opencredo / kubefuse

Kubernetes as a FUSE Filesystem
Apache License 2.0
266 stars 16 forks source link

Execution fails on mac #24

Open joaocc opened 6 years ago

joaocc commented 6 years ago

install looks ok

$ pip3 install kubefuse
Collecting kubefuse
  Downloading kubefuse-0.7.3.tar.gz
Requirement already satisfied: fusepy>=2.0.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from kubefuse)
Collecting python-myna==1.2.0 (from kubefuse)
  Downloading python-myna-1.2.0.tar.gz
Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from kubefuse)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.10.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from kubefuse)
Building wheels for collected packages: kubefuse, python-myna
  Running bdist_wheel for kubefuse ... done
  Stored in directory: /Users/my-user/Library/Caches/pip/wheels/92/18/07/49c7dbbc561c8ac4e366befec2af409f53765662ae4d4081bc
  Running bdist_wheel for python-myna ... done
  Stored in directory: /Users/my-user/Library/Caches/pip/wheels/d3/f5/6f/fd9f2b7ffc199ec6363b413a4a14e7dca1d4766ea42565b8a3
Successfully built kubefuse python-myna
Installing collected packages: python-myna, kubefuse
Successfully installed kubefuse-0.7.3 python-myna-1.2.0

running it not so

$ kubefuse
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/kubefuse", line 7, in <module>
    from kubefuse.kubefuse import main
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kubefuse/", line 13
    print "It looks like the Fuse system library is missing."
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print(int "It looks like the Fuse system library is missing.")?
bspaans commented 6 years ago

Looks like you need to install

joaocc commented 6 years ago

I do have it installed (v3.7.1). Any ideas? thx

bspaans commented 6 years ago

Not sure, probably some library path issue? I'm not on Mac anymore so can't help you much I'm afraid, but I think I had it working using fuse installed through brew.

bspaans commented 6 years ago

Oh actually, just read the error more closely: you are using Python3 and this is Python2 code unfortunately.

joaocc commented 6 years ago

ah. ok. i'll try using virtual env. thx!

adamgoose commented 5 years ago

Dupe of #25. I only give the newer issue precedence over this one as its more descriptive and indicative of the issue at hand.