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As a System admin, I want to create a new client integration #3594

Closed jpye-finch closed 1 year ago

jpye-finch commented 2 years ago

As a System admin, I want to create a new client integration


Acceptance criteria

GIVEN I am a system admin WHEN I click New client on the Integration page THEN open the new client model

GIVEN I am creating a new client WHEN I add a name already used THEN show the error ‘Client name already being used.’

GIVEN I am creating a new client WHEN I select Health Notification THEN show the explainer copy for Health Notification

GIVEN I am creating a new client WHEN I select National ID THEN show the explainer copy for National ID

GIVEN I have created a National ID client WHEN I select the Type select THEN the option for National ID should not exist as there is only one of this type allowed

GIVEN I am creating a new client WHEN I select Record Search THEN show the explainer copy for Record Search

GIVEN I am creating a new client WHEN I select Webhook THEN show the explainer copy for Webhook

GIVEN I have added a name and select a type WHEN I click create THEN [show the loading state]

GIVEN the client has been created THEN show the keys

GIVEN there was an error creating the client THEN show the error. ‘There was a problem creating the client [Name]. Please try again.’




naftis commented 2 years ago

@jpye-finch when you create a integration. We should show an alert that the "Client secret" will visible one-time only. image

euanmillar commented 1 year ago

@naftis @Zangetsu101 @jpye-finch Apologies I know I said we would not do a Webhook type, but I think we should after some thought. @Zangetsu101 @naftis We should create a new scope "webhook". Then in the webhooks microservice in the transformBirthBundle and transformDeathBundle have a different case for "webhook" which just sends only the child / deceased data for now. Additionally, we should have some validation so that only 1 National ID client can be created. Users can make as many Record Search, Health Notification and Webhook clients as they like, but if there was more than 1 nationalId client, we sould have technical problems. Can you create tasks for this and split this ticket up so that Robin or a SeamHealth developer can help?

SyedaAfrida commented 1 year ago

Bug: when client name is already used, should through error - ‘Client name already being used.’& NID dropdown should not show as there is only one of this type allowed

Zangetsu101 commented 1 year ago

@SyedaAfrida We are showing a warning instead of just straight up hiding the NID option in the type dropdown and the create button is also disabled in this case. And duplicate names are fine for integrations

SyedaAfrida commented 1 year ago

@anny320 this ticket is fixed and can be closed

anny320 commented 1 year ago
