opencrvs / opencrvs-core

A global solution to civil registration
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Rich form field configuration – PII, analytics, identifiers... #6372

Open rikukissa opened 9 months ago

rikukissa commented 9 months ago

Make it possible for the backend to connect an input datapoint with its original field definition. This enables counties to configure fields

  fieldId: 'child.nationalId',
  deduplication: {
    unique: true
  allowCorrection: false,
  pii: true,
  identifier: true,
  identifierType: 'NID'
  fieldId: 'mother.educationLevel',
  allowCorrection: true,
  pii: false,
  statistic: true

Why this is important

Overall, this will reduce core's reliance on forms fields and allows more dynamic form creation and different type of forms without a Medium+ development project.

In the long term, this will enable countries for example to


rikukissa commented 3 weeks ago

Changing this to an experiment so we get this moving quicker