Closed tianon closed 3 months ago
Looks like the | replace
statement in the template that was just merged is breaking the Liquid processor.
If this is jekyll it should be something like:
{{ $value.Meta.Name | downcase | replace: " ", "-" }}
Instead of {{ lower $value.Meta.Name | replace " " "-" }}
That's not tested, I just pulled that out of my head, but I'm pretty sure that jekyll doesn't have lower, and then replace requires a colon and common between parameters.
But the reference to $value has me concerned it's some turducken combination of multiple things... :grimacing:
The Github Pages I am pretty sure is now handled by Netlify instead and publishing successfully to
Pages is/was publishing to which seems broken. I just disabled github pages in the repo settings and I'll close this issue as done.
Recent PR merges are failing to build (and I did the merges, so I'm the lucky one getting the emails 🙃).
Someoneâ„¢ should probably look into it and see what we can do to fix it.