-44a9-a205-6dd38b58f561", "srlinux-status": {"status":"Pending","image":"","startup-config":{}}}
1.7104141231321757e+09 **ERROR** failed to update Srlinux status {"controller": "srlinux", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "Srlinux", "Srlinux": {"name":"srl1","namespace":"2srl-prueba-2"}, "namespace": "2srl-prueba-2", "name": "srl1", "reconcileID": "f0b1efe1-1c56-44a9-a205-6dd38b58f561", "error": "Operation cannot be fulfilled on \"srl1\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again"}*SrlinuxReconciler).updateSrlinuxStatus
1.7104141231323476e+09 **ERROR** Reconciler error {"controller": "srlinux", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "Srlinux", "Srlinux": {"name":"srl1","namespace":"2srl-prueba-2"}, "namespace": "2srl-prueba-2", "name": "srl1", "reconcileID": "f0b1efe1-1c56-44a9-a205-6dd38b58f561", "error": "Operation cannot be fulfilled on \"srl1\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again"}*Controller).reconcileHandler
I have tested to deploy the srlinux on kind cluster and this problem does not happen.
Has anyone had this same problem when not using kind as a cluster and would know how to solve it?
this error on its own doesn't lead to any issues. The reconciliation should still happen. If you see your pods not coming up, then something else prevents it, not the reconciliation error. I saw this error in my clusters, but it is transient and goes away
Hi, I'm deploy the topology 2node-srl-ixr6-with-oc-services.pbtxt, but the containers are unable to stay 'ready' and 'running' as they keep restarting constantly.
Deploying topology:
Status of the pods:
Events for the container srl1: