opencrvs / opencrvs-core

A global solution to civil registration
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Part 1: Update Address capture fields: As a agent, I want to add the usual place of residence for a mother, deceased or informant #2571

Closed anny320 closed 2 years ago

anny320 commented 2 years ago


Acceptance criteria GIVEN I am an agent (Field agent, Reg agent or registrar)
WHEN navigate to the Mother’s Details, Deceased or informants
THEN show the address defaults to where i am assigned. GIVEN I am an agent (Field agent, Reg agent or registrar)
WHEN I select rural
THEN show the village input field GIVEN I am on the review page
THEN the label for the address is ‘Usual place of residence’ Design


anny320 commented 2 years ago

Links closely with #2568 which is part 2 @euanmillar

SyedaAfrida commented 2 years ago

@anny320 this is tested. You can review birth declaration testcases and close this ticket

anny320 commented 2 years ago
